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1、牛津模块五 Unit 2 复习资料一词组:Module5 unit2welcome to the unit-word power1.follow our usual schedule 遵循往常的日程2.open the floor for discussion 自由发言3.in addition 此外4.have a lasting/good/great effect on(upon)对有持久的影响5.wipe out 扫除;消灭6.cut back/down on 减少7.at the same time 同时8.be beneficial to 对有益9.a environmentally

2、 friendly way of living 环保的生活方式10.be concerned about/for concern oneself about/for 担心 be concerned with 与相关11.be responsible for(doing)sth/take responsibility to do/for sth.对 负责12.the key to success/the key to solving the problem 成功/解决问题的关键13.preserve/protect the environment/environmental protection

3、 保护环境14.pay slightly higher prices for 为付更多的钱15.a little bit of 一点/not a bit 一点也不/not a little 很;非常16.recycled material 可回收的材料17.do harm to=be harmful to=do damage to 对有害18.run across=run into=come across 偶遇19.solar energy 太阳能20.global warming 世界变暖Module5 unit2 grammar project 1.pick up 捡起;接受到;恢复(健康

4、);接(某人),偶然学会;pick out 挑选出;辨认出2.clean up 清理;打扫干净3.customs officers 海关关员4.work on 致力于5.draw conclusions 得出结论6.natural disasters 自然灾害7.take steps to stop the process of desertification 采取措施来阻止沙漠化进程8.provide sth for sb/provide sb with sth 向某人提供某物9.be stocked with 储备有10.set up a centre 建立中心11.in the form

5、 of 以的形式12.result in/lead to/cause 导致result from 由所致13.rely on/depend on 取决于;依赖于14.recognize the importance of doing sth 理解到做 的重要性15.deal with the problems 处理问题16.be under way/be under discussion/construction 正在实行/讨论/建筑过程中17.replace with 取代18.be home to a diverse range of fish and animals 是大量的鱼及动物的发

6、源地/家园19.the most endangered animals 绝大部分濒临灭绝的动物40.prohibit sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事1.grow to/climb to/rise to/increase to 增长至grow by/rise by/increase by 增长了2.My suggestion is that sb should do sth 3.The world s population has grown to more than six times it was in 1800.This room is twice bigger tha

7、n that one.这个房间是那个的三倍大。This room is three times as big as that one.This room is three times the size of that one.4.What fun it is!How funny!真有趣!5.I like it when 我喜欢(like/hate/love it when)6.Not only does he like English but also he likes French.他不但喜欢英语,而且还喜欢法语。7.He will be a great success=He will be

8、 very successful.他将会是个成功的人。二单词拼写(根据所给汉语或首字母写出空缺处单词的准确形式,使句子意思完整)1.I ve got something of great(重要)to discuss with you.2.The films and stories about killings have a bad e on children,I think.3.Advanced farming techniques brought in have increased a production these years.4.Inflation(通货膨胀)is a blow to

9、the nation s e.5.On nature day,no p or destruction of nature is allowed.6.The wonderful view a to our pleasure.7.He is fond of the(气氛)of peace and calm in the country.8.Sunshine and moisture(水分)are b to living things.9.There has been a(减少)in our imports this year.10.She didnt go.A she never got my l

10、etter.11.C now permits short hair for women,but it used to be thought queer(怪象).12.New scientific centers have been(建立)throughout China.13.The number of people in the village has d from 150 to 100.14.We must take the right(措施)or we shall fail.15.In Britain,it is i to drive when you are drunk.16.Our

11、chief c at the moment is the weather 17.The fire spread(危及)several nearby homes.18.The United Nations is an organization.(全世界性的)19.Heavy rain p the possibility of continuing the game.20.The industry has undergone a period of rapid _(扩张).21.Our teacher adopted a new a_ to teaching foreign languages.2

12、2.My husband took full r_ for organizing the trip.23.On closer _(视察),the scrap of paper turned out to be a note.24.Pollution is so bad that many rivers are full of _(化学物质)which flow into the sea and kill sea creatures.25.It is obvious that you are more concerned about the present _(形势)of our environ

13、ment 26.I certainly think we need to use all our r_ in the best possible way.27.Be careful,that ladder isnt s_.28.That classroom is stocked with a lot of experiment e_.29.National Day is a_.We are all looking forward to it.30.E_ insist that the government should take the lead in protecting the envir

14、onment.31.The government has taken many m_to help the unemployed.32.His mother was very _(失望的)after hearing the bad news.33.His presence is of great _(重要)to the meeting.34._(显然),he made you angry deliberately.35.It is _(非法的)to carry guns in our country.36.Everything _(仍然)to be the same as before.37.

15、The fire caused the_(毁坏)of my books 38._(有效的)measures should be taken to educate the pupils to obey school rules.39.The two events are _(密切的)connected.40.You can t fully _(欣赏)foreign literature in translation.三:单项填空1.The bag on the table is brought in the shop in the east of the city.A.laid;lying B.

16、lying;laid C.lies;lay D.laying;lain 2.I him to take the train,but he wouldnt.A.managed to persuade B.tried to persuade C.failed to persuade D.persuaded 3.Tom s parents found him really for he never passed his exams.A.to be disappointed B.disappointing C.disappoint D.disappointment 4.In some cases,different approaches the same scientific problem lead to conflicting theories。A.to B.in C.of D.for 5.I had no choice but to review part of my previous(以前的)lecture those who had been absent from some cla



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