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1、)1.Would you like _ the football match?A.to watch B.to see C.watch D.see()2.There is going to be a good film at the _.A.stadium B.cinema C.office D.school()3.My family usually go to the park together _ Sunday.A.in B.on C.at D./()4.I would like to go to Beijing _ the morning of Monday.A.in B.on C.at

2、D.for()5 _ is the first day of the week.A.Saturday B.Sunday C.Monday D.Friday()6.Would you like something to drink?Yes,_.A.I would like B.I would like to C.I would D.I like()7.He with his mother going shopping.A.is B.are C.be D.am()8.He and his mother going shopping.A.is B.are C.be D.am()9.Jackie Ch

3、an is my _ film star.A.like B.best C.favourite D.good()10.Lets help our teacher carry the heavy bag._.A.That s OKB.That s a great ideaC.That s rightD.That s all right()11.This an _ to the cinema.A.invitation B.invite C.invites D.invited()12.Let me _ the teacher to help answer the question.A.askB.to

4、ask C.asks D.asked()13.The Taijiquan _ is in Garden Hotel.A.class B.lesson C.classes D.lessons()14.My son has piano _ every week.A.class B.lesson C.classes D.lessons()15.To be a good swimmer,I must have _ lessons.A.swim B.swimming C.to swim D.swims()16.Let s play basketball on Sunday._.A.That s a gr

5、eat ideaB.You re welcomeC.That s rightD.That s all right()17.What day is it today?_.A Monday B.fine C.sunny D.May 1st()18.Where is the football match?It s _ the stadium.A.to B.at C.on D.of()19._ the world,we have a lot of friends.A.To B.Around C.With D.On()20.Would you like _ water?A.some B.any C.a

6、D.an()21.How many people are there in your _?A.family B.house C.home D.room()22.I have _ uncle named Mike.A.an B.a C.the D./()23.How _ water do you want?A.many B.much C.some D.any()24.You call your mum and dad _.A.mother B.father C.perent D.parents()25._ you got any brothers?A.Have B.Has C.Is there

7、D.Are there ()26.You call your mothers or fathers sister _.A.sister B.aunt C.uncle D.brother 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 4 页 -)27.I have got an aunt and an uncle._ names are Kate and Mike.A.Her B.His C.Their D.Its()28.Tony _ got four sisters.A.have B.has C.there is D.there are()29.I _ want to lea

8、rn Japanese.A.too B.either C.also D.as()30.Thank you for _ me.A.e-mail B.e-mailing C.to e-mail D.emails 二、A:In our school,1.In my classroom,2.B:3.Thats 24 boys and 22 girls.No,4.There are 25 boys and 21 girls.There are 48 desks.A:Are there any computers on your desks?Is there a computer on miss Lis

9、desk?B:No,5.And there arent any computers on our desk.A.There isnt a computer on Miss Lis desk.B.There are 46 students in my class.C.there are 20 students in a class.D.That s not right.E.there s a blackboard and there are 22 desks.三、1.There are some birds in the sky.(变为否定句)There _ _ birds in the sky

10、.2.There s a little dog under the tree.(变为一般疑问句)_ _ a little dog under the tree?3.Her shoes are white.(就划线部分提问)_ _ are her shoes?4.There s a map on the wall.(就划线部分提问)_ _ on the wall?5.There re twenty-five boys in the class.(就划线部分提问)_ _ boys are there in the class?四1.There are differences between Chi

11、nese and Americans in an _(邀请)of dinner.2.Yesterday I saw a lot of film stars at Dalian _(体育馆).3._(周三)is the fourth day of the week.4.I like _(看)football matches.5.He can play table _(网球)very well.6.The _(魔术)show is wonderful.7.Its Manchester United,my _(最喜爱的)team.8._(野餐)in the open air is cool.9.My

12、 family usually go to the park at _(周末).10._(保持)healthy,and you can do the work well.五、Mr White and his 1 decided to paint the outside of their house.To save money they wanted to do it 2.On Saturday morning they bought some paint and two brushes.They began that afternoon 3 the back of house.The next

13、 Saturday 4 went to a football match while his wife painted the 5 of the house.On Sunday they found they couldnt open6 of the front windows.They got them all 7 in the end.But they 8 three of the seven and they were very expensive of repair.Next time 9 they try to save money,theyll certainly pay 10 t

14、o do the work.()1.A.wife B.sister C.daughter D.mother 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 4 页 -)2.A.themselves B.himself C.yourselves D.itself()3.A.and B.with C.of D.on()4.A.Mr White B.Mrs White C.a player D.a painter()5.A.before B.front C.back D.top()6.A.any B.some C.every D.no()7.A.open B.closed C.brok

15、en D.shout()8.A.broke B.closed C.opened D.shut()9.A.when B.after C.before D.while()10.A.someone B.anyone C.everyone D.none 六、I have a good family.There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother,my sister and I.My father is 40.He is a Chinese teacher.My mother is 38.She is an English

16、teacher.They work in different schools.My sisters name is Li Fang.She is ten.We are in the same school,but in different classes and grades.We have a nice picture of our family.Its on the wall.Look!Our father and mother are in the chair,and we two stand behind them.根据短文内容,判断正误。(对的 T,错的 F)()1.My sister and I are at school.()2.My sister and I are twins.()3.Li Fang is in Class Three,Grade One.I am in Class Three,Grade Two.()4.My father and mother are in different schools,they are English teachers.()


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