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1、20202020 年硕士研究生招生考试复试英语口语面试问题准备年硕士研究生招生考试复试英语口语面试问题准备6666 问答大全问答大全1.What do you know about your major? 你对你们专业的认识?你对XX 专业了解多少?My major is XX, it is a science,it cultivates engineering talents ,it canengage in the design work and research of bridges , roads and houses.we shoundnt afirend of difficult

2、though those course sounds a littledifficult ,we must do the job carefully because it is very important forcivil engineering.2.what something do you learn in your undergrade course 你本科学了哪些知识?What subject did you major in at university?In my undergrade course,I have learned the materals of civilengin

3、eering,mechanics,soil mechanics ,civil engineering CAD,concrete design and so on。3.what would you like to be doing five years after graduation?Do you have a career plan in 5 years?你毕业后想从事什么工作, 有什么打算?I hope to do my best in professional field, I will work hard to becomean excellent engineer, if possi

4、ble , I want to take up advanced studiesand get a Ph.D.4.what is your greatest strength?(strong points)Are you have some pressure?I am confident and outgoing .So l like commucate with each otherabout some major questions. l think you will gain a lot if l understandhow to commucate with each other.5.

5、 what is your greatest weakness?(weak points)Sometime l am impatient so that l want to tackle the problem as soonas possible . l dont think it is a good behavior so l will become morepatient in my daily life.6.How do you feel about your progress to date?l think l did well in school and l get some ho

6、nor in my school life ,forexample l achieve the award of architecture design competition andthe award of measurement competition. l am proud of my efforts butl have a usual mind and l believe that l can do something better in thefuture.7.why did you choose this university?I love this University beca

7、use the campus is near the mountain andit is very beautiful . further more, it develop very well in recent yearsand l like this cultural environment here.8.Why do you choose CE?I like my major because my dream is become an engineer to devotemyself to construct my mother-land.9.hat have you learned f

8、rom your jobs(studies) you have held?In addition to professional knowledge, l also learned the ability tocommunicate with people. last but not least, it is very important forus to have the ability to analyze and solve the problems10.l me about a time when you made a bad or good decision?错误决定:of cour

9、se, unfortunately l didnt fall in love in my schoollives,if possible ,l will cultivate my mind and improve myself to havechance to meet true love.正确决定:the right decision l think is l choose to take part in theentrance exams for postgraduate school because it can promote myperson growth, whats more,

10、l can learn more about the knowledgeof major to develop myself so that l will have moreopportunity tocontribute myself to development of my mather-land11.what kind of personalities do you think you have?( character)Would you like to describe yourself as what kind of person youare?What kind of person

11、 you are?I am confident and outgoing,I like commucate with each otherabout some major questions.At the same time,I am hard-working sothat l like to do something carefully and hope something becomemore perfect. I am willing to help others when someone meet sometrouble.12. what basic principles do you

12、 apply to you work? 你工作的基本原则是什么?First,we should love our work, second,l think we much do somethingcarefully and hard-working,last but not least, we should learn moreability in the job and have spirt of group.13.Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? 你比较内向还是外向?Of course extroverted, l am co

13、nfident and outgoing so that l very likecommunicate with each other when l meet some question l canttunderstand and l like share lives and studies with my friends.14.What types(kinds) of people dont you like to work with?l dont like work with people who are lazy and selfish so that theyoften do noth

14、ing from time to time.15.what do you think is the most important thing you to be happy?你认为让你开心的事哪件最重要?When l 20 years old, l receive the letter about admission of universityin 2014,l was very excited sothat l believe that your efforts will bereward,if l will be accepted today ,l will thank all of yo

15、u to givemesuch a valuable opportunity.16.你认为什么事会让你开心?I will be very happy if my efforts will be reward and your Luck bringsyou success.17.what types of people do like to work with?你喜欢和什么样人工作?l l like work with the people who are optimistic and helpful so thatl can share something with other and we

16、can make effort to tacklesome difficult problem and make something more perfect.18.Are you more a follower or a leader? 你希望是一名领导者还是追随者?I want to be a leader if possible, because I can put forward the idea ofinnovation and l want to make our group do more better.19.what attitude do you take towards life?你对待生活是什么态度?I am optimistic to my life. I will tackle the difficulties when l meetsome trouble. I believe that every day is wonderful and l will be happyevery day.20.Do you have any special interst



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