
2021-2022学年湖北省武汉市育才高级中学高三英语联考试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. Cheer up! Everyone may have periods in their lives __ everything seems tough.          A.when                  B.where            C.which              D.That 参考答案: A 略 2. —He should have been warned of the danger. —        , but he wouldn't Listen to me. A. So he had        B. So had he                     C. So was he        D. So he was 参考答案: D 3. You can hold a party in the garden        you clean it up afterwards. A. as long as          B. even if                 C. now that                      D. as soon as 参考答案: A 略 4. Mary ______ all the housework, she dropped herself into the sofa, sighing with relief.    A. finished          B. had finished      C. having finished       D. finishing 参考答案: C 5. Most students study because it’s unavoidable.  , there are students who actually enjoy it. A. As a result B. In addition C. In conclusion D. By contrast 参考答案: D 【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:大多数学生学习都是迫不得已。相比之下,有一些学生是真的喜欢学习。A. As a result结果是;B. In addition另外;C. In conclusion总之;D. By contrast相比之下。根据句意,选D。 6. The Opening Ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games is a great success, ____ that has surprised the world. A. it                            B. one                C. the one             D. which 参考答案: B 7. It's wise of parents to chat and exchange ideas with their kids ____dinner.          A.for                             B.at                               C.over                           D.with 参考答案: C 略 8. Was it at the school gate,if I may ask,          you met your friends from your hometown? A.where           B.that                C.which              D.ones 参考答案: B 9. ---My key is gone. Have you seen it any where? ---Oh,it is in the room     we had a talk last night. A.that    B.which    C.where  D.what 参考答案: C 10. While waiting for the opportunity to get    , Henry did his best to perform his duty. A. promote   B. promoted   C. promoting   D. to promote 参考答案: B 11. Investigators urged that safety procedures at the construction site ___________ as soon as possible. A. would improve B. were improved C. improved D. be improved 参考答案: D 【详解】考查虚拟语气。句意:调查人员敦促建筑工地上的安全操作要尽早改善。动词urge后的宾语从句要使用“should+动词原形”的虚拟语气,其中should可以省略。本句主语safety procedures at the construction site与improve构成被动关系,要用被动语态,句中还省略了should。故D项正确。 12. The landlady prefers to have women in the apartment rather than men. She thinks women take    ______ care of things! A. well   B. good    C. better   D. best 参考答案: C 13. ——Is there an direct flight to New York tonight?    ——There______ be; I’ll ring the ticket office and find it out.   A. can     B. will      C. might     D. need 参考答案: C 解析:此题考查情态动词表示猜测的用法。句意:今晚有到纽约的直航吗?可能有吧,我给售票处打个电话问问。从说话者的语气可知他没有把握, 所以用might。can表示 “可能”时,是指理论上的可能性,不涉及具体的时间和场合。will不合句意;need用作情态动词时,不能用于肯定句。 14. ——I really don’t understand why he treats his parents in that way.    ——______. A. It’s a small world  B. It takes all sorts  C. It doesn’t matter   D. It doesn’t make sense 参考答案: B 略 15. The police still haven’t found the lost child, but they’re doing all they _____. A. can            B. may                C. must               D. should 参考答案: A 二、 翻译 16. Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 今年除夕你计划在哪里过?(plan) 2. 下雨天上海的道路总是比平时更拥堵。(than) 3. 是一个外国人不顾自己的安危救了那个轻生的男子。(It) 4. 那天傍晚我一走出校门就遇到了一个多年不见的小学同班同学。(No sooner) 5. 无论谁想要成功必先明白这个道理:“成功来自艰苦的付出和坚持不懈”。(Whoever) 参考答案: 1.Where are you planning to celebrate the New Year’s Eve this year? 2.Roads in Shanghai always get/become more crowded /hold up more traffic than usual on rainy days. 3.It was a foreigner that/who saved the man trying/who tried to kill himself/ commit suicide without considering his own safety. 4.No sooner had I left the school that early evening than I met with/bumped into/came across/encountered a classmate of mine in primary school (whom) I hadn’t seen for ages/years. 5.Whoever wants to be successful should first understand the principle that success comes from hard effort/work and persistence/perseverance. 【试题解析】 1.本题提示词为plan,除夕翻译为 “New Year’s Eve”。 2.本题考查比较级,“比平时”翻译为 “than usual”. 3.本题考查强调句、定语从句和非谓语的翻译。首先强调句结构 “it is(was)…that/who” ;那个轻生的男子,需要处理为定语从句,翻译为 “the man who tried to kill himself/ commit suicide”; 不顾 “without considering”. 4.倒装句和定语从句的翻译。一…就 “No sooner had sb.done sth.than sb.did sth.”; 多年不见的小学同学可以处理成定语从句,翻译为 “(whom) I hadn’t seen for ages/years.”; 5.本题考查主语从句和同位语的翻译,句子结构比较复杂。首先“无论谁想要成功”用主语从句 “Whoever wants to be successful”。其次,“这个道理“成功来自艰苦的付出和坚持不懈”这半句话涉及使用同位语从句。理清关系后,本句也并没有想象中那么复杂。 三、 阅读理解 17. Melissa and Roman McCoy were looking forward to the Christmas. But on December 5th, Roman got a phone call that changed everything. Melissa had been in a terrible car accident, and the doctor had little hope she would make it. “He said the next six to eight hours were critical in determining whether she would live or not. And I just wept,” Roman said. “A lot of pressure

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