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1、大学英语四级考试精讲班第14讲讲义短对话应急高招 2七、第七招:主题明确的情况下,与其他三个选项不相关(与主题不相关)的往往不是答案。请试做下题:例 05-12-1 A See a doctor.B Stay in bed for a few days.C Get treatment in a better hospital.D Make a phone call to the doctor.只猜不听:解析 选 A。四个选项都是动词原形,猜测题干问建议。B 与其他三个看病的主题无关,首先排除;C“转医院”在四级听力中很少出现,不可能是答案;D“打电话给医生”不一定是看病,且不能解决实际问题,排

2、除。因此只有A 正确。听音验证:W:Garol told us on the phone not to worry about her.Her left leg doesnt hurt as much as it did yesterday.M:Shed better have it examined by a doctor anyway.And Ill call her about it this evening.名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 8 页 -Q:What does the man think Garol should do?八、第八招:选数字、时间

3、时掐头去尾有时奏效。一般来说听到的数字不能直接作为答案。请试做下题:A At 10:30.B At 10:36.C At 10:40.D At 10:45.只猜不听:解析 选 C。四个选项时间最晚的是D 最早的是 B,可以先排除;A 是听到的时间,一般不可能是答案,因此猜测只能C 正确。实际上正好如此。听音验证:M:So when are the other guys going to get here?The train is leaving in 10 minutes.We cant wait here forever.W:It s 10:30 already.Theyre suppose

4、d to be here by now.I told everybody to meet here by 10:15.Q:When is the train leaving?名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 8 页 -下面我们复习一下上节课所讲的内容,这也是很多考生最为关注的问题。短对话的答题技巧(怎么答)的问题,我们把四级考试短对话按照答案的内容和性质分为八类,前面我们已经讲过就不在一一介绍了,针对知识要点接下来我们做一些练习。一、谈论话题类:概括的是解(试题来源02-6-2)W:Did you read the headlines in the paper ye

5、sterday?M:Unemployment s getting so bad that theyre predicting a depression.Q:What are the speakers discussing?A Today s newspaper.B An inflated age.C Employment oppportunity.D The economy.解析 选 D。选项均为名词,猜测题干和谈论的话题有关。听对话,捕捉关键词:headline in the paper“报纸标题”,unemployment“失去”,depression“经济萧条”。概括这些关键词,可知他们

6、谈论的是经济。二、场景判断类:关键词推断(试题来源04-1-4)M:I d like to buy a copyof Professor Franklins book On American Culture.W:I m sorry.The book has been out of print for some time now.Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place?名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 3 页,共 8 页 -A In a printing shop.B At a publishing house

7、.C At a bookstore.D In a library.解析 选 C。四个选项都是介词加地点,猜测题干与对话场景有关。听音时注意捕捉关键词:buy a copy of,book“买书”、out of print“已绝版”,由此推知对话最有可能发生在书店。三、人物关系类:关键词推断(试题来源03-1-3)W:Have you found anything wrong with my left knee?M:Not yet.Ill let you know the result the day after tomorrow.Q:Whats the probable relationshi

8、p between the two speakers?A Wife and husband.B Student and teacher.C Hostess and guest.D Patient and doctor.解析 选 D。四个选项均表示人物之间的关系,猜测题干问人物关系。听对话,捕捉关键词:anything wrong with“出毛病”、my left knee“右膝”以及let you know the result,由此推断二者可能是病人与医生的关系。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 4 页,共 8 页 -四、数字信息类:简单除法(试题来源04-6-7)W:I

9、like these chairs.How much are they?M:They are forty yuan each or seventy yuan for the pair.Q:How much does one chair cost if you buy a pair?A 35 yuan.B 40 yuan.C 70 yuan.D 80 yuan.解析 选 A。选项涉及到钱数,猜测题干与价格有关。听对话,注意和价格有关的词组:forty yuan each“40元一个”,seventy yuan for the pair“70元一对”。听问题,问买一对椅子的话每个多少钱,运用简单除

10、法,70/2=35。五、职业身份类:关键词推断(试题来源04-6-9)W:The pipe is leaking and there is water all over the floor.M:Why dont you call Mr.Peter?Q:What does Mr.Peter do?A He s a boat builder.名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 5 页,共 8 页 -B He smokes a pipe.C He paints watercolors.D He s a repairman.解析 选 D。选项均说明了he 的职业和身份,猜测题干问男士的职

11、业。听音时捕捉职业信息词,根据The pipe is leaking“水管漏水”、water 以及反问句why dont you call Mr.Peter 可判断 Peter 先生是修理工。六、观点态度类:反问句表观点(试题来源05-1-2)M:I m going to drop my information science class.It meets too early in the morning.W:Is that really a good reason to drop the class,Tony?Q:What does the woman mean?A Tony should

12、continue taking the course.B She approversof Tony s decision.C Tony can choose another science course.D She cant meet Tony so early in the morning.解析 选 A。由A“Tony should”、B“proves of”猜测题干问女士对Tony 的观点态度。听音时注意女士的反问语气Is that really a good reason,表明女士不赞成男士放弃上课,也就是应该继续上课。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 6 页,共 8 页

13、 -七、行为活动类:综合信息判断(试题来源05-1-9)M:Would you pass me the sports section,please?W:Sure,if you give me the classified ads and local news section.Q:What are the speakers doing?A Talking about sports.B Writing up local news.C Reading newspapers.D Putting up advertisements.解析 选 C。四个选项均为动名词短语,猜测题干与行为活动有关。听对话,注

14、意行为活动的关键词,the sports section“体育版”、the classified ads“给我分类广告”和local news section“地方新闻版”,由此可知我们在看报纸。八、事实状况类:语气判断(试题来源05-12-4)W:Did you attend Alices presentation last night?It was the first time for her to give a speech to a large audience.M:How she could be so calm in front of so many people is reall

15、y beyond me!Q:What do we learn from the conversation?A Alice didn t seem to be nervous during her speech.名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 7 页,共 8 页 -B Alice needs more training in making public speeches.C The man can hardly understandAlice s presentation.D The man didn t think highly ofAlice s presentation.解析 选 A。选项和Alice、演讲有关。听对话,从男士说话的语气How she could be so calm,可判断Alice在演讲中没有紧张。Beyond me“没有想到”而不是难以理解或评价很低,排除 C、D。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 8 页,共 8 页 -


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