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1、一、动词介词1.agree with 同意意见;符合;一致2.ask for 请求;询问3.arrive atin 到达4.begin with 以开始e from 来自6.feel like 想要7.fall behind 落在后面8.fall off 掉下9.get to 到达10.get on 上(车)11.get off 下来;从下来12.hear of 听说13.knock aton 敲(门、窗等)14.laugh at 嘲笑第 1 页 共 18 页15.look at 看16.look after 照看17.listen to 听18.look for 寻找19.quarrel w

2、ith 吵架20.stop.from 阻止做21.wait for 等候二、动词副词e out 出来;花开e over 顺便来访;过来e along 来;随同e in 进来5.eat up 吃光6.fall down 倒下;跌倒7.find out 找出;查明第 2 页 共 18 页8.go back 回去9.go on 继续10.go out 外出11.get back 回来;取回12.grow up 长大;成长13.get up 起床14.go home 回家15.hurry up 赶快16.hold on 不挂断;等一等17.look out 留神;注意18.look over 检查19

3、.look up 向上看;查阅20.move away 搬走21.put on 穿上;上演22.pass on 传递第 3 页 共 18 页23.run away 逃跑24.ring up 打电话25.set off 出发;动身26.throw out 乱丢;抛散27.turn on 打开28.turn off 关29.take out 取出30.trip over 绊倒31.turn.over 把翻过来32.write down 写下;记下33.wake up 醒来34.work out 算出;解出三、动词副词介词1.be fed up with 厌倦2.catch up with 赶上第

4、4 页 共 18 页3.go on with 继续4.get on with 与相处5.pull.up from 把从中拉出来四、动词名词介词1.take care of 照料;照顾2.make room for 给腾出地方3.make friends with 与交朋友4.play a joke on 戏弄某人5.have a look at 看一看6.have a drink of 喝一点7.say goodbye to 告别;告辞五、动词形容词介词1.be late for 迟到2.be angry with 生气3.be busy with 忙于第 5 页 共 18 页4.be sho

5、rt for 是的简称5.be interested in 对感兴趣6.be famous for 因而著名7.be good at 擅长8.be different from 与不同9.be goodbad for 对有益害10.be friendly to 对友好一、根据所给名词的适当形式填空:10%1. There are a lot of _ ( leaf ) on the tree.2. Uncle Li bought two _ ( watch ) yesterday.3. There are many _ ( child) in the classroom.4. We have

6、a lot of nice _ ( tomato ) here.5. There are lots of _ ( sheep ) in the hill.6. There are about eighty _( man doctor) inthe hospital.第 6 页 共 18 页7. I have a lot of _ ( information ) to tell you.8. The baby has two _ ( tooth ).9. There are 13 _( Japanese) and 30 _(German) here.二、根据所给的动词的适当形式填空:10%1.

7、It took us two hours _ ( finish ) the work.2. I heard someone _ (go) upstairs at 12:00 lastnight.3. I asked him _ ( not make ) much noise there.4. Why not _ ( have ) a drink? It is too hot.5. Please remember _ (turn) off the light beforeyou go to bed.6. Thank you for _ ( help ) me with English.7. I

8、am interested in _ ( play ) soccer.8. It is time for us _ ( play ) baseball.第 7 页 共 18 页9. They both take turns _ ( look after ) the oldman.10. My uncle often goes _ ( shop ) on weekends.三、用所给的动词以适当的时态形式填空:20%1. The teacher told us that the earth _ ( go )around the sun.2. We wont go to the park if i

9、t _ ( rain )tomorrow.3. Mike usually _ ( take ) a walk after supper.4. Jack _ ( visit ) her uncle last week.5. I will tell you as soon as he _ ( come back).6. He often _ ( watch ) TV at night.7. Jenny _ ( read ) a book when her mother camehome.8. Look! The children _ ( swim ) in the river.第 8 页 共 18

10、 页9. My uncle _ ( leave ) for Shanghai next week.10. Mary _( have ) lunch at noon yesterday.11. Tom _ ( come ) back from Australia in a week.12. Mom _ ( cook ) when the bell rang.13. The boys _ ( play ) football on theplayground now.14. Hurry up, or you _ (miss) the train.15. Listen. Someone _ ( kno

11、ck ) at the door.16. Be quiet. My father _ ( sleep ) in thebedroom.17. I _ ( go ) hiking with my friends last Monday.18. My mother _ ( stay ) at home yesterday.19. I _ ( mend ) my broken bike at 9:30 yesterdaymorning.20. I _ ( feed) my dogs the day before yesterday.第 9 页 共 18 页四、选择填空:55%( ) 1. I hav

12、e _.A. two piece of papers B. two pieces of paper C.two paper( ) 2.-They are thirsty, would you please give them?-Certainly!?A. some bottle of waters B. some bottles of water?C. some bottle of water D. some bottle of waters( ) 3. Every morning he takes a to his office.A.20 minutes walk B.20 minutes

13、walkC.20 minute walk D.20 minutes walk( ) 4. There are twelve _ in a year.A. month B. monthes C. months D. weeks( ) 5. _ room is the cleanest in their family.A. Anns and Toms B. Ann and Toms C. Anns and Tom第 10 页 共 18 页( ) 6. Jean is one of my best _.A. friend B. a friend C. the friend D. friends( )

14、 7. This is_ seat. _ is over there.A. your, my B. mine; your C. your, mine D. my; your( ) 8. I taught_ English when I was 8 years old.A. myself B. me C. my D. mine( ) 9. I have two pencils. One is red , and _ isblack.A. any other B. others C. the other D. other( ) 10. Either Jack or I _ good at math

15、.A. is B. are C. am D. were( ) 11. Neither Mary nor the twins _ fromAustralia.A. is B. comes C. was D. come( ) 12. There are lot of trees on _ sides of the第 11 页 共 18 页street.A. both B. either C. all D. each( ) 13. We have a _ holiday after the exam.A. two month B. two-month C. two months D. two-mon

16、ths( ) 14. Wei Hua studies in _.A. Class five B. Class Fifth C. Class Five D. the fiveclass( ) 15. There are about two _ sheep on the farm.A. hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. hundred( ) 16. The Yellow River is _ longest river inchina.A. first B. the first C. second D. thesecond( ) 17. Sunday is the _ day of a week.A. first B. second C. last D. one第 12 页 共 18 页( ) 18. more you read English, better youlllearn.?A. The, the B. /, / C. A, a D. The, a( ) 19. Every body knows that_earth moves a


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