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1、最新资料推荐目录摘要Abstract前言11概述21.1垃圾渗滤液的来源及特征21.2国内外目前垃圾渗滤液处理现状及未来发展方向31.2.1我国垃圾渗滤液处理经历的阶段31.2.2垃圾渗滤液处理工艺比较51.2.3渗滤液处理中存在的问题81.2.4今后的研究方向82设计说明书102.1总论102.1.1设计任务和内容102.1.2基础资料102.2渗滤液处理工艺流程说明102.3处理构筑物的设计计算112.3.1格栅的设计计算112.3.2调节池的设计计算152.3.3混凝沉淀池的设计计算172.3.4 UASB的设计计算272.3.5改良SBR的设计计算362.3.6臭氧氧化设备的设计计算4

2、12.3.7活性炭吸附装置的设计计算432.3.8贮泥池的设计计算442.3.9污泥浓缩池的设计计算452.3.10污泥消化池的设计472.3.11污泥脱水设备的设计482.3.12综合间492.3.13效率评估492.3.14场区市政设施设计502.3.15总结50参考文献51致谢52附录53最新精品资料整理推荐,更新于二二一年一月二十日2021年1月20日星期三20:05:43城市垃圾填埋场渗滤液处理工艺设计摘 要本次毕业设计的内容是对城市垃圾渗滤液的处理进行工艺设计。渗滤液的处理量为400m3/d,主要去除物质有SS、CODcr、BOD5和NH3-N,处理水质执行生活垃圾填埋污染控制标准


4、COD同时氨化,之后进入SBR进一步去除有机污染物同时脱氮,再进入臭氧氧化池进行深度处理后通过活性炭吸附工艺,出水可达标排放。污泥流程为:将贮泥池从生物处理构筑物处收集到的剩余污泥输送到污泥浓缩池,经由消化池后,经脱水回收填埋。关键词:混凝沉淀;UASB;SBR;臭氧氧化;活性炭吸附Landfill Leachate Treatment Process DesignAbstractThis graduation project is to design landfill leachate treatment process. Flow rate of this leachate treatme

5、nt plant is 400m3/d. The purpose is mainly to remove SS, CODcr, BOD5 and NH3-N, and the quality of the effluent is requested to reach the level B standards of national sewage discharge. The main task is to determine the leachate treatment process and to calculate the related structures in the size.T

6、hrough analysis of the characteristics of leachate, SBR combining with UASB is used as the main biological treatment process , followed by ozonation as the advanced treatment. SBR process can complete the variety reaction of nitrogen and phosphorus removal in the same reactor in chronological sequen

7、ce. Composition of SBR process system is simple. Its aeration tank can be used as secondary sedimentation tank, and it has not sludge return device. SBR process can resist shock loading, and its sludge settling performance is good. After the waste water dealing with by ozonation, the dissolved organ

8、ic and inorganics can be removed completely, but chemical sludge in which pollutants are concentrated can not be produced.The influent flowed from screen and regulating pond into coagulation and sedimentation tank to remove COD, BOD, SS and heavy metal. Then the supernatant overflowed into UASB by u

9、pgrade pump to remove COD and to ammonification at the same time. Then leachate flowed into the SBR to further remove organic pollutants and ammonia simultaneously. At last, the liquid flowed into the ozonation pond and activated carbon adsorption process for advanced treatment. The excess sludge wh

10、ich collected from the biological treatment structures was transported to the sludge thickening pool, and then the sludge entered into the digestion tank and landfill after dewatering.Key words: Coagulation and Sedimentation; UASB; SBR; Ozonation; Activated carbon adsorption process前 言随着我国城市化建设步伐的加快




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