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1、感谢Bruce Keener提供这么好的网站供我们参考,原文见:http:/ pdafans 的兄弟们在翻译过程中给我的大力支持,包括 某某某校对,noah 的 GTD经验等 本人英文不好, 利用 pda 进行日程管理时间也不长, 翻译此文仅仅想能提供给大家一个参考,希望大家多拍砖。 。 。 。 。 。 PDA 帮你有效的管理时间帮你有效的管理时间 Time management with PDAs 前 言 .2 开始入门(Getting Started) .6 任务管理(Task Management).8 设定优先级(Setting Priorities).20 问题的解决和决策的制定.2

2、3 克服拖延时间的毛病.26 设定目标 (Setting Goals).29 简洁有效的文字.35 宏(Macros).38 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 1 页,共 46 页前前 言言 我做了这个网站来帮助那些希望用 pda 来有效利用管理时间的人。 这篇文章所涉及的内容也同样适用于笔记本/台式机 或者 tablet PC 环境。我的建议是基于我 30 年的专业经验,参加了无数的研讨会,读了数以万计的相关图书和超过 5 年的 PDA 常用经验。在这儿我并不是想要给你推销一个 PDA有许多人用纸张计划就能很好的安排他们的时间了,根本就没有必要用 PDA 来帮助他们做时间

3、管理。 我在这儿所做的只是想要帮那些已经有了 PDA 的朋友更好的管理和安排他们的时间。如果你有个 PDA 你也一定想尽其所用。但是如果我这儿提供的使用 PDA 的建议你认为还不如你使用纸笔做计划,你大可以继续使用你的纸笔记录来安排时间。 : ) Much of what is said herein also applies to a laptop/desktop or Tablet PC environment as well. The advice provided herein has been distilled from my 30 years of professional ex

4、perience, participation in numerous seminars, reading of numerous books, and over five years of very active use of PDAs. Note that I am not trying to sell you on the idea of buying a PDA - many people use their paper planners very effectively and may not have any occasion or desire to use a PDA to h

5、elp them manage time. All that I try to do with this site is to help those who have PDAs to use those devices effectively to help them manage time. If you have a PDA, you might as well try to get as much use out of it as you can. But, if the tips and tricks suggested herein do not help you do any be

6、tter than youve done with your paper system, it doesnt hurt my feelings for you to keep using the paper system :) 我希望这个网站能对你有用。我最喜欢的网页是The Big Picture, 因为它谈论的是真正重要的问题,但是许多人会觉得其它的网页更加有用。比如,一个教授发了个e-mail给我说他把Prioritizing Tasks (设定任务优先级)的网页作为了他的学生的必修网页,因为这个网页是他最喜欢的。 I hope you find the entire site help

7、ful. That is its sole intent. My own favorite page is The Big Picture, because it talks about whats really important, but many people find some of the other pages to be more helpful to them. For example, one professor e-mailed me that he has made the Prioritizing Tasks page required reading for his

8、students, apparently because it is his favorite page on this site. 当我第一次写这个网页的时候,我用的是 PDA 是 Palm m505, 所以我在这儿写的是针对Palm PDA 的用户。(事实上这个站点的最初版本在很多地方都是我用 Palm m505 和一个便携式的键盘来完成的) 在 2002 年 8 月,我买了个 Pocket PC 并且针对 Palm 和Pocket PC 的 PDA 用户重写了这个网站。 大部分我所建议的也适用于 Smartphone. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 2 页,共 4

9、6 页When I first wrote this site, my PDA was a Palm m505, so most of what I wrote was intended for Palm PDA users. (I wrote, while at various locations, virtually all of the initial version of this site using my m505 and a Palm Portable Keyboard.) In August 2002, I bought a Pocket PC, and re-wrote th

10、e site to address users of both Palm and Pocket PC PDAs. Most of what I suggest is also applicable to a smartphone. 在过去的一年半我购买的PDA里面包括iPAQ 4700 (参看我的测评 here), Palm T3, Palm T5, Treo 650, a Dell x50v, and a Dell x51v。很明显,PDA是我的癖好,但是我也发现无论Pocket PC 还是 Palm都是非常优秀的时间管理工具。 我个人偏向于Pocket PC,但是Palm 同样很有用。 M

11、y PDA purchases within the past year and a half or so include an iPAQ 4700 (see my review here), Palm T3, Palm T5, Treo 650, a Dell x50v, and a Dell x51v. Obviously, PDAs are a bit of a hobby for me, but I also have found that both the Pocket PC and Palm PDAs are excellent time management tools. I p

12、ersonally much prefer Pocket PCs, but Palms are also useful. 不管怎样,我在过去的几年里面买了不计其数的 PDA(palm 和 Pocket PC)软件。你可能在购买软件上面花掉很多钱。 所以我强烈推荐你在购买和安装某个软件之前先参看别人关于这个软件的测评,以免以后发现有比这个软件更好的软件可用。正如我所说的,我发现如下的一些软件非常有用。 Anyway, Ive bought a ton of PDA software over the years, for both the Palm and Pocket PC platforms

13、. You can really waste a lot of money on software. Even $20 here and there adds up, so I highly recommend you review what others say about a piece of software before loading it on your system, only to find out later a better product is available. Having said that, I have personally found the followi

14、ng software to be helpful. PPC 的软件: For the Pocket PC: Pocket Informant or Agenda Fusion (appointment, contact, and task management). Resco Photo Viewer and/or xnView (the latter is freeware) TextMaker (for editing Word documents without losing formatting . Pocket Word only handles a few formatting

15、features. However, Windows Mobile 5, which is the operating system on my x51v, has Mobile Word, which is very satisfactory for most Word document editing and it does support tables and a good bit of other formatting.) PhatNotes (an excellent note-keeping program that allows assigning categories to n

16、otes and linking notes to other files, and so forth) Flexwallet 2005 (for keeping sensitive secure and password-protected) 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 3 页,共 46 页 Repli Go (Fantastic document viewer) ListPro (excellent for managing lists and even projects, supporting multiple levels of indentation, co

17、lor coding, and so forth) Palm Reader Pro and MobiReader Pro (excellent for ebook reading) PocketBible and DailyReader (excellent Bible study tools) iSilo (for viewing websites offline and for viewing ebooks - excellent software) NewsBreak (an excellent news/RSS reader - such readers can minimize th

18、e amount of web browsing you have to do to keep up with info from your favorite sites) Utilities: Fitaly (for very rapid text input - takes practice to use, but well worth it!), Calligrapher (for enhanced handwriting recognition and for great macro capability), Resco File Explorer, and MemMaid and o

19、r skTools (for keeping the system clean) Today Plugins: PocketBreeze and ILauncher. Palm 的软件 For the Palm: Even though the Calendar, Task, Contacts, and Memo software that is built into the T3 and T5 work great without add-on software, I highly recommend the addition of DateBk5 or Agendus Pro - they

20、 add a lot of great functionality. Fitaly, Repli Go, PalmReader Pro, MobiReader Pro, ListPro, and iSilo (all listed above for Pocket PCs) are also available for Palms. NoteStudio (added to this list on 4/24/05) - a fantastic application for managing notes in a wiki-style environment. This is one of

21、the most useful products Ive come across in a long time (for a PDA and for a PC). If you decide to get it, you wont need DayNotez or ShadowPlan/Bonsai (described below). DayNotez (excellent journaling application) HandyShopper (originally designed as a shopping aid, it has become one of the most use

22、d a popular checklist managers for the Palm platform, and is excellent for task and project management, AND, its Free!) ShadowPlan/Bonsai (either = great for project management - not designed for huge projects, but great for what most folks deal with) TextPlus is an excellent tool for speeding text

23、entry pEditPro is the Palm equivalent of the more popular Linux text editors. It has a learning curve to get the most out of it, but it offers powerful macros and many ways to speed up and simplify text entry. If you are heavy on text entry, this software is worth checking out. Some companion softwa

24、re, pToolSet, by the same author (Paul Nevai) adds more tool and macro capabilities than I care to talk about right now - again, a little bit of a learning curve, but very, very powerful. I have not 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 4 页,共 46 页found any Pocket PC equivalents to either pEditPro or pToolSet.

