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1、C语言答案参考First questions,m personal results stored in the score array,please write the function fun,its function is:lower than theaverage person as a function value returned,will be less thanthe average score placed in the below specified function.Answer:Int fun(int,score,int,m,int,below)(Int,I,k=0,av

2、er=0;For(i=0;I m;i+)Aver+=scorei;Aver/=m;For(i=0;I m;i+)If(scorei aver)(B elowk=scorei;K+;Return k;2:second questions please write the function fun,its functionis:1 to 100 can be obtained 7 North or divisible by 11,butall the certificate is not divisible by 11 and 7 at the north,and put them in the

3、array pointed to by a,returns the numberof these numbers by n.Answer:Void fun(int,*a,int,*n)(Int,I,j=0;For(i=2;I 1000;i+)(if(i%7=0|i%ll=0)&i%77!=0)Aj+=i;*n=j;)Please write the function void 3:third fun(int x,int pp,int*n),its function is to calculate the integers:X and isnot even,and the array on th

4、e PP referred to the order fromsmall to large,the divisor of the number returned through theparameter n.Answer:Void,fun(int,x,int,pp,int,*n)(Int,i=l,j=0,k=0,*t=pp;For(i=0;I =x;i+)If(i%2,=0)(Tj=I;J+;For(i=0;I J;i+)If(x%t i=0)Ppk=ti;K+;*n=k;4:fourth questions,please write a function void fun(char*tt,i

5、nt pp),statistics in the TT characters,a to Z 26letters appear in the number of times,and in turn placed inthe PP refers to the array.Answer:Void fun(char,*tt,int,pp)Int i;For(i=0;I 26;i+)Ppi=0;While(*tt)Switch(*tt)Ca s e a:p p O+;b r e a k;Ca s e B:p p l +;b r e a k;Ca s e C:p p +;b r e a k;Ca s e

6、d:p p 3+;b r e a k;Ca s e e :p p 4+;b r e a k;Ca s e f :p p 5+;b r e a k;Ca s e g:p p 6+;b r e a k;Ca s e H:p p 7+;b r e a k;Ca s e I:p p 8+;b r e a k;Ca s e J:p p 9+;b r e a k;Ca s e k :p p 10+;b r e a k;Ca s e 1:p p l l +;b r e a k;Ca s e m:p p 12+;b r e a k;Ca s e n :p p 12+;b r e a k;Case o:pp14

7、+;break;Case p:pp15+;break;Case Q:pp16+;break;Case R:pp17+;break;Case s:pp18+;break;Case t :pp19+;break;Case U :pp20+;break;Case V:pp21+;break;Case W:pp22+;break;Case x:pp23+;break;Case y:pp24+;break;Case Z:pp25+;break;)Tt+;5:fifth questions,please write a function void fun(int,m,int,K,int,xx),the f

8、unction of this function is:will begreater than the integer m and close to the M K,the prime valuesstored in the XX refers to the array.Answer:Void fun(int,m,int,K,int,xx口)(Int,g=0,I,J,flag=l;For(i=m+l;I m*m;i+)(For(j=0;J=i)(If(k=0)(Xxg+=i;K;)ElseBreak;6:sixth questions,please write a function void

9、fun(char,a口,char,int,n),its function is:delete characters in eachstring specified subscript.Where a points to the originalstring,the deleted string is stored in the array referred toby B,and the specified subscript is stored in the n.Answer:Void fun(char,a,char,b,int,n)(Int,I,j=0;For(i=0;I LEN;i+)If

10、(I,=n)(B j=ai;J+;)B j=,0;7:seventh questions,please write a function int fun(int,*s,int,t,int,*k),used to find the largest element in the arrayexcept the index in the array,and stored in the K refers tothe storage unit.Answer:Void fun(int,*s,int,t,int,*k)(Int,I,max;Max=s0;For(i=0;I max)(Max=si;*k=I;

11、)8:eighth,write function fun,function is:according to thefollowing offensive calculation s,the results of thecalculation as a function value to return;N through theparameters of the incoming.S=l+1/(1+2)+1/(1+2+3)+.+1/(1+2+3+4+.+n)Answer:Float fun(int n)(Int i;Float,s=l.0,t=l.0;For(i=2;I n.P=m!/n!(m-

12、n)!Answer:Float fun(int,m,int,n)(Float,P,t=l.0;Int I;For(i=l;I =m;i+)T=t*I;P=t;For(t=l.0,i=l;I =n;i+)T=t*I;P=p/t;For(t=l.0,i=l;I le-6);Return xl;11:eleventh questions.The following procedure defines a n*n two-dimensional array,And automatically assign in the main function.Please write thefunction fu

13、n(int an).The function of this function is tomake the values in the lower left triangle of the array all setto 0.Answer:Int fun(int a N)(Int,I,j;For(i=0;I N;i+)For(j=0;J =1;j+)Ai j=0;12:twelfth questions,the following procedures define the n*n two-dimensional array,and in the main function assignmen

14、t.Please write the function fun,function function,so that theaverage value of the array peripheral elements,and as afunction value returned to the main function of the s.Answer:Double fun(int w N)(Int,I,J,k=0;Double s=0.0;For(j=0;J N;j+)(S+=w0 j;K+;For(j=0;J N;j+)S+=wN-lj;K+;For(i=l;I =N-2;i+)(S+=wi

15、 0;K+;For(i=l;I =N-2;i+)(S+=wi N-l;K+;Return s/=k;13:t h i r t e e n t h q u e s t i o n s,p l e a s e w r i t e a f u n c t i o n v o i d f u n (i n tt t m n ,i n t p p n ),TT p o i n t t o a m r o w,n c o l u m n o ft w o-d i m e n s i o n a l f u n c t i o n s e t,f i n d t h e t w o-d i m e n s

16、i o n a lf u n c t i o n g r o u p,e a c h c o l u m n o f t h e s m a l l e s t e l e m e n t,a n d t h e np l a c e d i n t h e PP s p e c i f i e d o n e-d i m e n s i o n a l a r r a y.Th e n u m b e ri n t h e t w o-d i m e n s i o n a l a r r a y i s g i v e n i n t h e m a i n f u n c t i o n.An s w e r:V o i d f u n (i n t,t t M N,i n t,p p N)In t,I,J,m i n;Fo r (j=0;J N;j+)Mi n=t t 0 j ;Fo r (i=0;I M;i+)If (t t i j m i n)Mi n=t t i j ;Ppj=min;14:fourteenth question,please do not write f



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