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1、Unit 19 LanguageWarm-up-教案Teaching Aim:(1)to I earn three k i nds of communications(2)to I earn th a t there are var ie tie s of Engli sh accents i n the worIdStage 1 introducing communications and the three kindsCommunication means the a c tiv ity or process o f expressing ideas and feelingsor o f

2、g iv in g people inform ation.the three kinds o f commun i ca t i ons:w ritte n commun i ca t i on,visualcomman/c a t/on,spoken communicationTeacher here can give severa I pictures to students to i dent i fy what kind ofcommunication it is.Stage 2 TtaIk about English the IanguageEnglish spoken as a

3、f ir s t language-Canada,Amer/ca,B rita in,一English spoken as a second language-i t is used in schools and u n iv e rs itie sand between peop/e whose main languages are d iffe re n t-India,Scot,Singapore-English spoken only as a foreign language-Holland,France,ChinaStage 3 ta Ik about body language

4、randomly学习参考U nit 19 Lesson 1 La ngua ge lea rning 教案T ea ching Aims:1.T o lea rn some new wa ys a bout lea rning a foreign Ia ngua ge2.T o ma ster some importa nt words a nd expressions in the text3.T o lea rn a nd ma ster the gra mma r:N oun C la uses subject cIa useobject cIa use(3)a ppositive cl

5、a usepredica tive cIa use4.T o improve the students rea ding a bilityT ea ching importa nt a nd difficult points:T o I ea rn a nd ma ster the gra mma r:N oun C la usesT ea ching Aids:C AIT ea ching procedures:Step I .Wa rm upFree ta Ik a nd discuss the fol lowing questions:1.Do you think it is diffi

6、cult to lea rn English well?2.Why do you think the French ma n wa nts to lea rn Engl ish in the video?3.Which is his problem?Spea king,Iistening,writing or rea ding?BackgroundIn the worId,peopIe use different kinds of Ia ngua ges to communica te.Among them,Engl i sh i s the most popu I a r i nterna

7、t i ona I I a ngua ge.So more a ndmore peopIe try to I ea rn Engli sh we I I i n va r ious wa ys.Step II.Rea d i ngT a skl:fi rst rea ding to f igure out the whole structure of the pa ssa geT he whole structure of the pa ssa ge.1st pa ra.:Why do we need to lea rn English?2nd pa ra,a nd 3rd pa ra:How

8、 ca n we lea rn it well in terms of theory?4th pa ra,to the la st:Some pra ctica l suggestionsT a sk2:second rea ding to a nswer the four questions:1.Wha t ha s ma de more a nd more people decide to lea rn English in recentyea rs?2.According to some theor ies,wha t i s the best wa y to lea rn a fore

9、ignIa ngua ge?3.How ca n tea chers try to crea te a r ich Ia ngua ge envi ronment i n thecI a ssroom?4.Wha t extra work ca n you do outs i de of the cI a ssroom?T a sk3:the thi rd rea d i ng to decide whether the sta tements a re true or fa Isea nd do the Bla nk-fiI Iing a fter the thi rd rea ding1.

10、Experts recommend doing 2 hours of extra work once a week.F2.Listening to a n Engl ish song severa I times ca n help you revise newvoca bula ry.T3.T here i s no poi nt rea d i ng the news i n Eng I i sh if you ha ve a I rea dy wa tchedit in your own Ia ngua ge.F4.Wa tch i ng your fa vor i te DV D i

11、n Eng I i sh wi I I improve your I i sten i ng sk i I I s.TBla nk-fi I Iing a fter the thi rd rea ding.Ma ny peopIe predicted in the 1700s tha t Engl ish would be the globa l Ia ngua gesone da y,which proved to be the ca se.With the growing interna tiona I compa niesa nd the grea t a dva nces i n co

12、mmunica tions,more a nd more peop I e tend to I ea rnEngl ish a s the second la ngua ge.And the fa ct is tha t spea king more tha n onela ngua ge ma ke you stand out/outstanding.PeopIe ha ve rea I ized tha t in theabsence of the na t i ve Ia ngua ge envi ronment,peopIe ca n not I ea rn i t we I I.In

13、other words,you ha ve to be surrounded by the Ia ngua ge.Sa d Iy,most of theEngl ish lea rners ca n not I ive in the na tive country,which mea ns we ca n onlydepend on our schooI resources.So tea chers ha ve to guarantee r ich la ngua ge input,which ca n be conveyed tostudents through va r ious medi

14、ums.Since extra-curr icula work ma y accelerateIa ngua ge lea rning,here a re some suggestions to English lea rners:settingworkable ta rgets;I istening English songs;wa tching Engl ish DV D;Studyingwith your fr iends;a nd rewa rding yourseIf.Plea se remember to keep dedica tedStep III.Language point

15、s and sentence structuresStudents a re going to lea rn some importa nt words,expressions a nd sentencestructures i n the ta sk.Language Points重点单词:1.c a s e情况in that c a s e如果那样的话I am sure that he wi I I say hello to you.In that case,wi 11 you feelembarrassed?in case 万一 Please take this umbrella wit

16、h you in case of rain.2.stand out 鹤立鸡群Tom stands out in our class because he always gets the f irst in math test.3 The chances that are smaI I.的可能性很小。他迟到的可能性很小。The chances that he wi I I be late are quite smaI I.The chances that parents don t I ike their chiIdren are extremely smaI I.4.encourage 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb.to do sth.老师鼓励我们上课多说英语。Teachers encouraged us to speak E ng Ii sh as much as possible.其反义词为:discourage5.adjust v.调整,校准;适应,习惯 拓展:写出相应的单词。(1)adjustment n.调整;调节;适应 adjustable a d j.可调整



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