
浙江省绍兴市澄潭中学高三英语测试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. So difficult ________ it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice. A.I did find     B.I have found           C. have I found        D. did I find 参考答案: D 22. The machine has been used much too long. ________ it doesn't work well sometimes. A.It's no wonder that                                    B.There is no doubt if C.It's unlikely                                              D.That's because 参考答案: A 略 3. _____  I soon learnt, he was English himself. A. What        B. As            C. Which      D. That 参考答案: 11.B 考查定语从句。As指代一句话的内容,引导非限制性定语从句,可以放在句首,句中和句末。Which引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在句末,故排除。句意:我很快就知道,他是一个英国人。故B正确。 考点:考查定语从句 点评:定语从句的考查主要是关系代词和关系副词。难点在于分析句子成分,如果缺少主语,宾语,表语,定语使用关系代词,如果缺少状语,则使用关系副词。   【解析】 4. The 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature _____ to Mo Yan, Chinese writer ,whose novel Red Sorghum was successfully filmed in 1987. A. returned       B. distributed       C. awarded        D. went 参考答案: D 5. Girls used to take fewer advanced math courses than boys but now they are taking  just           A. as much          B. so much          C. as many          D. so many 参考答案: C 6. When Richard said, “You are much more agreeable and prettier now,” Joan’s face turned red at the unexpected ______. A. command      B. comparison C. compliment   D. contribution 参考答案: C 试题分析:考查名词辨析。command 命令,指令,掌握;comparison比较;compliment 恭维;contribution贡献。句意:当理查德说道“现在的你更讨人喜欢,更漂亮了”时,由于这个意想不到的恭维,乔安的脸变红了 ,故选C项。 7. At present the hotel is almost empty, but I’m sure things will start to _________ in the spring. A. pick up          B. take up    C. make up            D. give up 参考答案: A 8. The French team will have to_______an impressive performance if they are to beat Brazil/ A. arise from    B. try on C. result from    D. put on 参考答案: D 考查动词短语。A. arise from由…引起,起因于;B. try on试穿;C. result from起因于;    D. put on表演,表现。句意:如果要击败巴西,法国队将不得不表现出给人印象深刻的表演。此处指表演,表现,故选D. 9. Mr. Mike, in ______ supermarket we bought an ipad last week, will give us a report on management this evening. A. who                         B. which                            C. whose                          D. whom 参考答案: C 10. Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it     live is quite another. A. perform    B. performing      C. to perform    D. being performed 参考答案: D 试题分析:句意:在家里面听音乐是一回事,去到现场听又是另一回事。hear sb/sth doing 表听到某人某物做某事。由于音乐是被演奏的,所以需要被动,所以选D。分析4个选项知道,答案所使用的是同一个动词,不同的是时态、语态或者是非谓语形式。 A是动词原形,B是非谓语现在分词形式,C是非谓语的不定式,D是非谓语的现在分词被动形式。分析句子结构以及用法,不难知道音乐是被演奏的,所以需要被动,所以选D。 11. Proudly reading his poem, David glanced around the room, only _____ none of his classmates was listening to him. A. found    B. finding C. find D. to find 参考答案: D 12. Each of the students who ______ coming to the party _____ bringing a gift. A. is; are B. are; is C. have; is D. are; have been 参考答案: B 13. I was just to cut my rose bushes but someone ________ it. Was it you? A. has done      B. had done     C. would do      D. will do 参考答案: B 14. Busy as John is, exercise has always been ____his work.     A.as much as a part of his life             B. as much a part of his life as     C.as a part of his life much as             D. so much a part of his life as 参考答案: B 15. .---What do you think of my homework?    ---Good work,________ a few slight mistakes. A.in addition to    B.except       C.as well as     D.apart from 参考答案: D 16. The fact that many college graduates get lower salary than some workers has _____ an online debate. A. set out          B. set about      C. set up          D. set off    参考答案: D 29. ________ more energy to my study instead of being crazy about Internet games, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.      A. If I devoted               B. Had I devoted       C. Would I be devoted          D. Should I be devoted 参考答案: B 略 二、 翻译 18. Translation Directions Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 他们的建议听起和我们的同样可行。(as…as) 2. 一到机场,玛丽就发现把护照忘在家里了。(Hardly) 3. 正是他对我们表现的评价,表明我们已经步入正轨了。(track) 4. 我没想到那个曾经受到高度赞扬的钢琴家结果却令观众大失所望。(turn out) 5. 如果不能独立找出提高学习效率的方法,你就很难取得令人满意的成绩。(unless) 参考答案: 翻译、共5小题,1-3小题,每题4分;4-5小题,每题5分。共计22分。 1. Their suggestion sounds as feasible as ours. 2. Hardly had Mary got to the airport when she found/noticed that she had left the passport at home. 3. It was their comment on our performance that showed we had already been on the right track. 4. I never thought that the pianist who had once been highly praised/spoken highly of turned out to be a great disappointment to the audience. 5. It is very difficult for you to gain satisfactory achievements unless you find out the method of improving the learning efficiency by yourself / on your own. 19. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.        20世纪末电子产品发生了巨大的变化。(see) 2.        只有当我们将计划付诸实践,我们才有可能会成功。(Only) 3.        他是

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