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2、、修辞学、词汇学等理论切入,用大量例子分析了广告英语的语言特点,并从语篇分析的角度对其语言特点进行了剖析;在语篇分析的章节中,引用了Guy Cook 的语篇分析模型,并引入了广告问题研究领域新近提出的文章关联性 等概念;第四章结合了第三章的观点,通过具体英语广告实例对标题中的用词、句子结构、称谓模式、修辞格进行了阐述,分析了广告语言对广告效果的影响;最后一章指出了广告英语发展的口语化和简单化趋势及其目前存在的模糊性语言特点,揭开了广告华丽词藻下所掩盖的非真实的广告氛围,批判了其模糊性误导消费者的消极一面。关键词:广告;广告英语;语言特点Abstract As a way of propagat

3、ing and transmitting information,advertisings role connot be underestimated because it is not only an artful technique in persuading people to buy,but also gradually has become a must for social communication which in turn influences the development of society and economy.The purpose of this paper i

4、s to study the linguistic features and sociological features of advertising English,in the hope to help copywriters at home markets in their creating process.Nowadays advertising has penetrated into every corner of our life as its transmitting media in many forms:newspaper,magazine,TV,radio as well

5、as network.the goal of advertising decides its language to be simple and direct,distinct from the characteristics of other discourses.Thus an analysis on the linguistic features of advertising English in the linguistic field is worthwhile.Under such circumstances,a study on the linguistic features o

6、f advertising English will have practical effects on the composing and translating work of the copywriters.the whole paper is divided into five chapters.The first chapter traces back the origin of advertising and a brief introduction on the classifications,roles and definitions of advertising is pre

7、sented for the later discussion.the second chapter introduces the theory of advertisements and stylistics,the precise balance of words(either spoken or written)and pictures is determined by the creative concept and the medium used,but the combination of images and words makes up the language of adve

8、rtising.the third chapter starts from the theories in syntax,lexicology,rhetoric and ends with the linguistic features analyzed in the field of discourse analysis.the fourth chapter combines the viewpoints from the previous chapter third and explores 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 6 页 -the effect of

9、 the advertising English as a whole advertising process.The last chapter,also the conclusion part,shows that though advertising language appears to be flowery and refined,its content is no better than commonest language could convey.By exposing the various techniques advertisers have employed in the

10、ir writing,this part hopes to remind consumers that advertising English is gradually attaining the negative and ambiguous role in guiding people to buy.Keywords:Advertising,Advertising English,Linguistic Features Chapter 1 Introduction No other statement could have summed up the charm of advertiseme

11、nt than what Aldous Huxley has commented.As he has said advertisement as a literary form is the most exciting,the most arduous literary form of all,and the most pregnant in curious possibilities.In his comment he asserted advertisement is a literary form and the copywriting process is the delightful

12、 and salubrious exercise for the mind.But all in all,what is advertising,and what makes it unique?1.1 History of Advertisement Advertisement emerged from the womb of commodity production and exchange.The condition for the existence of advertising is at least a segment of the population must live abo

13、ve the subsistence level.When this situation occurs it also becomes necessary for the producers of materially unnecessary goods to do something to make people want to acquire their commodities.(Vestergaard and Schroder 4)the embryonic form of advertising in the world is street cries,which exist even

14、 today.Advertising was not unknown in ancient GREece and Rome,but advertising as we recognize it did not start until the seventeenth century in the West.It was at about this time that newspaper began to circulate.Before that,it is printing which was first invented in China and then introduced to the

15、 West that played a vital role in the production of print advertising.Classified(small ads)types of advertising were dominant before the nineteenth century and style and language used in ads at that time tended to be direct and informative.The industrial Revolution,which began in England in the mid-

16、1700s and reached the United States by the early 1800s,facilitated mass-production of goods.Meanwhile advertising became more and more important in the industrial market.The great breakthrough for advertising came only in the late nineteenth century.Technology and mass-production techniques were then sufficiently developed for more firms to be able to turn out products of roughly the same quality and at roughly the same price.This brought on a crisis of over-production and under consumption whic



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