25、The author is constantly updating and adding features all the time. LifeBalance - Out of all the software Ive listed here, this is the only one I havent tried and that I do not use, but it gets a lot of positive press from its users, so it could well be worth trying. Im at the point where Im really

26、not interested in trying in more software out myself, or I would give it a try. 你可以在Handango , PocketGear和PalmGear 下载到大部分这些产品的试用版 You can download trial versions of most of these products at Handango and/or PocketGear and PalmGear. 我也建议你定期看一下Brighthand (参看设备说明论坛), Pocket PC Thoughts的文章和论坛。 Pocket PC

27、 的用户,我也强烈推荐你看一下Pocket PC 杂志的文章关于如何更好的利用你的Pocket PC. 那儿有很多有用的信息和超多的有用链接。 当然, 我要推荐David Allens Getting Things Done Forums and LifeHacker.(David Allens Getting Things Done:尽管去做无压工作的艺术,简称GTD)最后,虽然主要是为了Dell Axim PPC的用户,AximSite有很好的针对Pocket PC机主的FAQ(常见问与答) I also recommend that you periodically review the

28、 articles and forums at Brighthand (see the device-specific forums), Pocket PC Thoughts. For Pocket PC users, I also highly recommend that you review Pocket PC Magazines article on how to get more out of your Pocket PC. It has a lot of useful information and a ton of useful links. And, finally, I hi

29、ghly recommend the following websites: David Allens Getting Things Done Forums and LifeHacker. Finally, although intended primarily for Dell Axim Pocket PC owners, AximSite has great FAQs for any Pocket PC owner. 最后,谢谢大家花时间来读我的网页我希望到最后你们发现花时间看我的网站是值得的。我也感谢那些通过我们的分站链接购买我们的产品, 提供友情链接的网站, 和那些对这个网站提供宝贵意

30、见的人。 Finally, I want to thank each of you for taking your time to read this site - I hope at the end of it that you find that it was a worthwhile investment of time for you. And, I appreciate those who make purchases through our affiliate links and those who have linked to this site from theirs and

31、who have been so generous in their comments about this site. 谢谢, Thank you and take care, 布鲁斯 金尔 Bruce Keener 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 5 页,共 46 页开始入门(开始入门(Getting Started) 要提高你安排时间的能力很重要的一点就是弄清楚你的时间是如何花的。这一点很容易用PDA 来做到。你只用像下面那个例子一样建立一个时间日志。 A key to improving your time management skills is to find

32、 out how youre spending your time. Its easy to use your PDA or computer for this. Just set up a time log, with the following being an example: Date(日期)(日期) Start Time(开始(开始时间)时间) End Time(结束时(结束时间)间) Type(分(分类)类) Planned?(是否列入(是否列入计划?)计划?) Importance(重要度)(重要度) Effectiveness(有效性)(有效性) Notes(备(备注)注) 0

33、8/30/2001 11:04 am 11:07 am Personal Y 1 - Important and Urgent 70% Heres what I was doing 我做过什么 08/30/2001 11:10 am 11:30am Family N 2 - Important, not urgent 100% Something else I was doing 我做过的其他的一些事 事件类型,重要程度,有效性和效率字段可以从下面的值中选取。 The Type, Importance, Effectiveness, and Efficiency fields are sele

34、cted from pop-up lists that have the following values: Type (类别) Family(家庭), Personal(个人), Business(商务), Other Importance(重要性) - 1 (Important and Urgent 重要并且紧急), 2 (Important, not Urgent), 3 (Not Important, but Urgent), 4 (Not Important, Not Urgent) Effectiveness - 100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50% or l

35、ess Efficiency(效率) - 100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50% or less 我在几年前第一次使用时间日志的时候, 非常惊讶我自己浪费的时间。 为了能更好的利用时间日志,你至少应该使用三天来记录日志(这三天不应该包括周末)。 然后你就能弄明白在什么地方你没有很有效的利用你的时间了。 The first time I used a time log, several years ago, I was really shocked at how much time I was wasting. To really get value out of it, y

36、ou should use it for at 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 6 页,共 46 页least three typical days (not weekend days). Then you should study it to see where youre spending time ineffectively. 另外一个有用的可以帮助你记录到你的 Palm 的数据库里面的日志是一种用来记录你做返工的日志。它记录的是你日常不得不重新做的事情。 一个简单的例子是你写了很多演讲文稿, 但是你的老板在上面做了注释, 这样你就不得不重写你的文稿以反映你老板的批

37、示。 为了能更好的利用这种日志, 你应该至少记录三个星期 因为有时候返工的工作会在几周之后才发生。 你能够通过发掘这些经常的返工来提高你的办事效率。 Another useful log that you can track in a database on your Palm is one that captures Rework activities. Such activities are those that you have to re-do something on. A simple example is that you develop a set of presentatio

38、ns and then have to rework it to address your bosss comments. To get value out of this type of log, you should use it for at least three weeks - sometimes rework doesnt show up until a few weeks after the initial activity. You can gain a lot of efficiency by tackling those areas where you have the m

39、ost rework. Activity History Learned Presentation on XYZ cost-effecitiveness Developed initial presentation on 08/30/01. Boss had comments on three slides that I addressed on 09/04/01. Boss then had comments on two more slides that I addressed on 09/05/01. Boss is an idiot. Take time with him on nex

40、t presentation to go over each slide and ensure that capture comments on each. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 7 页,共 46 页 任务管理(任务管理(Task Management) 下面是我要在这一页讨论的话题: 建立 ToDo List 分类 使用 2 分钟法则 循序渐进 Heres what we discuss on this page: Setting up ToDo List categories Using the Two-Minute Rule Taking one step

41、 at a time 在我们探究如何管理个人任务之前, 我相信非常重要的一点就是要提醒自己我们会对别人的任务造成负面的影响。 例如我们会安排一些毫无意义的会议来让别人参加。 我们会发出一些根本就与他人无关的电子邮件给别人,等等。我们应该尊重别人的时间。在尊重别人时间的同时,也使得别人更加尊重我们的时间。 这一点是显而易见的,但是我们往往忽略。 Before we delve into how to manage personal tasks, I believe its important to remind ourselves of how we can negatively impact

42、the task loads of others. We can do so by scheduling unnecessary meetings. We can send out e-mails to people who really dont benefit from the e-mails. And so on. We should always respect the time of others because it is the right thing to do. It has the added benefit that people have more respect fo

43、r our time when we have more respect for theirs. An obvious fact, but one that we tend to forget as we get caught up in the day-to-day grind. 如果你还没有修改过你 Palm 上的 ToDo list 的类别或者你 PPC 上的 task list,你会发现默认的 list 不多而且非常基本。 If you have never modified the categories in your Palms ToDo list or Pocket PC Tas

44、ks list, youll probably find that there arent many and that they are pretty general. 虽然基本的类别足以提供日常的任务管理,但是定制的类别能够更好的管理你的任务。 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 8 页,共 46 页While the standard categories provide a workable way to categorize tasks, customizing the categories will help you better manage your tasks

45、. 有很多种方法可以对你的任务进行分类。 我会在这儿介绍常用的几种。但是你能够自己制作你自己的类别。例如,假设你要针对服务的对象来分类你的任务,我进行了如下分类: 妻子 自己 老板 重要客户 潜在客户 There are any number of ways you can categorize your tasks. I describe a couple of popular ones below. But, you can make up your own categories. For example, I just made up the following ones, which

46、assumes you manage your ToDo tasks by who youre doing them for: wife me boss key clients prospective clients 重要的是找到最适合你自己的个性化分类。 The important thing is to personalize your categories so they work best for you. 还有一个人们经常使用的分类方法是按照自己在日常生活种扮演的角色分类(经理,父亲、母亲,等等)你可以根据 Steven Covey()描述的要点来训练你的时间管理能力。 One wa

47、y that many people like to categorize is by the roles they play in life (manager, father/mother, etc.), following along the lines of the time management practices described by Steven Covey. 我使用 Covey 系统的部分要素来安排我一周的时间,弄清我下一周要做的重要的任务,我也适当的修改了 David Allen 的 Getting Things Done 系统来分类我的任务。 我很长时间都使用如下图所示的

48、分类系统,但是最近我也做了部分修改,我会在以后的部分谈到。 I use some elements of Coveys system for planning my week, identifying key and important tasks that I want to accomplish in the following week, but I use a slight modification of David Allens Getting Things Done system for categorizing the tasks. I used the task categor

49、ization system shown in the first figure below for a long while, but I have recently made some modifications to it that I describe further on in this article. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 9 页,共 46 页下面是我在4700上使用的一些基本分类。 这些分类同样也可以用于Palm和SmartPhone上面。 The following screenshot from my hx4700 shows how I i

50、nitially defined my task categories. Note that these categories can be implemented on Palm devices as well as on Pocket PCs and SmartPhones. 这个截图显示了 Pocket Informant 里的任务视图,视图被设置为“按照类别排序”。 注意到这些类别和我在 Outlook (在工作和家里使用的) 里面的设置相同。 并且任何我对 PPC做的改动都将在 outlook 里面反映出来,反之也相同。(顺便提一下我是如何建立这些分类的: 我用 pda 分别与我的家

51、用和办公室用的笔记本同步。然后打开我在家里和办公室的Outlook 主类列表, 保证这些分类都在列表里面。 如果我不这么做, 将不会影响到我在 PPC里面的分类(换句话说,ppc 里面的列表不会被清空), 但是这些分类将不会出现在我笔记本的 Outlook 里面。) 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 10 页,共 46 页This screenshot shows the Task View within with the Pocket Informant view set to Sort by Category. Note that these are the same

52、categories that I have set up in Outlook (both at home and at work), and that any changes I make to a task on my Pocket PC are reflected back into Outlook (and vice versa). (One note on setting these categories up: I sync to both my home and office laptops, so I have to go into the Master Category l

53、ist of Outlook on both computers and ensure that I put these categories into the Outlook Master Category List. If I dont do this, there is no impact to the categories I have set up on my Pocket PC (in other words, they dont get wiped out), but the categories simply dont show up in Outlook unless I m

54、ake them do so. This is not really a problem - its just a part of what is required to sync my Pocket PC with both laptops.) 可以看到,当我点击 Pocket Informant 中的项目(Projects) 分类的时候,它列出了我的所有项目(Projects) Note that when I click on the Projects Category within Pocket Informant, it lists my Projects: 作者:Bruce Kee

55、ner;翻译:kai;首发第 11 页,共 46 页 每个项目右边的小图标表明这个项目有个注释。 这些注释列出了在那个时候我下一步应该做什么。 Pocket Informant 的一个方便的地方就是它能够很轻松的将注释中列出的步骤转变成实际的任务。如下截图所示。 The little icons shown out to the right of each project indicate that there is a note attached to the project. These notes are where I list the individual steps that be

