
2021-2022学年湖南省株洲市醴陵均楚镇均楚中学高二英语联考试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. ---What do you mean by this? ---No need for you to worry about your money and be angry with me. You _____ get it this afternoon. A. will B. shall C. may D. need 参考答案: B 2. ---- Hi, John! Haven’t you heard Peter was elected president?    ---- ________? He is a boring man and doesn’t care about others. A. What if   B. What’s for     C. What’s up    D. So what 参考答案: D 3. The easily _______ computer system is unsafe from hackers. A.access to   B.access C.accessibly D.accessed 参考答案: D 4. 一、语法和词汇知识 Most of the people _______ to the party were famous scientists.    A. invited                  B. to invite             C. being invited        D. inviting 参考答案: A 略 5. —Could you buy me the latest TEENS Senior 2 Edition? —__________after I finish my lunch? A. What for          B. What if             C. What about         D. What 参考答案: C 6. —Did you go to John’s birthday party? —No,I________. A.am not invited B.wasn’t invited  C.hadn’t invited  D.didn’t invite 参考答案: B 7. My MP4 player isn’t in my bag. Where           I have put it? A. would                    B. must                             C. should                           D. can 参考答案: D 略 8. .In order to make room for more books, I will throw the ones___ I’m bored. A.which           B.with which            C.to which           D.that 参考答案: B 略 9. The theory ________ by Einstein was later to prove true, but at that time few people could accept it. A.put out                    B.put together             C.put aside                 D.put forward 参考答案:  D 10. Thanks to Dr Yuan’s research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world _____ hunger.      A. of      B. on     C. off      D. at 参考答案: A 略 11. He was so sad hearing the bad news that he couldn’t ______his tears.     A. hold on           B. hold up       C. hold back      D. hold out 参考答案: C 12.  – Mom, I came first in the competition.    -- Well done! ________.        A. Keep it up     B. Take it easy  C. Catch it           D. Hold it 参考答案: A 13. —Don’t worry,Mum.The doctor said it was only the flu. —   !I’ll tell Dad there’s nothing serious.  A.What a relief B.Congratulations C.How surprising D.I’m so sorry 参考答案: A 提示:考查交际用语。A项意为“可以松口气了,总算放心了”;B项意为“祝贺你”;C项意为“多么令人吃惊啊”;D项意为“我实在抱歉”。根据前面的only the flu和后面的nothing serious判断病情不严重,所以选A项。   14. Men usually go straight to ________ they want and leave quickly when shopping.    A. What          B. which          C. where         D. that 参考答案: A 略 15. The flat_____ a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms.. A. consists of B. makes up of C. is consisted of D. consists in 参考答案: A 【详解】考查固定词组。句意:这套公寓由一间客厅、一间厨房、一间浴室和两间卧室组成。A. consists of由……组成; B. makes up of无此短语; C. is consisted of无此短语; D. consists in在于。分析选项可知,A. consists of意为“由…组成”为不及物动词词组;B. make up 意为“由…组成”为及物动词词组,此处应用被动,故排除;C. is consisted of无被动,故排除;D.consist in意为“在于”。分析句意可知,此处表示这套公寓由一间客厅、一间厨房、一间浴室和两间卧室组成。故选A。 二、 翻译 16. 完成句子 71. “They didn’t take measures in time”, the expert said firmly and angrily, “otherwise the explosions ________________.” (happen)          “他们没有及时采取措施,”专家坚定且愤怒地说道,“否则爆炸不会发生。” 72. Soon after getting off his horse, the captain appeared at the second storey windows, _______________ nothing but trees. (see) 下马不久,上尉就出现在二楼的窗口了, 从那里除了树木他什么也没看到。 73. Rosalyn loves sports. She is proud ________________ competitions and to have broken a record by running 800 meters this year. (participate)        罗莎琳热爱运动。她为今年参加比赛并打破800米赛跑的记录而感到骄傲。 74. ____________________ should be no reason for treating one’s neighbors as strangers. (occupy)    工作繁忙不应该成为“对面不相识”的借口。 75. He went on a bus tour with a group of people, ________________ before. (travel)    他和一群人乘坐巴士旅行,这群人中的大多数以前从没旅行过。 76. My son has been away from home for about 2 weeks. I’m looking forward to ___________. (hear)        我儿子离家差不多两周了。我盼望着收到他的来信。 77. I think that only in this way ______________ the knowledge and skills needed for my job. (acquire) 我认为只有通过这种方式我才能获得工作所需要的知识与技能。 78. _______________ that China produces one third of the world’s cigarettes. (astonish)          令人震惊的是全世界三分之一的香烟是由中国生产的。 79. Even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt— you cannot have _________    with machines.(fall)    尽管托尼很聪明,他还得作一番改造——总不能允许女人与机器人相爱吧。 80. It’s time for me to quit smoking, for I do hope to live as __________________as my grandfather has. (healthy) 我该戒烟了,因为我真的希望能过着像我的祖父一样长寿健康的生活。 参考答案: 71. wouldn’t have happened   72. from where he saw / could see 73. to have participated in 74. Being occupied with work 75. most of whom had never traveled     76. hearing from him 77. can I acquire 78. It is astonishing  / People are astonished  / What astonishes people is  79. women falling in love 80. long and healthy a life   三、 阅读理解 17. The Department of Modern and Classical Languages at the University of North Georgia seeks to hire a part-time instructor of Chinese for

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