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1、Lecture ThirteenLecture ThirteenLecture ThirteenLecture ThirteenPractical Writings (10)Advertisements TranslationContents I. Review and comments on the assignments II. General introduction to advertisement III. Notes in E-C advertisements translation Notes in E-C advertisements translation Notes in

2、E-C advertisements translation Notes in E-C advertisements translation IV. Notes in C-E advertisements translation Notes in C-E advertisements translation Notes in C-E advertisements translation Notes in C-E advertisements translation V. Exercises VI. Summary VII. References for further reading VIII

3、. Assignments 纽约时报纽约时报创刊于创刊于1851185118511851年年9 9 9 9月月18181818日,日,1857185718571857年删去年删去“ “ “ “每日每日” ” ” ”字样改为今名。当时纽约人口字样改为今名。当时纽约人口50505050万,报官工作万,报官工作人员不到人员不到50505050名。创办人决心要办一份庄重严肃的日名。创办人决心要办一份庄重严肃的日报;创刊号一大张,有四版,分六栏,售价只是一美报;创刊号一大张,有四版,分六栏,售价只是一美分。内容很少登载耸人听闻的新闻,报导政治新闻时分。内容很少登载耸人听闻的新闻,报导政治新闻时常把双方不

4、同的观点介绍给读者,因此享有报道客观常把双方不同的观点介绍给读者,因此享有报道客观的评价。由于内容充实,特别注重国外新闻,很快受的评价。由于内容充实,特别注重国外新闻,很快受到读者的欢迎。到读者的欢迎。I. Review and comments on the assignmentsThe first issue of the New York Times The first issue of the New York Times The first issue of the New York Times The first issue of the New York Times appear

5、ed on September 18, 1851. By 1857, appeared on September 18, 1851. By 1857, appeared on September 18, 1851. By 1857, appeared on September 18, 1851. By 1857, the word the word the word the word “ “ “ “DailyDailyDailyDaily” ” ” ” which had been used from which had been used from which had been used f

6、rom which had been used from the beginning was eliminated. the beginning was eliminated. the beginning was eliminated. the beginning was eliminated. The population of the New York City at that The population of the New York City at that The population of the New York City at that The population of t

7、he New York City at that time was no more than half a million and a time was no more than half a million and a time was no more than half a million and a time was no more than half a million and a the staff members of this paper was less the staff members of this paper was less the staff members of

8、this paper was less the staff members of this paper was less than 50.than 50.than 50.than 50. In the beginning, the intention was to publish In the beginning, the intention was to publish In the beginning, the intention was to publish In the beginning, the intention was to publish a paper of serious

9、 style, thus, at first issues, a paper of serious style, thus, at first issues, a paper of serious style, thus, at first issues, a paper of serious style, thus, at first issues, the paper consisted of only four pages, six the paper consisted of only four pages, six the paper consisted of only four p

10、ages, six the paper consisted of only four pages, six columns and sold for one cent. columns and sold for one cent. columns and sold for one cent. columns and sold for one cent. Rarely it reported any unusual and alarming Rarely it reported any unusual and alarming Rarely it reported any unusual and

11、 alarming Rarely it reported any unusual and alarming incidents. At the same time, however, it incidents. At the same time, however, it incidents. At the same time, however, it incidents. At the same time, however, it presented different opinions concerning the presented different opinions concernin

12、g the presented different opinions concerning the presented different opinions concerning the same political issue. This was why its same political issue. This was why its same political issue. This was why its same political issue. This was why its objective reporting was appreciated and objective

13、reporting was appreciated and objective reporting was appreciated and objective reporting was appreciated and appraised.appraised.appraised.appraised. This paper became very popular for its This paper became very popular for its This paper became very popular for its This paper became very popular f

14、or its various contents especially the news various contents especially the news various contents especially the news various contents especially the news from abroad.from abroad.from abroad.from abroad. 创办两个月后销数即达两万,一年内篇幅由四版扩大创办两个月后销数即达两万,一年内篇幅由四版扩大至八版。在十九世纪七十年代和八十年代前期,销数至八版。在十九世纪七十年代和八十年代前期,销数增至四万

15、份左右。增至四万份左右。1983198319831983年,该报平日每日出版三至四年,该报平日每日出版三至四次,每份各为次,每份各为28282828页。现有工作人员页。现有工作人员5, 0005, 0005, 0005, 000名名, , , , 其中,其中,印刷工人七百名、记者印刷工人七百名、记者300300300300名。一年只是在新闻采访名。一年只是在新闻采访方面的用费即达方面的用费即达3, 5003, 5003, 5003, 500万美元。万美元。 平日版销售数为平日版销售数为87878787万份,星期日版为万份,星期日版为148148148148万份万份。I. Review and

16、comments on the assignmentsOnly within the first two months since its Only within the first two months since its Only within the first two months since its Only within the first two months since its first issue, the circulation reached 20 000, first issue, the circulation reached 20 000, first issue, the circulation reached 20 000, first issue, the circulation reached 20 000, and by the end of the first year, it and by the end of the first year, it and by the end of the first year, it and by the



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