
绵竹市二O二一届小学毕业考试 英 语 试 卷 注意:1. 本卷1—45题为选择题,答题时请将所有选择题的答案填入答题卡上 2. 46--55 题为非选择题,请写在每题相应的空白处; 3. 交卷时只交专用答题卡。 (满分100,40分钟完卷) 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词,并将番号填在题前的括号内,每小题听两遍。2×5=10 ( )1 A. autumn B. summer C. winter ( )2 A. Tuesday B. Sunday C. Thursday ( )3 A. cloudy B. windy C. sunny ( )4 A. primary B. message C. future ( )5 A. earth B. spaceship C. moon 二、听句子,从A、B两幅图中选出与听到的内容相符的图,并将番号填在题前的括号内每小题听两遍。2×5=10分 ( ) 6 A . B. ( ) 7 A . B . ( ) 8 A . B. ( )9 A . B. ( ) 10. A . B. 三、听句子,将句中听到的单词圈出,并将番号填在题前的括号内,每小题听两遍。 2×5=10分 ( )11 A. different B. same ( )12 A . excited B. short ( )13 A. future B. happiness ( )14 A. but B. and ( )15 A. falling down B. flying away 四、听录音,从A、B 、C三个选项中选出与听到的内容相符的选项,并将番号填在题前的括号内,每小题听两遍。2×5=10分 ( ) 16. The cows are drinking _______ . A. water B. ice C. milk ( ) 17. The sun is ____and the wind is ______. A. running , eating B. swimming, going C. shining , blowing ( )18. The ducks are ______on the pond. A. listening B. swimming C. writing ( )19. Look at the weather tomorrow. It will be ____in winter A. cold B. hot C. warm ( )20. Where is your mum? She is at the______. A. zoo B. supermarket C. classroom 笔试部分(60分) 一. 请在下列A 、B选项中选出与句子内容相符的答案,并把番号填在题前的括号内。2×5=10分 ( ) 21. The name of the _______is Shenzhou V. ( A. boat B. spaceship ) ( ) 22. Yang Liwei spent about_____ hours in space ( A. twenty-one B. ten ) ( ) 23. Helen Keller was born in the US in ________. (A. 1880 B. 1980 ) ( ) 24. Best ____to you, my friend! ( A. wishes B. message ) ( ) 25..We are _____ school students now. (A. middle B. primary) 二.给下列单词短语句子选图,并将图片番号填在题前的括号内。2×10=20分 ( ) 26 The cola is one dollar and twenty-five cents A B ( ) 27 The four girls are dancing. A B ( ) 28 play computer games A B ( ) 29 the National flag of China A B ( ) 30 It will be rainy in Mianzhu. A B ( ) 31 The boy is singing. A B ( ) 32 Helen couldn’t hear or see. A B ( ) 33. The sun is shining. A B ( ) 34 get many presents A B ( ) 35 play the suona A B 二. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择正确选项2×5=10分 A Goodbye speech Dear classmates, Tomorrow is the last day at school. We are going to say goodbye. I’m going back to my country. Four years ago, I spoke little Chinese, but now I can speak a lot more. I think Chinese is very interesting. I will keep on practicing Chinese in the UK. I’ll miss you all. Let’s write lots of emails to each other .We’ll always be friends. Sam ( ) 36.________ is the last day at school. A. Tomorrow B. Yesterday C. Today ( ) 37. Sam is going back to _________> A. the UK B. the US C. China ( ) 38. Sam thinks _______is very interesting. A. English B. Chinese C . Japanese ( ) 39. Sam will _________ his classmates. A. Miss B. missed C. miss ( ) 40. They will ________to each other. A. write letters B. write emails C. send photos 四.配对,并将番号填在题前的括号内。2×5=10分 ( ) 41. Why are you laughing? A. Yes, she did. ( ) 42. How much is it? B. Because I’m happy. ( ) 43. What do you want to drink? C. At half past twelve. ( ) 44. When are we going to eat lunch? D. It’s two dollars. ( ) 45. Did she go to a farm? E. I want a cola , please. 五. A)请把下列字母的大写变成小写形式。(1×10=10分) 46.A 47. W 48. K 49. E 50. H B)按四线三格的书写要求抄写下面的单词 51.July 52. Saturday 53. flew 54 . America 55 .Sam 2020--2021年学年度下小学六年级英语听力材料及参考答案 听力部分 一、 听录音,选出你听到的单词, 并将番号填在题前的括号内。每小题听两遍。 1. summer 2. Thursday 3. sunny 4 primary 5 spaceship (A.C.C.A.B.) 二、听句子,从A、B两幅图中选出与听到的内容相符的图,并将番号填在题前的括号内每小题听两遍。 6. Sam bought an interesting book about spaceship. 7. A

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