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1、Lesson 1Text AHow Old Is She?A woman was having some trouble with her heart,so she went to see the doctor.He was a new doctor,and did not know her.so he first asked some questions,and one of them was,How old are you?Well,she answered,I dont remember,doctor,but I will try to think.She thought for a m

2、inute and then said,Yes.I remember now,doctor!When I married,I was eighteen years old,and my husband was thirty.Now my husband is sixty,I know.And that is twice thirty.So I am twice eighteen.That is thirty-six,isnt it?Text BCouId I Speak to Jim,Please?A:Hello,332440.B:Oh hello,Sally.This is Dave Tho

3、mson here.Could I speak to Jim please?A:Im afraid hes not in at the moment Dave.He went out about an hour ago and hes not back yet B:Any idea when he might?be back?A:Well,he shouldnt be long.He said he was just going to get some paint.But I wouldnt be surprised if hes stopped off at the pub onB:O.K.

4、well,tell him Ive called,will you,and Ill try again later.the way back.A:All right.Goodbye,Dave.B:Thanks then Sally.Goodbye.Questions on Text B7.Read the following passage once.Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.AccidentThe river,you see,was never really safe

5、at that time of the year-early autumn,I mean,when there is heavy rainfall.So when I heard the children had gone swimming,as they used to all spring and summer,Iknew there might be an awful accident.And when they came home late without little Katie,I guessed what had happenedWORD:Lesson 2Text ABut th

6、e Chinese Did!One day Tom said to one of his friends,Im going to have a holiday in Peking.But I dont speak Chinese,so Ill go to evening classes and have Chinese lessons for a month before I go.He studied very hard for a month,and then his holidays began and he went to China.When he came back a few w

7、eeks later,his friend said to him,Did you have any trouble with your Chinese when you were in Peking,Tom?No,I didnt have any trouble with it,answered Tom.But the Chinese did!Text BAt the Birthday PartyMRs Ross:Welcome,Peter.Give me your coat and hat.PETER:Thank you,Mrs Ross.MRs Ross:The boys and gir

8、ls are in the living room.Wait,Ill call John.*JOHN:Hi,Peter.Why are you late?PETER:My mother made me dress up.JOHN:Thats good.Alice has some pretty friends.PETER:You know I dont like girls.*PETER:Happy birthday,Alice.Many happy returns of the day.Heres a present for you.ALIcE:Thank you,Peter.Come in

9、to the dining room.Im going to cut the cake soon.JOHN:Have some sandwiches,Peter.PETER:Thanks.John,whos that girl?JOHN:Thats Joan.Shes pretty,isnt she?She likes todance.Ask her to dance.PETER:Well,I dont know.JOHN:Dont be afraid.She isnt going to bite you.PETER:Whos afraid?Im not afraid.*PETER:Would

10、 you like to dance,Joan?JOAN:Yes,Thank you.Id like to dance very much.Questions on Text B7.Read the following passage once.Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.Self-serviceIf you are in a hurry and you want to have a quick meal there is no better place than a se

11、lf-service restaurant.You go into the restaurant,pick up a tray,knife,fork,and spoon and queue at a counter where the food is on display.You pick out what you want and put it on your tray,which you have to push along a special rack till you reach the cashier.The cashier will give you your bill.After

12、 paying,you take your tray to any table you like.You can sit alone or with another customer.You can have a good meal in ten minutes.And-as there is no waiter you dont have to give a tipWORD:Lesson 3Text AThere I s Something Very Nice I nside Your DrumIt was Jimmys birthday,and he was five years old.

13、He got quite a lot of nice birthday presents from his family,and one of them was a beautiful big drum.Who gave him that thing?Jimmys father said when he saw it.His grandfather did,answered Jimmys mother.Oh,said his father.Of course,Jimmy liked his drum very much.He made a terrible noise witb it,but

14、his mother did not mind.His father was working during the day,and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening,so he did not hear the noise.But one of the neighbours did not like the noise at all,so one morning a few days later,she took a sharp knife and went to Jimmys house while he was hitting

15、 his drum.She said to him,Hullo,Jimmy.Do you know,theres something very nice inside your drum.Heres a knife.Open the drum and lets find it.Text BMay I See a Hat,please?MR Ross:May I see a hat,please?SALESMAN:What size do you take?MR Ross:Im sorry.I dont know.SALESMAN:Ill measure you.You take size 6.

16、What colour hat would you like?MR Ross:Brown,please.SALESMAN:Here are some nice brown hats.Try this hat on.Its a very good one.MR ROss:Yes,I like this one.It goes very well with my coat.How much is it?SALESMAN:Its$9.95(nine dollars and ninety-five cents).Do you want me to put it in a box?Questions on Text B 7.Read the following passage once.Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.The police in the big city were looking for a thief.At last they caught him.But wh


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