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1、Unit 1 My name s Gina (20 分钟 50 分).根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(5 分)1.My n is Alice.2.My cup is yellow.Your cup is yellow,t .3.Hi,I m Bob.Nice to m you.4.Cows are black (和)white.5.She is (不)Linda.She is Mary.答案:1.name 2.too 3.meet 4.and 5.not.从方框中选词填空(5 分)His,what,is,he,name s1.I m Jack.is Mike.2.How Ms.Wang?S

2、hes fine.3.is his phone number?2627678.4.pen is green.5.My Alan Smith.答案:1.He 2.is 3.What 4.His 5.name s.单项选择(10 分)1.jacket is green.jacket is black.A.Her;His B.She;He C.Her;He D.She;His 2.you Jim?Yes,I.A.Am;are B.Are;am C.Is;am D.Am;is 3.This is my new friend(朋友).A.I m T om B.My names TomC.His name

3、 s TomD.Your name s Tom4.What s your name?.A.I m 13B.Its BrownC.I m fine,thanksD.My names Bob Brown5.Is he Alan?.He s David.A.Yes,he is B.No,he isntC.Yes,she is D.No,she isnt答案:1 5.ABCDB.翻译句子(10 分)1.你叫什么名字?2.见到你很高兴!3.她的名字是琳达(Linda)。4.你是戴尔(Dale)吗?是的,我是。5.我不是辛迪(Cindy),我是玛丽(Mary)。答案:1.What s your name?

4、2.Nice to meet you!3.Her name is Linda.4.Are you Dale?Yes,I am.5.I am not Cindy.Im Mary.看图完成对话(10 分)1.A:Whats his name?B:.(Tom)2.A:Is she Linda?B:.(Jane)3.A:Hi!Im Jane.B:(Bob).4.A:Hello!?B:My names Cindy.5.A:Nice to meet you.B:.答案:1.His name is Tom/Hes Tom2.No,she isnt/No,she s not3.Hi/Hello.Im/My name is Bob4.W hat s your name5.Nice to meet you,too.短文填空(10 分)根据短文内容及首字母提示补全单词,使短文完整、通顺。Hello!My name s Eric.I a1 an English boy.This is m 2 photo(照片).I m in my room(房间).This i 3 my jacket.It s yellow.T 4 is my quilt.Its red.W5 color is my cup?Oh,its white.答案:1.am 2.my 3.is 4.That 5.What


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