56、come my Next Actions at the appropriate time. One of the many neat things about Pocket Informant is that its easy to take this steps that are listed in the notes and convert them to actual tasks. This is shown in the following screenshot: 这个截图显示了“File Taxes”项目的一个注释。 你能看到 Pocket Informant 允许你选择注释的任何一

57、部分并将选中的部分转变成一个任务 (甚至是个预约) 我发现这一点非常的方便,因为它使得实现 David Allen 系统简直成了小菜一碟。另外一点非常棒的是 Pocket Informant 将任务串连起来实际上你能够串连任务,预约,联系人和文件。 (你也可以作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 12 页,共 46 页用 PPC 的 Agenda Fusion 做同样的事)。 我经常使用这个功能,尤其是用来确认项目任务中的子任务被链接到了主项目中。 例如,我将”Round up receipts“ 子任务联系到了”File Tasks“ 项目。 This shows the n

58、ote attached to a File Taxes project. As you can see from the screenshot, Pocket Informant will let you select any portion of that note and convert the selected portion to a Task (or even to an appointment). I find this to be very convenient, as it makes implementing David Allens system a snap. Anot

59、her Great thing you can do with Pocket Informant is link tasks to each other - in fact you can link tasks, appointments, contacts, and files. (You can also do this with Agenda Fusion for Pocket PCs.) I use this feature a lot, and especially with project tasks to ensure that subtasks are linked by to

60、 the main project. For example, in the case of the Round up receipts task for the File Tasks project, I have linked these tasks together. 无论何时我想要看其中的一个任务,我能够通过这些链接来看其他的任务。 这点对项目非常有用因为你能够给一个项目许多链接。 例如,但我点击“File Taxes” 任务,我能够看到”Buy Turbo Tax” 链接,”Round up receipts”链接 和”Review Donations”链接,等等。 使用链接不好的一

61、面在于你只能通过 PPC 访问这些链接,而不能通过 Outlook,因为 ActiveSync Conduit 不支持同步链接到 Outlook 里面去。 Whenever I view one, I can tap on its link icon and view the other also. This is particularly nice for the projects because you can have many links assigned to the project. So, for example, when I click on the File Taxes t

62、ask, I can see the links I have made to Buy Turbo Tax, Round up receipts, Review donations, and so on. The only downside to using links is that you can only access these links from your Pocket PC and not from Outlook, because the ActiveSync conduit does not support carrying the links back over to Ou

63、tlook. 在这个注释上方可以扩展定义你期待的成功结果,这一点是相当有帮助的。 Its also helpful on these project definitions to identify, at the top of the Note, the expected Successful Outcome for your Project. I did not do this for the example above (File Taxes) because the successful outcome is pretty obvious. 要点:要点: 现在,仿照以上分类,你应该尽量找

64、到最适合你自己的分类方法。 在过去的几个月里面,我已经对我的分类做了写修改,现在他们看起来象象下面那个截图的样子。 Point of Emphasis: Now, while the above categories work, you should always look at how you can personalize the categories to make it work best for you. Within the past few months, I have made several modifications to my categories, so that th

65、e list now looks like the following screenshot: 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 13 页,共 46 页 我所做的是将项目分类分成四个子类:Proj.Pers, Proj.Bus, Deferred, Contingent: Proj.Pers 是个人项目 Proj.Bus 是公司项目 Deferred 是我在短期内不准备做的项目 (比如准备明年的税表) Contingent 是那些我必须先完成相关的个人和公司项目才能开始的项目 What I have done is to split the Projects categor

66、y into four categories: Proj.Pers, Proj.Bus, Deferred, Contingent: Proj.Pers is for personal projects Proj.Bus for business ones Deferred is for projects that Im just not going to do for a while (like filing next years taxes) Contingent is for ones that I cant start on until Ive finished a related P

67、roj.Pers or Proj.Bus project. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 14 页,共 46 页我还加入了一个Couch 类,因为一些我的在家做的项目是我在自己的沙发靠椅上才做的(比如摇椅就是我会定期做的项目)。 我经常会在家里坐在沙发上,列出一些会对我有帮助的事情。我还加入了一个 Focus 类,我将在文末讨论这个类。 Also, I have added an Couch category, since some of my Home projects are ones I will do only when setting at my couch

68、(like Mindsweep, which is a project that I periodically do). Often at home I am just setting on the couch, and pulling up a list of things that I can do while there has been helpful to me. I have also added a !Focus category, which I discuss a little bit at the bottom of this page. 我还发现将某些类别同时分配给选中的

69、主项目是很有用的。就我的例子来说,我有些“retirement“和”Sell Tennessee Property“ 的项目。当我安排”Retirement“项目的特殊任务的时候,例如”Call schwab to set up appointment“, 我会分配这个任务到它适合的类(Call 类) 和”Retirement” 类。 然后,当我查看我的分类的时候,我能够看到我所有的关于”Retirement“下一步行动分组。 (有的主要的项目,比如准备 retirement 退休, 可以有好多下一步的行动步骤) 我也使用 Pocket Informant 的链接功能来链接 retiremen

70、t 退休相关的任务到我的 retirement 退休任务 (我有一个任务名为“Retirement”,但放在 Pro.jPers 类中) 这样,当我在 Pocket Informant 中打开我的退休(retirement)任务的时候,我能够看到所有和它链接的信息(我同时链接了相关的文档,比如包含我 401k 估算的表单,关于我退休后支出的表单,等等)。 要提一下的是和 Pocket Informant Pocket Informant 一样,你也可以在 Agenda Fusion 中做任务的链接(预约,文件和联系人等等)。 I have also found it helpful to as

71、sign categories to selected major projects. In my case, a couple of examples are Retirement and Sell Tennessee Property. When I have a specific task for the Retirement project, say Call Schwab to set up appointment, I will assign that task to its proper Context Category (which would be Call) AND to

72、the Retirement category. Then, when I view my tasks by category, I can see all of my Retirement-related next actions grouped together. (Some major projects, such as preparing for retirement, can have multiple next actions.) I also use the linking capability of Pocket Informant to link the Retirement

73、-related tasks to my Retirement task (I have a task that is labeled as Retirement, and it is placed in my Proj.Pers category). That way, when I open my Retirement task in Pocket Informant, I can see everything that is linked to it (I also link to related documents, such as a spreadsheet that has my

74、401k projections, a spreadsheet that has my post-retirement budget, and so on). Note that you can also do task (and appointment, and file, and contact) linkage with Agenda Fusion, as well as with Pocket Informant. (注释:PPC 操作系统允许你为一个任务指派多个类别,而且能够同步到 Outlook。但是如果你使用的是 Palm,你必须要买额外的软件来完成这个操作。这些软件有 Beyo

75、nd Contacts 和 Key Suite) (Note: the Pocket PC operating system lets you assign multiple categories to a task, and syncs it that way with Outlook. With a Palm device, you have to buy 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 15 页,共 46 页extras software to allow you to do this. Beyond Contacts is one such product and

76、 Key Suite is another.) 那么好,我们进入下一步。我再来举个例子,比如说我有个任务名为“Call Billy Bob” (给Billy Bob 打电话)而且我把它指派给了Call 类(打电话)。 现在我执行这个任务并呼叫了 Billy Bob, 通常,他人不在,所以我留了电话录音。 在我完成这些之后,我重新指派这个任务给了WaitingFor 类(等待), 并且我加了一个注释部分给这个任务以便我回头看到这个任务的时候记得它是什么。 下面的截图显示了这个例子。 Now, as for handling next actions, lets take one final ex

77、ample and say that I have a Task entitled Call Billy Bob and that I have assigned it to the Call category. Now, lets say I go ahead and call Billy Bob, and, as usual, hes not there, so I leave him a phone message. After I do this, I take the task and reassign it to the WaitingFor category, and then

78、I add something to the notes section of the task that helps me remember more about it when I come back to it again. Heres a screenshot for this hypothetical example: 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 16 页,共 46 页可以看到, 用 PPC 来完成 GTD 这些操作是多么的容易。 当然用 Palm 设备也会是同样的容易的。事实上 David Allen 是为了 Palm 使用才设计了这个系统,而且在最近的一

79、次采访中他声称自己仍旧在使用 Tungsten(Palm 设备中的一种)。 Hopefully this gives you a sense of how easy it is to implement the Getting Things Done system on your Pocket PC. Its also a snap to implement on a Palm device. In fact, David Allen designed his system when he was using a Palm, and I read a recent interview of h

80、is in which he said he still uses a Palm (one of the Tungsten devices). 某些时候, 下一步行动取决于行动内容: 你必须考虑要完成的内容而不是考虑在什么地方做。这个说起来容易,但是我见过许多人按照 GTD 规则执行时经常混淆。 One final note on implementing tasks (next actions) by context: at some point, you have to consider whats important and not just where you are. You may

81、 be setting at your computer and have a dozen tasks that you can knock out on it (all categorized as CompWork items), when you really need to set at your desk and work on two key items (especially that one Desk item youve been putting off because you know its going to require some brainpower). This

