Attitude of a group of Belgian stakeholders towards proposed agricultural countermeasures after a radioactive contamination synthesis of the discussions within the Belgian EC-FARMING1 group-英文资料

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Attitude of a group of Belgian stakeholders towards proposed agricultural countermeasures after a radioactive contamination synthesis of the discussions within the Belgian EC-FARMING1 group-英文资料_第1页
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Attitude of a group of Belgian stakeholders towards proposed agricultural countermeasures after a radioactive contamination synthesis of the discussions within the Belgian EC-FARMING1 group-英文资料_第2页
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Attitude of a group of Belgian stakeholders towards proposed agricultural countermeasures after a radioactive contamination synthesis of the discussions within the Belgian EC-FARMING1 group-英文资料_第3页
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Attitude of a group of Belgian stakeholders towards proposed agricultural countermeasures after a radioactive contamination synthesis of the discussions within the Belgian EC-FARMING1 group-英文资料_第4页
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Attitude of a group of Belgian stakeholders towards proposed agricultural countermeasures after a radioactive contamination synthesis of the discussions within the Belgian EC-FARMING1 group-英文资料_第5页
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《Attitude of a group of Belgian stakeholders towards proposed agricultural countermeasures after a radioactive contamination synthesis of the discussions within the Belgian EC-FARMING1 group-英文资料》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Attitude of a group of Belgian stakeholders towards proposed agricultural countermeasures after a radioactive contamination synthesis of the discussions within the Belgian EC-FARMING1 group-英文资料(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Attitude of a group of Belgian stakeholderstowards proposed agricultural countermeasuresafter a radioactive contamination: synthesisof the discussions within the BelgianEC-FARMING1groupC.M. Vandecasteelea,*, F. Hardemanb, O. Pauwelsc,M. Bernaertsc, B. Carle b, L. Sombre aaFANC, Ravenstein Street 36,

2、 B-1000 Brussels, BelgiumbSCK?CEN, Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, BelgiumcCGCCR, rue Ducale, B-1000 Brussels, BelgiumReceived 17 November 2003; received in revised form 5 August 2004; accepted 1 September 2004Available online 14 June 2005AbstractIn the case of radioactive contamination of the environmen

3、t with an impact on the foodchain, the remediation strategy will not only be based on scientific knowledge and technicalexperience, but will also be dictated by peculiarities of the country. These characteristicsinclude the agro-industrial structure, the local and international economical contexts a

4、nd thepolitical configuration including the distribution of responsibilities and competencies. Thispaper identifies and illustrates the most relevant characteristics of the Belgian agriculturalsystem and political environment; it also describes the past experience with food chaincontamination, which

5、 is expected to influence the attitude of Belgian stakeholders, who wouldbe involved in the setting up of countermeasure strategies for maintaining agriculturalproduction and food safety. The picture drawn explains why several countermeasures aiming* Corresponding author. Tel.: C32 2 289 2068; fax:

6、C32 2 289 2152.E-mail address: (C.M. Vandecasteele).1EC-FARMING: Contract FIKR-CT-2000-20064 of the European Commission.0265-931X/$ - see front matter ? 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2004.09.007Journal of Environmental Radioactivity

7、83 (2005) reduce the contamination in food products, although scientifically sound and technicallyfeasible, are hardly acceptable or even not acceptable at all, to the stakeholders.? 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords: Radioactive contamination; Countermeasures; Stakeholders; EC FARMING

8、 project1. IntroductionSince the beginning of the nuclear era, several events have led to a substantialdispersion of radioactivity and have requested the application of remedial actions tomitigate their impact (UIR, 2001). They include nuclear bomb testing, accidentsat nuclear power plants (e.g. Win

9、dscale, Chernobyl) (IAEA, 1991, 2001), reprocess-ing plants (e.g. Kyshtym, Tomsk) (IAEA, 1998a), conventional accidents involvingmilitary aircrafts carrying nuclear weapons (e.g. Palomares, Thule) (Aarkrog, 1971;Wrenn, 1974), satellite re-entry (e.g. Cosmos 954 in Canada) (Tracy et al., 1984) orloss

10、 of sources (e.g. Goia nia) (IAEA, 1988, 1998b).Countermeasures and remediation strategies have long since been applied inspecific circumstances (e.g. in the early 1950s after the contamination of the Techariver in the Urals by radioactive waste dumping (Akleyev and Kisselyov, 2002).In parallel, exp

11、erimental studies have increased the array of potential measures.Nowadays, a number of applicable measures exist that are recognised as effectiveand technically, as well as economically, feasible (Sandalls, 1990; Alexakhin, 1993;Jouve et al., 1993; Konoplev et al., 1993; Lembrechts, 1993; Nisbet et

12、al., 1993; Segal,1993; Willrodt, 1993; IAEA, 1994; SCK?CEN, 2002). However, countermeasures donot need only to be scientifically sound and technically and economically feasible,but they also need to be socially and psychologically acceptable for the stakeholdersconcerned. Hence, the choice of any co

13、untermeasure or remediation strategy willalso be dictated by the particular characteristics of the country, and these maychange with time and the socio-economical environment. These characteristics in-clude the agro-industrial structure, the local and international economic contextsand the political

14、 configuration including the distribution of responsibilities andcompetence. The following sections will attempt to identify the most relevantcharacteristics of the Belgian agricultural system and political environment which,together with bad previous experience with food chain contamination, are re

15、s-ponsible for the attitude of Belgian stakeholders towards potential countermeasuresto be applied in case of radioactive contamination.2. The Belgian stakeholder groupThe Belgian stakeholder group was set up on the model of the UK stakeholdergroup,withabalancedrepresentationofvariousgovernmentaland

16、non-governmental bodies (Nisbet and Mondon, 2001; Alexander et al., 2005). More320C.M. Vandecasteele et al. / J. Environ. Radioactivity 83 (2005) 319e332than 20 organisations having concern and/or responsibilities for the management ofa crisis resulting from a radioactive release into the environment are presentlyrepresented. The composition of the Belgian group reflects the peculiarities of thefederal structure of the country and the need for inviting representatives from theregional bodies. Ke



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