
一、听音,选择正确答案 1.听录音,选择正确的答句。 (____)1. A.Good afternoon. B.Thank you. (____)2. A.Here you are. B.Thanks. (____)3. A.You're welcome. B.Yes, please. (____)4. A.Thank you. B.You're welcome. 二、听音判断 2.听录音,判断所听内容与下列图片是否一致,一致的打“√”,不一致的打“×”。 (____) 1. (____) 2. (____) 3. (____) 4. (____) 5. 三、听音,选择听到的内容 3.听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 (____) 1. A.what B.water C.bird (____) 2. A.pig B.pen C.egg (____) 3. A.mouth B.milk C.mum (____) 4. A.cake B.cat C.kite (____) 5. A.body B.brown C.bread 四、词汇选择题 找出不同类的单词。 4.A.ruler B.book C.bread 5.A.nine B.nice C.eight 6.A.school B.duck C.monkey 7.A.three B.six C.too 8.A.dog B.yellow C.bird 五、单选题 9.This is my face. ( ) A.这是我的脸。 B.这是我的朋友。 10.—Goodbye, Miss White! ( ) —____ A.Bye, Mr Black! B.OK! C.Hello! 11.A: Let’s make a puppet. ( ) B: __________ A.Yes, I am. B.Good idea. C.Very well, thanks. 12.—I have a green crayon. ( ) —__________ A.me too. B.I have a crayon. C.Me too. 13.—I’m hungry. ( ) —_________. A.Have some cake B.Have some milk C.Have some juice 六、用单词正确形式填空 14.Let them _______ (go) and play.(写出所给单词的适当形式) 15.It ________ (be) a dog. 七、补全句子 16.What’s _____ (你的) name? 17.What’s _____ (你的) name? 18.That’s a ______ (蛋糕). 八、判断句子和图片是否相符 19. Drink some water. (_____) 20. I have pens. (_____) 21. Look, this is my ear. (_____) 22.:I have a book. (_____) 23. Act like a tiger. (_____) 九、句子匹配 A.See you. B.My name is Chen Jie. C.No, I am Zip. D.I'm John. E. Me too. 24.Hello! I'm Wu Yifan. (_____) 25.Goodbye! (_____) 26.What's your name? (_____) 27.Are you Tutu? (_____) 28.I have a pencil. (_____) 十、选内容补全对话/短文 选择合适的一项,补全对话。 A: Mum, I’m hungry! 29. B: 30. A: 31. A.Thanks. B.Here you are. Have some milk, too. C.I’d like some bread. 十一、阅读判断 Read and judge. (读一读, 判断正“T”误“F”。) John: Have some bread, Chen Jie. Chen Jie: No, thank you. I’d like some juice. Mike: I’d like some milk and bread. Sarah: I’d like some fish and rice. John: OK. Here you are. Chen Jie, Mike and Sarah: Thank you, John. John: You are welcome. 32.Chen Jie would like some juice. (____) 33.Mike would like some water. (____) 34.Sarah would like some fish and bread. (____) 35.Chen Jie and Mike would like some bread. (____) 36.There are four people in the dialogue(对话). (____) 十二、命题作文 37.写一段话,介绍自己的家庭。 试卷第1页,共2页 参考答案 1.B A A A 2.√ × √ √ × 3.B A C B C 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.go 15.is 16.your 17.your 18.cake 19.F 20.F 21.T 22.F 23.F 24.D 25.A 26.B 27.C 28.E 29.C 30.B 31.A 32.T 33.F 34.F 35.F 36.T 37.Hello, I’m Alice. This is my grandpa. This is my grandma. This is my father. This is my mother. This is me 答案第3页,共1页

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