82、may seem like an obvious point, but I have seen so many people get confused on implementing the Getting Things Done system in this particular area. 通过内容来分类是非常有用的, 但是它仅仅只是完成任务的一部分。 另外重要的一点是你要把完成任务的动作分解为单个具体步骤(这是我从 Allen 的书中学到的一招)。在我 27 年的“职业生涯”中,我感觉这一招和“两分钟规则”都是非常有用的时间管理方法。 “两分钟规则“是这样的:如果你有个行动步骤需要花少于

83、两分钟的时间,不要推到后面,马上完成它。 例如,如果你有个步骤是”给 Billy Bob 打电话,告知关于交易的状态“, 那么就马上做。 如果你能马上做完的事, 又为什么要把它加到你的任务列表中等到以后再做呢? Now, while categorizing by context is very helpful, its only part of what needs to be done to really get a handle on your Tasks. At least as important, if not more so, is that you limit each Tas

84、k action to a Single Step (another trick I picked up out of Mr. Allens book). This, and the Two-Minute Rule, have been as helpful to me as any time management concepts Ive come across in the past 27 years of my professional life. The Two-Minute Rule is this: if you have an action that can be done in

85、 two minutes or less, do it. For example, if you have an item in your in-box that says call Billy Bob about status of the deal, do it. Why put an item in your in-box or Taks list when you can just go ahead and do it almost as quickly. 几年以前,在我任务列表中的一个典型的任务是“计划家庭开销”。 但是,我在这个任务上耽搁很久,因为单看“计划家庭开销”实际上非常空泛

86、,无法执行。它隐藏着好几个子任务。 所以,我会将它们一次又一次的推迟。但是现在第一步单步的任务会变成”查看过去两个月的支出“, 这个单个具体步骤我可以在很短时间内完成,所以没有必要把它拖后。(注:如果你还无法明确下一步具体的行动方案,势必造成一种心理间断。每当你考虑这一作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 17 页,共 46 页问题时,这个心理间断都会存在。渐渐地你就产生了一种抵触情绪,忽视了它的存在Get Things Done) A couple of years ago, a typical action item in my Task list might have b

87、een Develop Home Budget. But, I would procrastinate on it because I knew those three words represented a lot of work it was really several tasks in disguise. So, I would put it off, time and time again. But now, the first single step action item for this project might be Review expenses for the past

88、 two months. Thats a specific action that my mind knows I can do in a fairly short period of time, so there is not as much of a tendency to put it off. 我不知道在过去的几年里面因为 “项目” 被搁置进了任务列表而不是单个具体行动列表中而因此耽搁的事情有多少了。 但是有一点可以肯定的是,当我只在任务列表中设置单步具体行动的时候,能够极大限度减少我的拖延时间。 I dont know how much procrastinating Ive don

89、e over the years because of having projects on my Task list instead of single action items, but it has been way too much. By putting only single action items on my Task lists, I have dramatically cut down on my procrastinating. “两分钟规则“在这方面同样也帮了我不少忙。 The two-minute rule has also helped me in this reg

90、ard. 希望以上的内容让你了解到如何应用 Covey 和 David Allen 的技术到你的掌上电脑。 当然,他们的书里面会有更为详尽的介绍,我相信买一本他们的书会是一个很好的投资的。 Hopefully, this gives you a sense for how you can use Coveys and David Allens techniques on your handheld device. Of course, their books have much more detail, and I think you will find a purchase of their

91、 books to be a good investment. 最后, 再让我强调一下, 我个人认为 Allen 先生的观点对管理即时的任务是非常有帮助的。同时, Covey 博士的周计划观点也是相当有用的(例如,将你下周非常想做的重要但是不紧急的事情(第二象限)安排到你 PDA 中的“日程安排”)。 曾经有一段时间,我脱离了 Covey 的”Roles and Mission”(价值观转化为目标)方法 而且没有意识到我使用GTD 的周回顾方法来有效的做那些我不怎么关心的事情。 你可以用 GTD 的这个方法,使用 “一万英尺”( 工作中的 6 个层次可以参照高度进行考虑:1、5 万英尺以上:生

92、活;2、4 万英尺:35 年的计划;3、3 万英尺:12 年的目标;4、2 万英尺:责任范围;5、1 万英尺:当前的工作;6、跑道:目前的行动;详见 Allen 的 GTD)等等来帮助你确信你是在做你想做的事情。但是我发现使用 Covey Style 的“role and mission”到我的周回顾中是最适合我的方法了。 它是我最中意的方法, 但是重要的还是做个一周的回顾能帮助你集中注意力到真正重要的事情上面而且能借此机会对在下一周与其相关的事情做好计划。 我不会对任何这些事情给予 A1 和 B1 的优先级, 因为“Covey” 方法会督促你做的。我只作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:k

93、ai;首发第 18 页,共 46 页需要保证这些事都被安排在了一周里面而且都打上 iFocus 的类别标志(或者其他的上下文标志)。这些让我最大限度的使用好了 GTD 和 Covey 方法来管理我所有的事情。 In closing, let me emphasize that I personally think that, while Mr. Allens techniques are extremely helpful for managing stuff that comes up on the fly, it is still important to start your week

94、with a plan based on Dr. Coveys techniques (for example, select the Quadrant II stuff that you really want to do during the week and Schedule The Important Tasks As Appointments). I cannot overemphasize the importance of this. For a while, I got away from Coveys Roles and Mission approach and didnt

95、notice that I was using GTD to very efficiently do stuff that I cared little about. One can use GTDs Weekly Review approach, with its look at the 10,000 foot level and so on to help ensure that you are really focusing on what you want to focus on (while not missing the other stuff that has to be don

96、e), but I find it best for me to work in a review of Roles and Mission and Goals, Covey Style, into my Weekly Review. Thats my preference, but the key is to do a Weekly Review that looks at everything, and that also helps you focus on whats really important to you and that gives you an opportunity t

97、o plan something relating to it into your following week. I do not get into assigning A1 and B1 priorities to any of these activities, as the Covey methods would have you do. I just make sure that I have them scheduled for the week and/or that they are tagged with a !Focus category tag (in addition

98、to whatever other context tags apply). That lets me use the best of GTD and the best of Covey methods to manage all my stuff. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 19 页,共 46 页 设定优先级(设定优先级(Setting Priorities) 当你不得不在任务做选择的时候,有许多区分优先级的工具可以使用。 我在这儿总结出了其中重要的。 如果你决定使用其中的一个作为你主要的工具。我建议你也同时考虑其他的工具。 有时候能够跳出自己常规的做法而使用一些

99、从未或很少使用的工具会受益非浅的。 When you have to choose among several tasks, there are several prioritization tools you can use. I summarize key ones below. If you decide to use one of them as your primary prioritization tool, I recommend that you still keep the others in mind. It can be very helpful at times to

100、break out of your routine way of looking at things and to use a tool that you dont use all of the time. Covey 的四象限法则的四象限法则 Coveys Quadrants Steven Covey 在他的书“高效率人们的 7 个好习惯”里面描述了一个高水准的区分优先级的机制。这个机制把任务分成了四类: 第一象限 重要而且紧急 第二现象 重要但是不紧急 第三现象 不重要但是紧急 第四象限 不重要也不紧急 Steven Covey describes a high-level priorit

101、ization scheme in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. In this scheme, tasks are categorized by four quadrants: QI - Important and Urgent QII - Important but Not Urgent QIII - Not Important but Urgent QIV - Not Important and Not Urgent Covey 博士指出高效的人都把时间花在做 QII 类的事情上了,这样做的人可以减少花在其它类

102、上的时间。虽然 QI 到 QIV 的分类不能帮你决定哪些事要先做,哪些后坐,但是它能突出的显现你的任务所在的象限。 Dr. Covey notes that highly effective people make time for the QII activities, and that doing so can reduce the time spent in other quadrants. While QI - QIV prioritization doesnt help you decide which QI activity to do first and which to 作者:

103、Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 20 页,共 46 页do second, and so on, it can be very enlightening to find out which quadrants your tasks are in. 对比对比 Paired Comparison 这个方法使用了简单的积分系统来比较各种任务。下面这个例子说明了如何应用这个方法 This method uses a simple scoring system for comparing activities. The following example illustrates how

104、to apply this method. 以下是任务例子: Here is the list of example tasks: 1. Call wife about dinner plans 就晚饭打电话给老婆 2. Fire Billy Bob 解聘 Billy Bob 3. Draft budget report 准备预算报告 4. Respond to e-mails 回邮件 按照下面的顺序进行相互比较,然后将每次胜出的做 1 个“X”的标记 Compare the following and put a check mark against the winner of each c

105、omparison: 1 to 2, 1 to 3, 1 to 4 2 to 3, 2 to 4 3 to 4 假设结果是这样的: Lets say the result of this is as follows: 1. Call wife about dinner plans XX 2. Fire Billy Bob XXX 3. Draft budget report X 4. Respond to e-mails 那么完成任务的顺序将是:2,1,3,4 So, the order you would do the tasks in would be 2, 1, 3, 4. 作者:Bru

106、ce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 21 页,共 46 页ABC 方法方法 The ABC Method 当我使用富兰克林基于纸张的计划方法的时候,我第一次体会到这个方法 I first became aware of this scheme when I used a paper-based Franklin planner. 先将任务分成 3 类: It ranks tasks into three categories: A = 关键 B = 重要 C = 一般 A = vital B = important C = nice 然后将这 3 个类里的任务分成 A1,A2,A3,B1

