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1、湖北省恩施市鹤峰县第二高级中学2023年高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The company promised to pay some money for the customers _ their poor goods and _ an apology in public.A. purchasing; making B. purchasing; make C. purchased; to make D. to purchase; made参考答案:B31. -The movie If You Are the One will be on at 8 pm. What about

2、 picking you up at 7 pm? -All right, I _ you at home. A. will be waiting for B. have been waiting for C. will wait for D. am waiting参考答案:A略3. Finally, the two girls got to the top of the mountain, _. (原创)A. hungrily and tired B. hungrily and tiredly C. hungry and tired D. hungry and tiredly参考答案:C略4.

3、 you are unable to deal with it, perhaps we should ask someone else for helpAAlthough BWhile CSince DUnless参考答案:C5. Jerry has promised to keep the secret, so he wont tell anyone even though . Aasking to Bto be asked Cto ask Dasked to参考答案:D6. Yesterday the police caught a thief,_they searched and fou

4、nd three iPhones in his pocketAwhich Bwhom Cfor whom Don which参考答案:B7. It is reported that the police will soon the case of the two missing children.A. look upon B. look after C. look into D. look out参考答案:C试题分析:考察动词词组辨析。A. look upon环顾;B. look after照顾 ; C. look into调查;D. look out当心;据报道警方将坚持调查两个孩子失踪的案

5、件,所以答案是C。8. It was nearly a week _ the rescue team located the crashed plane.A. since B. beforeC. until D. after参考答案:B【详解】考查时间状语从句。A. since自从;B. before在之前;C. until直到;D. after在之后。句意:救援队花了将近一周的时间才找到坠毁的飞机。It is/was+一段时间+before表示“距某发生有的时间”,故B项正确。9. Honestly speaking, I would agree with Shirley, though n

6、ot _.A. widely B. entirely C. possibly D. eventually参考答案:B10. In a way I can see what you mean, even though I dont _ your point of view. A. agree B. permit C. recognize D. share 参考答案:D略11. _ makes the school proud is_ most students have been admitted by the key universities. A. What; because B. What

7、; that C. That; that D. That; because参考答案:B12. A study shows that students living in non-smoking dormitories are less likely tothe habit of smokingA. pickup B. turn up C. draw up D. make up参考答案:a略13. Too high house prices can be brought under control _ the authorities introduce a series of regulator

8、y policies.A. even if B. as if C. so that D. provided that参考答案:D14. - How long _ you _ in the country with your grandparents, Henry? - About four weeks. Ill return as soon as school starts. 【选自2011年福建六校联考卷】 A. are; staying B. did; stay C. do; stay D. had; stayed参考答案:a略15. I dont doubt our team will

9、win the 4100一meter race Awhen Bwhether Cthat Dwhich参考答案:C16. How can you expect to learn anything _ you never listen?A. in case B. even ifC. unless D. when参考答案:D. 解析:状语从句。When 表示考虑到,既然。In case 虽然有“假如”之意,但发生的可能性较小。17. Some experts are warning that the step the US government has taken to deal with the

10、 current crisis is _ of much risk.A. ones B. one C. that D. those参考答案:B18. Is Tom still smoking? No. By next Saturday he _ for a whole month without smoking a single cigarette.A. will go B. will have goneC. goes D. has been going 参考答案:B19. All the things must be done well. Aworth to do Bworthy of be

11、ing done Cworthy doing Dworth of doing参考答案:B二、 新的题型20. Easy Ways to Boost(改善)Your Mood_16_. Taking an extra moment for yourself will make your day brighter and give you a healthier outlook on life. Here are some simple ways you can bring a little happiness into your life right now:1. Go for a walk.G

12、rab your dog, best friend, or your significant other and head out on a brisk(轻快的) walk. Just a little bit of exercise can boost your mood and give you a fresh perspective(态度) on problems that have been bothering you. Think walks are boring? _17_. Take a trip to the mall, or even walk to get some fro

13、zen yogurt. Make it a fun trip and youll surely make it part of your routine.2._18_.After all, laughter is the best medicine. Pick up something that makes you laugh like a funny picture, book, magazine, or a DVD of your favorite comedy. _19_. Giving yourself time to laugh boosts feel-good endorphins(胺多酚).3. _20_ .Take a photo of yourself doing something you enjo



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