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1、课题Unit 1 How to Improve Your Study Habits教学目的一1.Leam/master new words and expressions,and be able to use them in actual situations.2.Grasp the main idea of the text,and be able to answer the related questions.3.grasp the key language points and grammatical structures of the text;4.Develop the studen

2、ts*ability of listening and speaking.教学重点new words and expressions教学难点the main idea of the text教 学(具)准备The multi-media facilities课型与教学方法Task-Based Teaching ApproachCommunicative Language Teaching的学要容教主内1.To enlarge students vocabulary and key sentence patterns.2.To improve the students9 abilities to

3、 analyze articles by introducingthem some reading skillsStep one Warm up questions and introductory RemarksStep two New Words StudyStep Three Introduction of the textStep Four Outline of the textStep Five Presentation of the text.Step Six Cause and effectStep Seven SummaryStep Eight Further Group Di

4、scussion教学过程Study of the TextWarm-up QuestionsA:Teacher:Before we study the text,Id like to ask you some questions1.Everyone has his or her own study habits,how about you?2.There must be some good and effective study habits,what do you think are the good andeffective ones?3.Do you think that you hav

5、e found good study habits?4.What are the main differences in study habits between school and college students?5.Now that you are university students,do you want to improve your study habits so as to adjust to the new circumstances?How?B:Introductory QuestionsThe following is a set of statements abou

6、t the text,some true,others false.If a statement is true,students are expected it;if the statement is false,they are supposed to make the necessary changes to turn it into a true one.l.)A student with average intelligence can hardly be a top student unless he does a lot of additional work.(F)(He or

7、she can be a top student without additional work.)2.)A weekly schedule or chart of time will solve all of your problems.(F)(It may solve some,but not all.)3.)You should spend as much time as possible on your work.(F)(You should have adequate time for both work and play.)4.)A good place for study sho

8、uld be comfortable and have no distractions.(T)5.)Skimming means reading a passage carcfiilly and slowly.(F)(It means looking over a passage quickly before you begin to read it more carefully.)6.)Being attentive and taking notes in class will save you a lot of time after class.(T)7,)If you review cl

9、ass work regularly,you will surely get better grades on tests.(T)8.)The main purpose of a test is to provide grade.(F)(The purpose of a test is to show what you know about a subject.)9.)Improving your study habits means having better learning techniques.(T)10.)The author thinks he has covered all im

10、portant study techniques in his article.(F)(He says he has just mentioned a few.)C:Teacher:Before we study the text,Id like you to read the text quickly to see how many parts the text can be divided into.Main idea of each partThe text can be divided into three major parts:Part I(Para.1):The author p

11、oints out that even students of average intelligence canreceive better grades or be top students without additional work.Part II(Paras.2-7):The author suggests six ways of improving ones studyhabits if one wants to achieve ones objective.Part III(Para.8)The author emphasizes that improving study hab

12、its will improve grades.Introductory Remarks:As we all know,some students study very hard but have difficulty achieving good results.Some students are very intelligent but have no better grades than those who seem lessintelligent.And yet,there are those students who keep the top record in study neit

13、her becauseof their especially hard work nor because of their distinguished intelligence.How do we explain these phenomena?Lefs have a careful study of the text.TEXTLANGUAGE POINTSI Word study1.averagea.ordinary;normal meann.a level or standard regarded as usual or ordinaryon the/an average平均水平;一般来说

14、above/below the average 在一般水平之上/之下V.to come to an average 平均为,平均得到e.g.My mail averages 10 letters a day.It is so clear that a(a n)s t u d e n t can understand it.(D)A.ordinary B.general C.usual D.average2.case n.the actual conditione.g.He thought he had found the right answer,but that was not the ca

15、se.instance of a diseased condition question to be decided in a law courtin case以防,万一,假如 in case of假如,万一in any case无论如何,总之 in no case在任何情况下都不,决不in that/this case如果那/这样e.g.In no case shall we give(give)him a chance.You had better take an extra 10 pounds you need it for taxi.(B)A.unless B.in case C.in

16、 spite of D.thoughis often the case,one third of the workers have over fulfilled the productionplan.A.What B.This C.That D.As(D)mit v.to promise to a certain usecommit money/time to n/v-inge.g.He commits an hour to listening to music everyday.to do something wrong or illegalcommit an error/commit murder/commit suicide/commit a crime/commitrobbery4.aware a.having knowledge or understandingbe aware of/be aware that(negative)unaware(noun)awarenesse.g.It was several minutes before I became aware of



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