107、,B2,B3子任务 Then it subdivides tasks in these categories into A1, A2, A3, ., B1, B2, . and so forth. 许多人发现这种划分方法非常有用 A lot of people find this prioritization method to be very helpful. 收益时间对应法收益时间对应法 The Payoff versus Time Method 这种方法是将完成任务所能得到的回报或收益于所花费的时间对应起来。那些花较少时间就能达到较高收益的任务先做。 对应的,那些花很多时间却只能得到很少

108、收益的就放在最后做,或者根本就不做。 With this method, you weight each task by the payoff you expect from it versus the time it takes to do it. Tasks that have high payoff and that take little time are the ones you would do first. Correspondingly, tasks that have low payoff and that take a lot of time are ones you wo

109、uld do last or not at all. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 22 页,共 46 页问题的解决和决策的制定问题的解决和决策的制定 (Problem Solving and Decision Making) 一个决定如果没被给足够的思考那么它将是低效率的。 不论你正使用一台 PDA,或者用纸笔计划,或者根本没有计划过: 它取决于一种解决问题和制定决策的合乎逻辑的方式。 因此,这个部分将提供一些有助于你解决问题并且作出明智的决定的小技巧。 (当你思考问题时,解决问题 和 制定决策 实际是一回事.) 你可以将本部分提供的一些信息放进备忘录里以作日后参考。

110、 It does no good to be efficient on tasks that are addressing a decision that was not given enough thought. It doesnt matter whether you are using a PDA, a paper day planner, or no planner at all: it pays to have a logical way of solving problems and making decisions. So, this section provides some

111、techniques that will help you in solving problems and making smart decisions. (The terms problem solving and decision making are synonymous when you think about it.) You may want to copy some of the info into a memo for future reference. 关于制定决策有两种较好的参考资料: There are a couple of fine publications on m

112、aking decisions: Web 上可得到的一份免费的PDF资料: 马修拉宾的心理学和经济学。 这是一本真正的启发性的书籍, 它指出了某些偏见(这些偏见正是我们一部分的人性) 能有负面影响我们的解决问题和决策。 A free document that is available on the Web in Adobe Acrobat format: Matthew Rabins Psychology and Economics. This is a real eye-opener on the biases we can have that can negatively impact

113、our problem solving and decision making (these biases are just part of human nature). 聪明的选择: 实际的制定决策指南:. 我总结它的下面的要点中的一些,但是摘要不能代表书的全部- 书有许多有价值的细节和一些好例子。 The book Smart Choices: A Practical Guide To Making Decisions. I summarize a few of its key points below, but the summary doesnt do the book justice

114、 - the book has a lot of valuable detail and some good examples. 聪明的选择涵盖了制定决策指南包括决策的 8 个方面。我这里总结第 1 到 5 个: The book Smart Choices: A Practical Guide to Making Better Decisions covers eight aspects of decision making. I summarize the first five here: 问题 首先必须找到正确的需要解决的问题,这样你不会做错误的事情。本书提供关于怎样着手做的建议。 通常

115、问题定义没有你可能认为的那么明显。 另外,由作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 23 页,共 46 页于你会专注于问题定义,这样有利于问问题的限制条件是什么,然后检查每个限制条件, 仔细看看是否它真的是限制条件。 有时, 我们会认为我们被拘泥于一定条件,实际上我们并不是这样。 目标 - 这个方面主要讨论你想要从问题的解决中达到什么目标。 例如, 你可能意识到你想要你和你配偶一同解决问题, 而不是你单独处理它(这可能是你的原先的想法)。 请注意,目标不只是问题的再声明。 选择 - 这方面用于筛选可选方案。 斯波克先生在“Star Trek”杂志上用于说的艰辛的长途旅行: 总有另

116、一条出路。 我不确信总有另一条出路,有时,只有一个正确方案,但是其他的选择经常存在。 结果 - 一切事情都会有结果。 这本书提供关于你怎样能通过结果思考问题。 权衡 需要考虑在各种各样的结果和收益之间进行权衡。 Problem - this aspect of decision making focuses on defining the right problem, so that you dont work on the wrong thing. The book provides advice on how to go about doing this. All too often, t

117、he problem definition is not as obvious as you might have thought. Additionally, as you focus on the problem definition, it pays to ask what the constraints of the problem are and then to examine each constraint closely to see if it really is a constraint. Sometimes we think we are constrained to do

118、 something a certain way, when in reality we are not. Objectives - this aspect focuses on what objectives you really want to get out of the problem solution. For example, you might realize that one objective you want is for you and your spouse to work together on the problem, rather than you tacklin

119、g it alone (as might have been your original thought). The objectives are not just restatements of the problem. Alternatives - this aspect addresses identifying alternatives. Mr. Spock on Star Trek used to say: There are always alternatives. While Im not convinced that there always are alternatives,

120、 as sometimes there is just one right thing to do, alternatives often do exist. Consequences - everything has consequences. The book provides advice on how you can think through consequences. Tradeoffs - this is where you focus on tradeoffs between various consequences and payoffs. 我发现上述书非常有帮助,我认为它是

121、一本必要的参考书。 我也发现如果自己问自己一些问题,会对决策是有帮助的。 这是我使用的一些问题: 我是要决定什么? 谁能受益于这个决定? 会危害到谁? 它完全可逆吗? 短期和长期结果分别是什么? 有过去的经验和教训么? 我应该是解决这个问题的那个人吗? 我实际有多长时间可以用来做这个决定? 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 24 页,共 46 页 我有什么偏见妨碍我客观做决定? 我怎样才能避免冲动决策? 什么是对我和他人最好的实际结果?为什么? 短期还是长期? 一位更有经验的决策者将怎样应付这件事? 我在处理一个像这样的问题的时候会有怎样的技能,偏见,和局限性? I hav

122、e found the above book to be very helpful and I consider it to be an essential reference book. I have also found it helpful to have a list of questions to answer in making a decision. Here are some of the questions I use: What am I really deciding on? Who can benefit from this decision? Who can be h

123、armed from it? Is it fully reversible? What are the consequences, long-term and short-term? Are there any past experiences and lessons learned that apply? Should I be the one to solve this problem? How much time do I realistically have available to make this decision? What prejudices do I have that

124、impact my ability to decide this objectively? How can I avoid being impulsive on this? What Realistic Outcome best serves me and others involved and why? Short-term and long-term? How would a more experienced decision maker whom I admire handle this? What are my skills, biases, and limitations in de

125、aling with an issue like this? 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 25 页,共 46 页 克服拖延时间的毛病克服拖延时间的毛病 (Overcoming Procrastination) 如果拖延时间使你不能发挥你想要达到的效率,这儿有一些你能用来克服拖延时间的窍门。 这些窍门与你延迟的活动息息相关: 比较简单 比较宜人 比较有趣 (你也许喜欢使用较不乏味, 较不令人不快, 较不复杂。) If procrastination keeps you form being as productive as you want or need to be,

126、 there are some tricks you can use to overcome procrastination. These tricks involve making the activities you procrastinate on More Simple More Pleasant More Interesting (You might prefer to view these as less boring, less unpleasant, less complex.) 使任务变得比较简单的一个方法是将任务分成一些更小的子任务。例如, 考虑这项任务:付所得税。 如果你

127、将这项任务加到你的 ToDo 名单, 它会在那里搁置多久 (特别是如果你认为你将欠税 )? 它可能留在你的 ToDo 名单直到你拖到最后的期限。但是, 如果你将这项任务分成比较小的步骤(收集和总结可减税项目, 买最新的税软件, 做一份粗略计算表等.), 这项任务会比不进行分步要快得多。 One way of making a task more simple is to break it into smaller tasks. For example, consider the task Pay income tax. If you put that task on your ToDo lis

128、t, how long is it going to stay there (especially if you think you will owe tax)? Itll probably stay on your ToDo list until you come up against the deadline. But, if you break the task up into smaller steps (round up records on tax deductible items, buy the latest tax software, do a rough draft of

129、taxes, .), the task is likely to get done much sooner than it would otherwise. 如何让完成任务比较轻松的窍门甚至可以应用到上面提到的 “付所得税” 这个令人头痛的例子上。 例如, 你能用做游戏得方法发现办法减少你的税。你可以让你的家庭介入,甚至可作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 26 页,共 46 页以提供奖励给那个发现最佳的减税方法的人 。你越有创造性 (来至于实践),就越可以使令人不快的任务变得比较轻松。 The trick of making a task more pleasant can

130、 even be applied to the disgusting example of Pay income tax. For example, you can make a game out of finding ways of reducing your tax. You can even get your family involved and offer a reward for the person finding the best tax-reduction techniques. The more creative you are (which comes with prac

131、tice), the better you become at making unpleasant tasks more pleasant. 你能使用的另一个窍门是做一个清单, 并注明优先级别, 并且写上 “首先吃这只青蛙” 。 这句话是关于一个老笑话的, 如果你一清早由吃青蛙开始, 那么剩余的时间几乎肯定是变比更好的。那就是,在一天的开始,做那些你需要做但你又真正地不想做的事情。 那么那天的剩余时间就会变得容易和没有压力了,因为你已经扫除了主要障碍。 Other tricks you can use are to make lists, prioritize items on those l

132、ists, and eat the frog first. This last item relates to the old joke If you start your morning out by eating a frog, the rest of the day is almost surely going to get better than it started. That is, start your day by doing something you need to do but that you really dont want to do. The rest of th

