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1、2021年江苏省宿迁市重岗中学高二英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. That was really a splendid eveningIts years _ I enjoyed myself so muchAwhen Bthat C. before DSince参考答案:D2. After the wonderful party, I think an expression of thanks to our host would be _.A. in particular B. in place C. in general D. in short参考答案:b略3. -What impres

2、ses you most when you visit the Acropolis?- _ it is that has brought the grand palace into todays terrible scene.A. WhereB. WhatC. HowD. When参考答案:B【详解】考查强调句型。句意:你参观雅典卫城时印象最深的是什么?是什么将从前宏伟的宫殿变成了今天惨不忍睹的样子。分析句子结构可知本句为强调句型,根据句意可知此处强调的是主语,应该用what,故B项正确。4. We dont want to _ him as chairman of the meeting.

3、He is not fit for the position. Aconsider Bpick Crefer Dappoint参考答案:D5. It was not_she took off her dark glasses_I realized she was a famous film star.A.when;that B.until;that C.until;when D.when;then 参考答案:B6. Wherever such an area is located, it will be immediately _ by the enemy if armed forces ar

4、e lacking.A. taken B. caught C. occupied D. kept参考答案:C7. Weve had a good start, but next, more work needs _ to achieve the final success.A. being done B. do C. to be done D. to do参考答案:C8. John opened the door. There _ he had never seen before. A. a girl stood B. did a girl stood C. stood a girl D. a

5、 girl did stand参考答案:C9. - How long _ in Beijing? - For just the weekend. Ill be back for work next Monday morning.A. have you stayed B. are you staying C. did you stay D. do you stay 参考答案:B10. After a month, their food supplies _.A. gave outB. put outC. held upD. used up参考答案:A11. In ancient times, p

6、eople rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled_ the local market.A.longer than B.more than C.as much as D. as far as参考答案:D12. MrWhite, who comes from _ European country, has formed _habit of attending _ church on Sundays Aan; /; the Ba; a; a Can; the; / Da; the; /参考答案:D略13. Th

7、ere _ the bell.A. go B. goes C. is going D. is ringing参考答案:B试题分析:当句首为here, there, up, down, away, now等副词,谓语动词为be, go, come, fly等时,主谓要完全倒装,但主语如果是人称代词,则主谓不要倒装。故选B. 考点:考查倒装句。14. You _ be late for the lecture since you are the speaker. A. wouldnt B. might not C. neednt D. shouldnt参考答案:D略15. Mary said sh

8、e was looking forward to his return and _ him()Ahave seenBseeingCseeDbe seen参考答案:B Mary说她盼望他的回来并且期望见到他look forward to中to是介词,后接名词或动名词,return和seeing是并列关系,return是名词所以本题选择B16. Five players _a basketball team.A. make up B making up C consists of D are consisted 参考答案:A二、 填空17. 动词填空(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)76. _ (

9、follow) these tips, and your time spent doing research on the Internet will be much more worthwhile.77. In order to succeed, its vital that we _(remain) optimistic whatever difficulties we might meet with.78. A big company was built in our city in 2013, _(create) a lot of job opportunities for the u

10、nemployed79. Dont worry. When you arrive, I_ (wait) for you at the exit of the airport.80. I dont want to _ (sound) like a rude person. I will apologize to him right now.参考答案:71. possessed 72. accessible 73. anniversary 74. withdrawn 75. sacrificing76. Follow 77. (should) remain 78. creating 79. wil

11、l be waiting 80. sound三、 阅读理解18. I stood at the wqindow and watched the neighborhood children flying their kites on the hill behind our house. Next to me, my four-year-old son, Michael, pressed his face against the glass. Then, looking up at me with pleading eyes, he again asked if he could have a k

12、ite. Ever since he had first seen the children on the hill, Michael had been asking the same question, and had been given the same answer: “Wait till you are a little older.” Michael hid his face in my skirt, something he always did when he was going to cry and didnt want me to see. I felt like cryi

13、ng myself. Because of my health I simply didnt have the strength or energy to fly a kite with Michael, and Michael was too young to fly a kite all by himself. My husband worked long, irregular(无规律的) hours, and even so we kept going deeper in debt. As a result, a tension had grown between us. Michael

14、 was the one spark of life left for me. As I put him into bed that evening, he said, “Mummy, may I pray to God to send me a yellow kite?” “Yes,” I said. “We will leave it up to him.” I was tired of the whole thing and hoped that maybe this would make Michae stop talking about it. The next morning I raised the shade in the kitchen, and stared at the s



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