形成企业策略的动力——IT与策略(powerpoint 48页)

MIS第1章 IT 和策略 形成企業策略的力量l l已經部署了已經部署了InternetInternet科技的公司一直在為由他們自己造成的科技的公司一直在為由他們自己造成的扭曲市場信號感到困惑。扭曲市場信號感到困惑。l l在面對新的企業現象時,依靠市場結果指導。在面對新的企業現象時,依靠市場結果指導。l l但是在重要新科技展開的早期階段,市場信號不可靠。但是在重要新科技展開的早期階段,市場信號不可靠。l l新科技觸發在公司及客戶中蔓延的實驗,這種實驗往往在新科技觸發在公司及客戶中蔓延的實驗,這種實驗往往在經濟上無法承受。經濟上無法承受。l l結果,市場行為受扭曲,必須小心解釋。結果,市場行為受扭曲,必須小心解釋。l l企業環境穩定時,策略決策就像一盤棋。棋手研究對手的企業環境穩定時,策略決策就像一盤棋。棋手研究對手的走法,然後做出對抗走法。走法,然後做出對抗走法。l l在企業創新的時期中,競爭對手的行動可能並不必然反映在企業創新的時期中,競爭對手的行動可能並不必然反映理性而合理的企業觀念。理性而合理的企業觀念。l l於是有必要返回到對形成策略的力量的根本分析。於是有必要返回到對形成策略的力量的根本分析。企業模式l l企業模式闡明一個企業怎樣與環境互動以定義一個獨特的策略,吸引那些資源和建立那些能力去執行它,透過那些過程,以建立全部利害關係人的價值。l l成功的企業模型使一個組織能瞄準它的環境。策略 l l策略定義組織的收入和成長潛力。l l它使注意力和資源聚焦在要求取得策略結果的具體目標和項目上。能力 l l能力被建立來以最低成本方式迅速有效達到目標同時能快速與有效的對變化反應。l l能力定義組織的成本模型,當和收入模型比較時,說明一個組織怎樣在資產上產生獲利的成長和有效率的報酬。企業模型的組成部分 從事策略稽核 分析競爭力量和策略定位 策略定位是在4個領域的選擇結果 l l市場/通路定位 定義要提供顧客的產品與服務,要達成的顧客需要和期望,以及達到顧客的通路。l l產品定位 定義所提供的產品和服務,其特徵和價格。l l價值鏈/價值網路定位 定義組織在供應商、生產商、經銷商和合作夥伴的擴充網路中所扮演的角色和所執行的作業。l l邊界定位 定義不去追求的市場,產品與業務。顧客稽核探討 l和現有和潛在的顧客交談。l拜訪並且觀察他們如何使用我們所提供的產品/服務。l收集市場研究。l建立重點顧客群。l使顧客加入產品設計或改進。問題舉例l lWhat can we do to increase market share and share of What can we do to increase market share and share of wallet?wallet?l lWhat are the pressing problems(pains)that What are the pressing problems(pains)that customers face?customers face?l lHow well are customer needs and expectations being How well are customer needs and expectations being met today?met today?l lHow much are customers willing to pay to get their How much are customers willing to pay to get their needs met?needs met?l lWhat is the current(and future)size of the customer What is the current(and future)size of the customer base?base?l lAre customer markets large and growing?Which segments are growing(or could grow)most rapidly?(Measure growth in terms of revenues,units sold,customer visits,number of customers/users,pricing,etc,)l lWhich of our current product/service offerings do our customers use today and how much revenue do we generate from each customer(or customer segment)?l lWhat product/service offerings would our customers like us to offer?l lWhat wallet share do we have today?What share of wallet do we have?競爭者稽核探討 l l辨認傳統的競爭者,潛在新進入者,與替代品。l l標竿當今或潛在提供物。l l問準客戶他們為什麼使用各種相關產品,哪些需要沒被滿足,以及什麼原因引起他們轉換產品。l l收集產業數據。l l與專家交談。問題舉例 l lWho are our competitors(including substitute Who are our competitors(including substitute products and services)and how do they differentiate products and services)and how do they differentiate their offerings?their offerings?l lWhat prices do they charge and what margins do they What prices do they charge and what margins do they get?get?l lHow sustainable are their positions?How sustainable are their positions?l lCan their customers easily switch to other offerings?Can their customers easily switch to other offerings?l lHow easy(or hard)would it be for competitors,new How easy(or hard)would it be for competitors,new entrants,or substitutes to enter our market and steal entrants,or substitutes to enter our market and steal share?share?l lWhat market share and share of wallet do key competitors/substitutes have?What potential approaches could competitors take to increase market share and share of wallet?l lWhat approaches could we take to preserve your differentiated position?l lHow powerful are competitors and how might they respond to changes we might make?產品/市場定位稽核探討 l l選擇要服務的市場,產品/服務組合和到達市場的通路。l l決定你將不追隨的市場,產品,通路和業務。l l鑑定差異化的基礎。l l定義要發展的訊息與宣傳品牌。問題舉例 l lWhich markets will we serve?Which markets will we serve?l lWhat products and services will we offer and how will we What products and services will we offer and how will we differentiate our offerings?differentiate our offerings?l lHow will the features of our offerings compare with available How will the features of our offerings compare with available alternatives?alternatives?l lHow will the prices we charge compare with available How will the prices we charge compare with available alternatives?alternatives?l lWhat channels will we use to reach our markets?What channels will we use to reach our markets?l lHow sustainable is our position and the business model needed How sustainable is our position and the business model needed to achieve and support that position?to achieve and support that position?l lWhat are our options for growing our business in the future?What are our options for growing our business in the future?l lWhat opportunities will we not pursue?What opportunities will we not pursue?價值網路稽核探討 l l辨認需要執行產品/市場/通路策略的作業,資源和能力與評姑當今地位。l l決定你將做什麼,自己做或委外。l l訪問當今和潛在的供應商和合作夥伴並評估能力和基礎設施。問題舉例 l lWhat activities,capabilities,and resources are What activities,capabilities,and resources are required to execute strategy?required to execute strategy?l lWhich will my company perform and which will we Which will my company perform and which will we source from the outside?source from the outside?l lFor the activities we outsource,how will we For the activities we outsource,how will we coordinate and control activities with key suppliers coordinate and

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