133、e day goes easier and with less stress, partly because you just feel better from getting the task out of the way. 克服拖延时间可以采取一种戒律的方法,说到戒律这个词, 包括我在在的许多人都感到恐惧。但当我服务于它的时候,我能一般得到恐惧消退。Lou Holtz 是这样说戒律的: 戒律不是对你自己做什么而是为自己做什么。 Overcoming procrastination can take some discipline, a word that strikes fear in t

134、he hearts of many folks, including me. But I can generally get the fear to subside, when I work at it, by focusing on what Lou Holtz says about discipline: Discipline is Not what you Do TO yourself - it is what you Do FOR yourself. 并且, 说到做某事为你自己, 不要忘记了当你获得在克服拖延时间上的进展时给自己适当的奖励。奖励自己的正面行为有助把他们变成习性。 And

135、, speaking of doing something for yourself, dont forget to give yourself a reward when you do make progress on overcoming procrastination. Rewarding positive behaviors helps turn them into habits. 这些仅仅是帮助我克服拖延时间的一些想法 (一个我经常进行的斗争) 。 我认为我所见过的最能克服拖延时间的总结性文章是 Mark Taw 的文章。我高度推荐你去这个链接看看。我同时强烈推荐一本书现在的习性。

136、These are just a few of the thoughts help me to overcome procrastination (a battle I periodically have to re-win). I think the best overall, summary write-up 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 27 页,共 46 页Ive seen on tips for overcoming procrastination is Mark Taws. I highly recommend that you check this lin

137、k out. I also highly recommend the book The Now Habit. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 28 页,共 46 页设定目标设定目标 (Setting Goals) 这儿有几个我在过去几年里面总结的关于目标设定的诀窍。这些诀窍来自我参加的研讨会, 读过的书,听到的别人的讨论等等。我在此只包括那些我从经验中获取的对我有用的东西。 Here are a few tips on goal setting that I have picked up over the years. These tips come from semin

138、ars that I have taken, books I have read, discussions I have heard, and so forth. Ive only included herein the things that I have found from experience that have worked for me. 目标的设定与时间的安排之间的联系是相当直接了当的: 如果你不设定和不力争目标, 而从事那些不服务你目标的事情, 因此浪费了你的时间。(当然, 我们全部都会做些不服务我们目标的事情,但是那些没有目标的人做得更多) The connection of

139、 goal setting to time management is pretty straightforward: If you dont set and strive for goals, youre going to work on stuff that doesnt serve you, thereby wasting your time. (Of course, we all work on stuff that doesnt serve us from time to time, but folks who have no goals do a lot more of it.)

140、一种方便的创造目标的方式是在以下问题之后填空: 什么你想要的 什么是你想做的 什么是你想有的 什么是你想给的 什么是你既不想要, 也不想做, 不想有, 和不想给的 One convenient way of creating your list of goals is to fill in the blanks under the following categories: What you want to BE What you want to DO What you want to HAVE What you want to GIVE What you Dont want to BE, D

141、O, HAVE, and GIVE 当你在搅尽脑汁填写这些类别的时候, 你也要设法考虑以下几个子类: 个人 家庭 精神 职业 财政 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 29 页,共 46 页While you are brainstorming in these categories, youll want to make sure you think about the following subcategories: Personal Family Spiritual Professional Financial 这只是一张建议的类别名单, 使你能够按照这个来思考分类。

142、你也应该考虑是不是也有其它类别可以加入到这个名单中的。 This is just a suggested list of categories, to get you thinking. You should think through whether there are other categories you want to add to this list。 并且, 当你在考虑这些类别的时候, 考虑一下如果你没有限制的话你会怎么做。考虑如果金钱和健康(举个例子)不存在问题的时候,你会怎么做。并且考虑你敬佩的人会怎么做,你是否要对其进行模仿。 你也许甚至想要将这群人当中的一个当作你的辅导者

143、, 帮助你思考这些方面(至少部分), 并告诉你什么是他们认为对自己有效的方法。 Also, as you think on these categories, consider what you would do if you had no limitations. Consider what you would do, be, have if money and health (for example) were not obstacles for you. Also, think about the people you admire and what it is that they ha

144、ve, do, and are that you want to emulate. Note that you might even want to consider one of these people to be your mentor, to help you think through these areas (at least partly), and to tell you what he/she has found to be effective for them. 当你考虑你的目标的时候, 你要给自己一个安静环境来沉思。你会觉得你潮思如泉涌,你想将它们全都写下来, 并且你不愿

145、删掉任何一点, 无论它听起来多么可笑。当你设法混合激发的灵感和现实的时候, 你经常会忽略灵感。不过只要你原来已经记录下来,等你有时间后便可以尝试你的这些设想。有时在这激发灵感期间, 你应该按照 Steven Covey 推荐的那样想象你这些设想会有什么后果。如果它今天进行, 你会怎么说,你所说的与你真正地想说的会有什么不同?你是否留给你的家庭他们真正地想要有的财政状况? 从我自己的经验来说,你最好也想象一下最亲爱的人的葬礼。你也许认为你对你的家庭象非常好, 但我保证,如果万一你失去了他们的当中一个你会觉得你以前为他们做多少都是不够的。 When you are developing your

146、goals, youll want to give yourself a peaceful environment so you can brainstorm. And, you do want to brainstorm, which means: you write it All down, and you throw out nothing, no matter how ridiculous it sounds. When you try to mix brainstorming and practicality, you always lose the benefit of brain

147、storming. Youll have time later to be practical with your list. Sometime during this brainstorming exercise, you ought to do like Steven Covey recommends and visualize your funeral. What would be said about you if it were held today, and how does that differ from what you really 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:k

148、ai;首发第 30 页,共 46 页want to be said about you? Did you leave your family with a financial situation that you really want them to have? From my own experience, I must sadly suggest that you also visualize the funeral of your dearest loved ones. You may think you are being as good to your family as you

149、can be, but I assure you that you will wish you had done far more for them if you lose one of them. 对于你应该有多少个目标有很多不同的观点。 有些专家说你能想到有多少个生活目标你就应该有多少个。 (生活目标是那些在你死之前考虑的什么你想做的, 想成为的, 想有的, 和想给予的。 ) 而有些人认为你应该限制你的目标那样你就不会在同一时刻面对许多你不能管理的局面。 他们的理论是如果你设定许多你不能完成的目标就会使你意志消沉, 这会影响你做好任何你的其他的目标。我赞成在你死之前考虑一切你想做的事情然后

150、列出一个目标的清单。你也能从消沉得到帮助,如果你真正地需要它的话。 There are different schools of thought on how many goals you should have. Some experts say you ought to have as many life goals as you can think of. (Life goals are those you obtaining by thinking about what you want to Do, Be, Have, and Give before you die.) Others

151、 say you ought to limit your goals so that you never have more than a manageable set facing you at any one time. Their theory is that it will depress you to have a lot of incomplete goals, and that depression will keep you from doing well with any of your goals. I vote for thinking about everything

152、you want to do before you die and having the long list of goals. You can get help with depression if you really need it. 一旦你想清楚了你所有的目标(你可能要花上两三天或几个星期)。那么你就可以开始实现它们了,删掉那些没有道理的目标。一个精简你目标的方法是, 为什么我要完成它,完成这个任务会有什么好处? 当你发现没有一个对这个问题的很好的答复的时候, 你就可以把这个目标从列表里面删除了。 Once youve brainstormed your list of goals (

153、which you may want to do over the course of a couple of days or weeks), then you can play Mr./Ms. Practical with the list and weed out the ones that just dont make sense. One way of thinning out the list is to ask, for each goal, Why do I want this and what good will it really accomplish? When you f

154、ind a goal that doesnt have a good answer to this question, youve found a goal you can toss. 并且, 当你浏览你的目标列表的时候, 你应该考虑怎样给予他们优先级。不是所有目标是相等地重要的。你能通过各个方面(个人, 家庭, 精神, 专家, 财政, 等等)给予他们优先级别, 每个方面给予优先级别 1 和 2 等, 或者,你能给予他们绝对的优先级别,像 1 到 109 (或任何其他的优先级) 。 我赞成由方面划分优先级, 因为当你的生活情势改变的时候优先级会变化很大。(对一个或更多方面的较小改动比必须根据在

155、你的情势和侧重上的变化重新做整个优先级的改动要容易得多。) Also, as you go over your list of goals, you ought to think about how to prioritize them. Not all goals are going to be equally important. You can prioritize them by area (Personal, Family, Spiritual, Professional, Financial, so forth), with each 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;

156、首发第 31 页,共 46 页area having a Priority 1 and a 2 and . Or, you can prioritize them absolutely, with respect for area, as 1 through 109 (or whatever). I vote for prioritizing by area, since priorities change too much as your life circumstances change. (Its a lot easier to make minor modifications to o

157、ne or more areas than to have to redo your whole list of priorities based on changes in your circumstances and preferences.) 然后, 是时间开始动手把目标列表变成行动的时候了。 Then, its time to buckle down to turn the list into action steps. 决定哪个目标是长期目标,哪些将是短期,哪些介于两者之间的。然后, 从你的短期目标开始, 想象将采取什么使你实现这个目标。这将帮助你把这个目标分成几步来实现。当然, 你

158、需要为这些目标(和步骤)设置最后期限。 Decide which goals are to be long-term goals and which are to be short-term and which fall somewhere in between. Then, starting with your short-term goals, Visualize what it will take for you to accomplish the goal. This will help you in breaking the goal down into steps. Of cour

