2021-2022学年高中英语必修一课后阅读训练: 十四 Module 4 Period 2

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1、1 温馨提示:此套题为 Word 版,请按住 Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭 Word 文档返回原板块。课后阅读训练课后阅读训练 十四十四 Module 4Period 2.阅读理解 A Mary Allen was my best friendlike the sister I ever had.We did everything together:piano lessons,movies,swimming,and horseback riding.When I was 13,my family moved away.Mary and I kept in to

2、uch through letters and we saw each other on special occasions(场合)like my wedding and Marys.Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes,and we wrote less often.One day a card that I sent came back stamped“Address Unknown”.Over the years,I thought of Mary often.I wanted to share stories o

3、f my children and then grandchildren.And I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died.There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Mary could fill.One day I was reading the newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked a lot like Mary and whose las

4、t name was WagmanMarys married name.“There must be thousands of 2 Wagman.”I thought,but I wrote to her anyway.She called as soon as she got my letter.“Mrs Tobin!”she said excitedly.“Mary Allen Wagman is my mother.”Minutes later I heard a voice recognized immediately,even after 40 years.We laughed an

5、d cried and caught up on each others lives.Now the empty place in my heart is filled.And theres one thing that Mary and I know for sure:We dont lose each other again.【语篇概述】文章讲了我与 Mary 是最好的朋友,一起上课,一起分享心情。后来失去联系,直到在报纸上获得信息,才重新恢复了联系。1.Mary is the writers_.A.mother B.friend C.sister D.teacher【解析】选 B。细节理

6、解题。根据第一段首句即知选 B。2.After the author moved to another city,she and Mary_each other.A.had never seen B.had never written to C.often e-mailed D.sometimes visited【解析】选 D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段描述可知选 D。3.What happened to the author when she was reading the newspaper?A.She saw a photo of Mary.B.She saw a photo of Ma

7、rys daughter.C.She got a call from Mary.D.She got a call from Marys daughter.3【解析】选 B。细节理解题。根据文章第四、五段内容可知选 B。4.The best title of the passage is A.My Good Friend B.Friend Like the brother C.An Important Friend D.Friends AgainForever【解析】选 D。主旨大意题。文章讲了我与 Mary 是最好的朋友,后来失去联系到重新恢复友谊的故事。故选 D。B(2017福州高一检测)I

8、n 2012,I had just recovered from a serious illness when I received an invitation to a writers conference in Orlando,Florida.My family and friends persuaded me that a holiday might be just what the doctor ordered,so off I went.Arriving in the Sunshine State was not easy,but I managed to catch a taxi

9、to the hotel.The next morning,I caught another taxi to do some shopping.Later I went to a caf to buy some lunch,but having my sandwich and drink in my hands,I saw that all the tables were occupied(占用).Then I heard a friendly voice saying,“You can share my table.”I thankfully sat down with the smilin

10、g elderly lady and we shared a happy lunch together.As the meal drew to a close she asked how long 4 I would be in Orlando.I had already told her that I hadnt hired(租用)a car,and hadnt realized how costly taking taxis would be.After a while she said,“My dear,dont use any more taxis.It would be my ple

11、asure to drive you wherever you wish.”I told her that I couldnt put her to that trouble,but she insisted.She took details of where I was staying and the next morning she drove me to Disney World.She took me through the parks gates and spent some time with me before leaving me to explore alone.At the

12、 end of the day,she returned to take me back to my hotel.The next few days,she drove me around Orlandos tourist areas.I offered her money but she refused to take any.When we had lunch on my last day,I thanked her for her kindness.Ill never forget that wonderful lady who filled my holiday in Florida

13、with wonderful memories.【语篇概述】文章讲述了作者在开会期间遇到一位善良的老太太,她主动驾车送作者参会游玩的感人经历。5.The author went to Orlando to_.A.see a doctor B.attend a meeting C.meet a friend D.visit a family member【解析】选 B。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知作者出差是为了5 参加会议。6.What did the elderly lady do?A.She offered her seat to the author.B.She helped the

14、author hire a car.C.She drove the author to a park.D.She bought the author a lunch.【解析】选 C。细节理解题。根据第四段 the next morning she drove me to Disney World.She took me through the parks gates and spent some time with me before leaving me to explore alone.可知这位女士开车把作者送到公园去游玩。7.We can infer from the text that

15、 the elderly lady is_.A.hard-working B.good-looking C.well-known D.kind-hearted【解析】选 D。推理判断题。这位女士免费开车接送作者好几天,不难判断出她是一位心地善良的人。8.Whats the best title for the text?A.My holiday hero B.Making a big difference C.My trip to Disney World D.Difficulty in a foreign land【解析】选 A。主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了作者开会期间,一位老太太免费开车接送

16、自己的感人的事,故 A 项较能体现故事的主题。6.完形填空 The house next door had been empty for so long that we had quite forgotten what it was to have neighbours.One day,1,a great furniture lorry drew up near our front gate and in a short time,all kinds of furniture were2on the pavement(人行道).A small car arrived,out of which came seven people:a man,a woman and five children of3ages.The children hurried out and began laughing 4as the whole family moved into the house.Windows were5open,furniture was put into6,and little fac


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