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1、Chapter 7 Language change 语言变化知识点:1.*Definition:clipping;blend;acronym;back-formation 2.Morphological and syntactic change 3.*Vocabulary change 4.Some recent trends in language change 5.Causes of language change 考核目标:识记:Definition:clipping;blend;acronym;back-formation领会:Morphological and syntactic c

2、hange;Vocabulary change简单应用:Some recent trends in language change;Causes of language change一、定义1.Clipping 略写词:A kind of abbreviation of otherwise longer words or phrases.指比较长的词或短语的缩写2.Blending 混合法:A process of forming a new word by combining parts of two other words.3.Acronym首字母缩略词:words derived fro

3、m the initials of several words通过组合每个词的首位字母构成新词4.Back-formation 逆向构词法:new words are formed by taking away the suffix of an existing word.新词可以通过“去掉”现存的词的后缀而被创造出来二、知识点7.2 Phonological changes元音变化One of the most obvious change in English is the systematic and regular change in the Vowel Change:Old Engl

4、ish 古英语Modern English 现代英语 (如在 arm 中)st nstone h mhome wr twrote r drode 名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 1 页,共 9 页 -Around the death of Chaucer in 1400,元音开始了进一步的转变。中世纪英语的vowel元音经历了巨大的变化:p261 中,p94 英7.3 Morphological and syntactic change形态和句法变化7.3.1 Addition of affixes词缀增加词汇的增加borrowing 和 word formation.The

5、 most obvious way in which modern English differs lexically from old English is the number of Borrowed words from other languages.由于英语从 法语中借入了诸如 favourable和 accomplishment 一类的词使得-able 和-ment 加入到英语的形态系统中。Grammaticalization:In addition to the borrowed affixes,some lexical forms became grammaticalized

6、over time.Fusion融合:refers to this type of grammaticalization in which word develop into affixes,either prefixes前缀 or suffixes.后缀1)prefixes前缀:affix+base 2)suffixes.后缀:base+affix Many of modern English suffixes are derived from early words by means of fusion.(p95英)7.3.2 Loss of affixes 词缀丢失(p96 英 see)

7、在古英语中,-bora通常加在名词的后边派生出一个表示相应动作的执行者的名词,但是在现代英语中这个派生后缀已经丢失,如:mund (protection)+boramundbora(protector)派生规则丢失的另外一个例子是-yan 的丢失。在古英语中,-yan 加在形容词的后边派生出一个使役动词。在现代英语中,-yan 已经消失。名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 2 页,共 9 页 -古英语中有一套性标记系统。该系统把名词分为阳性词、阴性词和中性词。古英语中有一半以上名词具有格标记表示不同的格,但是在现代英语中,性和格标记的丢失已成为最为显著的形态丢失之一。7.3.3

8、Change of word order规则的改变古英语中有一个复杂的格标记系统,语法功能可以用格标记很好地揭示出来。格标记的存在使得古英语的词序比现代英语要灵活得多。例如,古英语的词序包括 SVO,VSO,SOV 和 OSV,而在现代英语中,由于绝大多数格标记的丢失使得句子必须遵从 SVO 这一基本词序。Subject object verb S O V 7.3.4 Change in negation rule 否定规则的改变英语句子结构方面的规则变化主要体现在词序上。在中古英语时期,“not”加在肯定句句末构成否定句。但在现代英语中,“not”是加在主动词和助动词之间构成否定句,例如:I

9、 deny it not.I love thee not.He saw you not.In modern English,not must precede the main verb,and a do,marked for the proper tense,must be inserted:I love you.I do not love you.He saw you.He did not see you.7.4 Lexical and semantic change 词汇和语义的变化?7.4.1 Addition of new word新词的增加1)coinage创 新 词:a new w

10、ord can be coined outright to fit some purpose,mostly for new things and objects.是指创造新词。这些词多来自名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 3 页,共 9 页 -于产品的商标,如Hoover,Whiteout,Thermofax,Mace是商标名,在现代英语中已经成为普通英语单词:To hoover a floor:用真空吸尘器吸地板上的灰尘 To white out a mistake:用白色涂改液涂改错误 To thermofax a material:用红外复印术复印材料 To mace d

11、emonstators:向游行示威者喷射梅斯毒气 2)clipped words 略写法 clipping refers to the abbreviation缩写 of longer words or phrases.:它是指比较长的词或短语的缩写。例如(p98 英):zoo(zoological garden)gym(gymnasium)copter(helicopter)phone(telephone)3)blending混合法:a blend is a word formed by combining parts of other words 它是通过组合其他词的某些部分而构成新词,例

12、如(p99 英):medicare(medical+care)smog(smoke+fog)comsat(communications+satellite)brunch(breakfast+lunch)4)acronymys 首字母缩略法:words derived from the initials of several words 通过组合每个词的首位字母构成新词,例如(p99 英):VIP(very important person)OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)名师资料总结-精品资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 4

13、页,共 9 页 -5)backformation逆向构词法:new words may be coined from already existing words by“subtracting减法”an affix thought to be part of the old word.新词可以通过“去掉”现存的词的后缀而被创造出来,e.g.(p100英):edit(由 editor得出的一个错误设想,认为“or”是一个 agentive suffix)enthuse(由 enthusiasm 得出)(derived from enthusiasm)burgle(由 burglar得出)baby

14、-sit(由 baby-sitter得出)to hawk(由 hawker 得出)to butch(由 butcher 得出)to beg(由 beggar 得出)6)functional shift功能转换:words may shift from one part of speech to another without the addition of affixes.单词可以不通过加入词缀就从一个词类转到另一个词类。e.g.(p100英)7)borrowing 借用:when differwnt cultures come into contact,words are 名师资料总结-精品

15、资料欢迎下载-名师精心整理-第 5 页,共 9 页 -often“borrowed”one language to another.the loan word may label a new concept,or it may replace or become a synonym of a native word.当不同的文化发生接触时,词就经常从一种语言“借到”另一种语言之中。外来词可以标记一个新的概念,或可以取代或成为本族词的同义词。e.g.P266-267 中英语词汇增加的历史特点是大量的借词和构词。来自法语的借词,例如:Government,religion,chaplain,cri

16、me,medicine,physician 来自希腊语的借词:Myth,geometry,gymnastics 来自拉丁语的借词:Formula,memorandum,datum,curriculum 来自西班牙语的借词:Banana,mosquito,embargo,plaza 来自德语的借词:Kindergarten,dock,seminar,plunder,zinc 来自汉语的借词:Lichi,typhoon,tea,ginseng 7.4.2 Loss of words 词汇的丢失古英语和中古英语中的许多词在现代英语中都已消失,例如:demiss,ere,oft,wot,beseem,wer,aught,thee,thou,thy,等。在一些复合词中有时还能看到它们,如:were-wolf。(p102英)(新词几乎每天都在进入英语词汇,但许多新创词的存在期是非常之短的,词汇废弃的最常见原因之一是它们所命名的物体的不连续性。E.g.:soap flakes皂片;wash board 洗衣板;rumble seat汽车车篷后的活动座位.处于消亡阶段)7.4.3 semamtic c


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