159、se, you also need to set deadlines for each of these goals (and steps). 如果任何你的目标需要改变你正常的习惯, 你应该注意到许多研究员发现需要大约 21 天才能改变日常习惯。你要考虑到这些因素并调整你的计划。当改变习惯时, 你需要反复强化,这样才能真正改变你原来的习惯。 If any of your goals address making a change of habit, you should note that many researchers have found that it takes about 21 d

160、ays to change a habit. Youll want to factor this into your planning. Also, when changing a habit, youll want to find ways to give yourself positive reinforcement for making changes. 最后, 你的主要的目标应该经常摆在你前面。你应该至少每周浏览一遍,保证你正在获得进展并留意你是否需要在某些方面修改你的计划。 Finally, you ought to have your key goals in front of y

161、ou on a regular basis. You should look at them at least weekly to ensure you are making progress and to see if you need to modify your plans in anyway. 就PDA软件而言, 我个人使用word文件和任务清单在我的PPC上设置和跟踪目标。我也使用Achieve It! - 这软件只适用于PPC,它可以从PocketPC Adict获得。我使用它有一段时间了, 不过,我不知道它是否与比较新的PPC操作系统兼容(WM 2003 SE 和 WM5) 。有

162、些人告诉我,Palm平台的 目标助理 也很好, 但没尝试过, 并且我现在没有Palm设备去尝试它。 As far as PDA software for goals, I personally use Word documents and task lists on my Pocket PC for setting and tracking goals. I have also used Achieve It! - 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 32 页,共 46 页this software is available only for Pocket PCs and c

163、an be obtained from PocketPC Addict. It has been some time since Ive used it, though, and I dont know if it is compatible with the later Pocket PC operating systems (Windows Mobile 2003 SE and WM5). I have been told that Target-Assistant for the Palm platform is also good, but have not tried it out,

164、 and I no longer have a Palm device to try it on. 如果你无法使用 Achieve IT! 这款目标设定软件, 另外还有各种各样的方式完成周期性回顾和计划活动。 最简单方法是, 你在你的 Palm 和 PPC 的备忘录里列出你的关键目标的, 并周期性的回顾这个备忘录。当然, 你应该为这些关键目标设定子任务项目。 If you are unable to use the! goal-setting software, there are various other ways of accomplishing this periodic review

165、 and planning activity. A simple one is to have a memo set up on your Palm or Pocket PC in which you have listed your key goals, so that you can review the memo periodically. Of course, you should also have ToDo items set up for each of these key goals. 另外组织你的目标的方式是使用项目管理方法或数据库管理。 Another way of org

166、anizing your goals is to use a project planner or a database manager. 如果你还需要更多帮助, 有许多目标设定的书你可以参看。 如果你曾经尝试过计划目标但做得并不好, 你甚至可以采取研讨会的方式。就书和研讨会而言, 我个人喜欢Zig Zigler写的书和召开的研讨会。Covey 的书高效人士的七个好习惯对于制定目标有很好的建议,它是少数本提出“服务目的”(对你所爱的和社会做回报的目标)的书当中一本。我选择使用这个网站也是提供服务的一种方式。我选择对Bethel Bible Village做捐赠以怀念我的妻子Vickie 因为V

167、ickie和我看见在教堂的人多少年来都在帮助无家可归的小孩, Vickie 是热爱小孩的。如果你没有慈善之心, 我推荐你去一下教堂。但是, 很明显地,在这个世界上还有许多其他的美好慈善事业, 而捐赠仅是服务的一种。 If you need more help with goals than was provided above, there are numerous books on goal setting that you may want to consider. If youve tried hard at goal setting before and just havent don

168、e well with it, you may even want to consider taking a seminar. As far as books and seminars go, I personally like those by Zig Zigler. He is one of the most motivating speakers and writers that Ive encountered in my 27 years of exposing myself to motivational books and seminars. Certainly Coveys Th

169、e Seven Habits of Highly Effective People has good advice on goals, too, and is one of the few books on goals to bring out how important it is to have service goals, which are goals where you render service back to your loved ones and to society. I have chosen to use this website as one way of being

170、 of service. Another way that I have chosen is to make donations to Bethel Bible Village in memory of my wife Vickie, because Vickie and I saw through the years how great the people at Bethel are at helping kids from broken homes, and Vickie always loved kids. If you do not have a favorite 作者:Bruce

171、Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 33 页,共 46 页charity, I recommend that you check Bethel out. But, obviously, there are many fine charities in the world, and donations are but one way to be of service. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 34 页,共 46 页 简洁有效的文字简洁有效的文字 (Concise and Effective Writing) 许多专家常常耗费非常多的时间重写备忘录和其它文件。 一些是

172、因为不简洁, 另外一些是没有写到关键点。 One thing that is a huge time-waster for a lot of professionals is having to rewrite memos and other documents. A lot of the rewriting is due to the documents not being concise (and, therefore, not clear). And a lot is from the documents not being effective (tried to get a messa

173、ge across that got buried or was muddled). 正因为经历过这么多年写作经验, 我现在能简明地和有效地写出我想要写的了。 我很高兴能与你分享一些我的体会。 Because of the amount of writing and rewriting that Ive had to over the years, I can write concisely and effectively. I am pleased to able to share with you some of what Ive learned. 1 在你写一件事以前,先考虑谁将会是你的

174、读者并且他们的背景如何。他们对你所写的主题真正知道多少? 他们是否有相同的知识背景还是需要你提供背景知识? 如果需要背景知识,你应该另外写一段专门针对背景的内容,并以“背景”作为标题,那些不需要背景知识的读者就可以跳过这一段来读你的文章了。 1 Before you write a thing, think through who your readers are going to be and what their backgrounds are. What do they really know about the subject matter you are writing about?

175、 Do they all have about equal knowledge, or is do some of them perhaps need some background information? If background is needed, you should set up a separate paragraph that provides the background and give it a heading of Background. Readers who dont need background info can skip over this paragrap

176、h (or paragraphs). 2 考虑你的文件的的的目的是什么目的是什么。你需要在你信件的开始写目标声明。有时你将需要明确陈述目的, 譬如 这封信件的目的将描述可供选择的一种新芯片制作设施。 有时你要含蓄地陈述目的, 譬如 这封信件是对你在 2001 年 1 月信件的回复, 关于 Dolittle 博士的营私弊端。 目的声明不仅是为了帮助你的读者了解你的目的,更是为了让你了解 你自己的目标。很多时候,由于真正的目的没有给予足够的考虑,备忘录被写得非常糟糕。 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 35 页,共 46 页2 Think about what the purp

177、ose of your document is. You need to start you letter with a statement of purpose. Sometimes you will need to be explicit in stating the purpose, such as The purpose of this letter is to describe options available for construction of a new chip-making facility. Sometimes you can state the purpose im

178、plicitly, such as This letter responds to your letter of January 2001, regarding Dr. Dolittles malpractice suit. The purpose statement not only helps your reader understand the purpose, but it also helps you understand. All too often, memos are poorly written because not even thought was given to wh

179、at the real purpose of the memo was to be. 3 写出你想提出观点的重点,然后给他们编组。这是一种概述的形式, 但比你在学校学到的方法要容易做(而且效果也要好) 。如同你汇集这些重点, 把你自己想象成为读者并考虑什么是他们想和需要从你那儿获取的。 我们要想写我们自己想听的是太容易了, 但没有好好的为我们的读者想一想。 3 Write out bullets of points you want to make, and then group them. This is a form of outlining, but its a lot easier t

180、o do than what you were taught in school (and it works better). As you put these points together, visualize yourself as the reader(s) and think about what they want and need to hear from you. Its too easy for us to write what we want to hear, without giving ample thought to our readers. 4 除非你有一个紧急的最

181、后期限, 否则应该设置重点列表放在旁边然后过两三个小时或一天以后再看它一遍。你会非常惊奇于你在列表上增加和删除了很多事项。 4 Unless you are under an extremely tight deadline, set the list of bullets aside and revisit them a couple of hours or a day later. You may be amazed at the new bullets you add onto the list as well as the ones you take off. 5 同样, 在你起草这份

182、封备忘录或信件之后或任何其他时间,把它放在旁边并在以后回顾它。无论你认为你写得多么好了, 只把它作为一份草稿。并且以一个读者的眼光来读它。假设你的财务副总裁是读者当中的一个,,想想他会有什么问题?如何来回答这些问题? 5 Similarly, after youve drafted the memo or letter or whatever, set it aside and review it later. No matter how good you thought you did with it, treat it as a draft. And read it in the eyes

183、 of your readers. If your vice president of finance is one of the readers, pretend you are him/her as you read it. Think about what questions he/she might have and make sure you have answered them. 6 使用简单词。 例如, use 是比 utilize 容易的词。 并且删去多余的词。 例如, in order to几乎总能简化为 to。同样, we are in the process of doi

184、ng this. 也可以精简为we are doing this. 6 Use simple words. For example, use is easier on the mind than utilize. And cut out unnecessary words. For example, in order to can almost always be 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 36 页,共 46 页shorted to to. Similarly, we are in the process of doing this . can generally

185、be shortened to we are doing this . 这些是简明表达的几个重点。但最关键当然还是实践。如果这是你真正地需要努力的方面, 我建议你写许多假设的文章,然后在几天以后编辑他们,看看如何你能改进他们。 These are the key points to writing concisely and effectively. But the key way to getting to the point that you do it consistently is, of course, practice. If this is an area you really

