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1、少儿英语课堂用语1,Greeting part:Hello/Good moring/Good afternoon class/boys and girls/everyone!(根据时间,年龄,人数的不同选择,年龄偏大的适用Class 偏小的 Boys and girls 较好)Glad to meet you!(如果学过此句课可用在hello 之后进行练习。)My name is,now look at the blackboard,(write your name on it)read after me now,my name is?(问学生你的名字,这里适用于第一次课,或前几次上课,让学生

2、熟悉你的名字。)Now let s get to know each other ok?(适用于第一次课)I am and you are.或者是 when I call your name,you say here.Now lets say hello to each other(pass the ball)这时每过一个孩子要及时鼓励,鼓励语言在后面会给出。如果是平日课堂,可以加上:is everyone here?.sb is not here.2,Warm up:All right,now lets do today s warming up,everyone stand up!这里课堂

3、指令呢里一定要声音干脆,洪亮First,look at me !you say look at you!带动作。Follow me step by step.做一步,停下来教授,课重复某一较难的步骤。做完后 鼓励。Everyone go back to your seat quickly!3 Review:(此处适用于平日上课)Ok now,let s review what we have learnt last time When you flash cards you can say,now follow me together/now please read it one by one

4、 ok?If you want to review a chant,you can say,now let s sing a chant together.After revision:鼓励4,Presentation:Now today,we are going to learn unit.First,look at this pictureRead after me,I read once,you read three times ok?当让学生重复时,可用上面,当做动作时用:Look at me,do you know what it is?Follow me,do the action

5、 and read the word.当让学生拍卡,夹卡,跳卡时,可以说Pat the card and read out the word/clap the card/jump and touch the card/touch the card with your.当老师问问题时,可以说 when I ask./you should say 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 3 页 -当一个部分进行完毕,并且复习完后,可以说 now let s go to the next part/move to 当问单词或者句子意思时,what does it mean?Wh

6、at s the meaning of it?对于重点讲解的内容时,可在之前说,listen to me carefully,everyone look at the blackboard.讲完之后,问 are you clear?Do you understand?在提问,学生回答之后,that s right.Wrong.Bingo yes!Thats it!5,Practice:Now let s play a game!Let smake a circle/a group face to face and do this dialogue/I ll select two student

7、s to have a PK.You two please,stand behind the line and get ready!Are you ready?Go!/Everyone get ready and pass the ball quickly,start!(击鼓传花)/line up!站成一竖队在比赛时,可加速hurry up!Who is No1?比赛过程中,随时奖励,结束时也奖励(奖励语后面总结)6,Conclusion:Now,let s see what we have learnt today.Repeat after me,please louder,ok!At la

8、st let s sing a chant/play a game/sing a song to make a revision ok?Now,it s time for break,let s have a rest,good bye everyone!以上是按照平时四步教学法会用到的课堂用语。下面是针对少儿英语最常用的方面的课堂用语进行总结。鼓励:Cool/great/very good/that sright/you are right/bingo/nice work/good job well done/give me five/you got a super star/wonderf

9、ul/great,one sticker!/you are so clever/you are great!/thank you for your answer!课堂活动:Let s begin/lets start.Let s do it.Let s play a game.Let s sing/let s chant Let s count.Have a seat.Warm up time.All together/together!Story time!Work in pairs,please.Work in groups,please.Now,it s your turn.Lines

10、up.名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 3 页 -Close/open your eyes.Next one please.指令:Repeat/read after me,please.Look,listen and repeat.Listen,point and repeat.Follow the words.In English,please.Remember it.Pass me the ball please.Open your books and turn to page.Close your books and look at the blackboar

11、d.Who wants to try,hands up!Ok now,let s stop here.Be quiet!Everyone close your mouth and listen to me carefully.下课:There goes the bell/The bell is ringing,class is over!Time is up Let s stop here.Class is over,good bye everyone.See you next time/tomorrow.Hand in your homework please.名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 3 页,共 3 页 -


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