186、need to work hard on, I suggest you write a lot of fake memos and then edit them a few days later to see how you can improve them. 注意无论是对一封短信还是一个重要提案, 上述观点是同样重要的。 如果你写不好短备忘录, 备忘录就不能起到它们的作用。并且,由于你不好的写作习惯, 要写好一个重要提案就更加困难了。 Note that the above points are as important for a short letter as they are for

187、an important proposal. If you use bad writing skills in short memos, the memos will not be as effective as they can be. And, by promulgating bad habits, it will be much more difficult for you to write that important proposal effectively. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 37 页,共 46 页宏(宏(Macros) 一个经常被人们忽视的或未

188、完全利用的使用 PDA 来做时间管理好处是使用 PDA 的宏指令(或快捷方式)。 依靠你过去实施宏指令的软件, 宏指令的能力范围覆盖从加速文本词条到使得一系列的行为自动化(譬如能通过一个键就使能 WiFi 连接, 打开你的电子邮件应用, 和检查你的电子邮件等等) 。 One of the often-overlooked or under-utilized benefits of using a PDA for time management is the ability to use macros (or shortcuts) on the PDA. Depending on the sof

189、tware you use to implement macros, the capabilities of macros ranges from speeding up text entry to automating the execution of a series of actions (such as enabling a WiFi connection, opening your e-mail application, and checking your e-mail, all with one keystroke). 在 PPC 中这方面做得很好的两三种应用是 Calligrap

190、her 和 Fitaly 。下面这个截图显示了我在 Calligrapher 设定的宏指令的当中一个 : A couple of applications that do this very well on Pocket PCs are Calligrapher and Fitaly. Here is a screenshot of one of the macros I have set up within Calligrapher: 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 38 页,共 46 页我通过写 lpm 然后圈上他们来激活这个宏指令,依照显示如下 I invoke t

191、his macro by writing the letters lpm and then circle them, as shown below: Calligrapher 将写出某些象这样的东西: 12/25/04, 下午 12:26:留下电话邮件 然后我只用写我要留下电话邮件的人名了。 Calligrapher will write out something like 12/25/04 , 12:26 PM : Left phone mail with And then I just write in the name of the person I left the phone ma

192、il with. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 39 页,共 46 页注意这个特殊宏指令。 它激活了 Calligrapher 提供的两三个宏指令; 即, ds 和 ts 宏指令。 ds 宏指令是一个插入那个数据(以简易格式),显示如下: Note that this particular macro, which I wrote, invokes a couple of macros that are supplied with Calligrapher; namely, the ds and ts macros. The ds macro is one that i

193、nserts that date (in short form), and is shown below: ts 宏指令和“ds” 宏指令相似。两个都是由 Calligrapher 提供的, Calligrapher 提供一定数量你能使用的或你能定制适合你的口味的宏指令。 唯一的我做的对日期和时间宏指令的定制customization 是改变他们的名字。他们最初是 日期 (不是 ds) 和 时刻 (不是 ts), 但我改变了这个名字来反映我在 Palm Pilots 上看到的一样的宏。这个宏有个日期的快捷方式,它能通过写出 shortcut stroke 加上字母ds(类似于 ts 的宏)。改

194、称或定做 Calligrapher 宏指令是非常容易的。 The ts macro is similar. As I noted, both are supplied with Calligrapher, which provides a number of macros that you can use as is or that you can customize to suit your taste. The only customization I did to the date and time macros were to change their names. They come

195、 supplied as date (not ds) and time (not ts), but I changed the name to reflect what I had been accustomed to on my Palm Pilots which have a date-stamp shortcut that you can invoke by writing 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 40 页,共 46 页out the shortcut stroke plus the letters ds (similar for the the time-

196、stamp macro). Renaming or customizing the Calligrapher macros is easy. Calligrapher 非常强有力,它将让你能设定 key stokes 来启动程序等等 。如果你有安装了 Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition 的一台 PPC, 它的 Transcriber (嵌入式手写认识软件) 允许一些捷径能力。 虽然 WM2003SE 的Transcriber 不如 Calligrapher 设置宏的能力好,但是如果你不想购买额外软件(不是必须增加软件而且保存内存) 它也许是适合你的一个选择。

197、Calligrapher is very powerful and will let you assign key stokes to the launching of programs and so on. If you have a Pocket PC that has Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition, its Transcriber (the built-in handwriting recognition software) does allow some shortcut capability as well. Although the WM20

198、03SE Transcriber shortcut methodology is not as sophisticated as the macro capability of Calligrapher, it just may suit your needs, eliminating the need for you buy extra software (and not having to add software also conserves RAM). 另一个非常好应用程序对捷径是 Fitaly, 它来于几个词汇(你能个性化你自己的快捷方式) 。下面的截图显示了它部分的词汇。 Anot

199、her very good application for shortcuts is Fitaly, which comes with several glossaries (all of which you can personalize with your own shortcuts ). A screenshot of part of its business glossary is shown below. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 41 页,共 46 页 我来举个例子: 当我使用 Fitaly 敲入 字母 aar 的时候, Fitaly 将在屏幕的底部显示

200、词组as a result。如果我点击那个词组, Fitaly 在我敲入的字母位置将它插入文件,。与 Calligrapher 相似, 只用 stylus 敲击几下,你就可以得到你想要的。 Palm 操作系统有内嵌的捷径方式。虽然不像上面介绍的那么功能强大, 你能仍然使用它设定一大堆的快捷方式。 As an example of putting this to us: when I use Fitaly to type the letters aar, Fitaly will show the phrase as a result at the bottom of the screen. If

201、 I then just tap on that phrase, Fitaly inserts it into the document, in place of the letters that I had typed. Just as with Calligrapher, a few strokes of the stylus, and you get a lot in return. The Palm operating system has a shortcut methodology built-in. While not as powerful as shown above, yo

202、u can still use it to set up an large number of useful shortcuts. 我鼓励你尽可能的多使用宏和快捷方式。 你会发现你在设置这些上花费些时间将在使用他们的时候都节省回来。 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 42 页,共 46 页I encourage you to make as much use of macros/shortcuts as you can. Youll find that the time you spend in setting these up is saved many times ov

203、er as you use them. 最后, 如果你不知道, PPC 输入识别软件有时候会当你开始输 入字母的时候弹出些建议的词, 依照显示在下面的例子,在我输入字母 th的时候,软件弹出些建议的单词供我选择: Finally, just in case you are not aware of it, the Pocket PC input-recognition software will pop-up some suggested words for you when you begin inputting letters, as shown below in the example

204、in which I have entered the letters th and the software pops up a list of suggestions for me to choose from: 如果我打算写出这个词 therefore 我能简单地点击列表中这个词,软件会自动填上这个词的剩余部分。 如此, 在软件的帮助下, 我输入二个字母并点击一下软件就替我完成了剩余的 7 个字母。那是一个很好节省时间的办法。 依照显示你能调整你要软件提供的建议词汇的数量,这三个截图如下: If I had intended to write out the word therefore

205、, I could simply tap on it in the listing shown above and the software would fill the rest of the word in. So, with the help of the software, I enter two letters and a screen tap and the software writes out the additional seven letters for me. Thats a pretty good time-saver. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首

206、发第 43 页,共 46 页You can adjust the number of suggestions you want the software to offer to you, as shown below in the three screen shots below: 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 44 页,共 46 页 你做调整的时候, 屏幕上有 Suggest , 选择word(s) PPC 软件将让你设置值从 1 到 4, 并且它的缺省设置是 1 个词(根本是无用的)。我使用一个叫 Tweaks2k 的产品称允许我设置这个值为 6。 Tweaks2k

207、 让你对你的 PPC 做非常好的设置, 开发者对于这个软件只收取很少的费用 你能买到在 Palm 设备上让你做同样事情的软件。事际上 , TextPlus 软件让你挑选除建议的词之外的词组,。 You make your adjustment where the screen has Suggest, selection box, word(s) The Pocket PC software will let you set the value anywhere from 1 to 4 words, and its default setting is 1 word (which is ess

208、entially useless). I use a product called Tweaks2k that allows me to set this value to 6 suggested words. Tweaks2k lets you do several neat tweaks to your Pocket PC settings and is well worth the small fee the developer charges for it. You can also buy software for Palm devices that will let you do

209、much the same thing as shown above. In fact, the TextPlus software will also let you select from suggested phrases, in addition to suggested words. 希望这些诀窍会帮助你加速你与你的 PDA 的互动. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 45 页,共 46 页Hopefully these tips will help you speed up your interactions with your PDA. 我在2005 年1月作

210、了一次对上面内容的更新, 我应该指明我不再使用Calligrapher, 因为(1) 我决得它比我想象得更耗内存 (2) 它有时在 VGA 接线得 PPC 上存在 bug (我卖掉 iPAQ 得到 Dell 之后,我的 iPAQ 4700 和 Dell x50v 上有都有它的问题)。很多人使用它没有出现过任何问题 , 如此你会发现它正是你需要的。 As an update to the above, which I wrote in January 2005, I should note that I have gotten away from using Calligrapher, beca

211、use (1) I decided it was taking up more memory than it was worth to me and (2) it sometimes has buggy behavior on VGA-capable Pocket PCs (I had a few problems with it on my iPAQ 4700 and then a few on my Dell x50v, after I sold the iPAQ to get the Dell). A lot of people use it without complaint, though, so you may also find that its just what you need. 作者:Bruce Keener;翻译:kai;首发第 46 页,共 46 页



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