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1、2021年河北省石家庄市深泽县营里中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Only when _.A. did he arrive the meeting began B. he arrived did the meeting begin C. did he arrive did the meeting begin D. he arrived the meeting began 参考答案:B略2. He always did well at school _ having to do parttime jobs every now and then. A. in spite of B

2、. instead of C. in case of D. in favor of参考答案:A略3. The manager decided to give the job to he believed had a strong sense of duty.A.those B.who C.whoever D.no matter who参考答案:C4. There is a system _the waste is disposed of using the principles of ecology.A. which B. where C. that D. at which参考答案:B5. D

3、ont you think it is high time that we _ hard to achieve out goals.A. would work B. work C. shall work D. worked参考答案:D6. The population of Cangnan is _ so rapidly as to cause concern of the whole country.Aexpanding Bexploring Cextending Dspreading参考答案:A7. Weather _ _ the size of crops.A.determines B.

4、 is determined to C. is determined by D. make up its mind参考答案:A8. The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. _ your goal, you can get there if youre willing to work.A. However B. Whichever C. Wherever D. Whatever参考答案:D9. You _ the chairman yesterday but you didnt come. A. saw B. had seen

5、 C. could have seen D. could see参考答案:C10. -Im sure John will win the first prize in the final. -I think so. He _ for it for months.A.is preparing B.was preparing C.had been preparing D. has been preparing参考答案:D略11. Tracy wanted to be _of her parents after graduation, and tried to live alone.A. aware

6、 B. confident C. independent D. proud参考答案:C12. It is none of your business _ other people think about you. Believe in yourself.A. howB. whatC. which D. when参考答案:B13. -Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency? -Well, you know, English is my _. So it is my best choice. A. strength B

7、. talent C. ability D. skill参考答案:A14. They have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.A.willB.canC.mustD.should参考答案:D提示:考查情态动词。should have done意为“本该做某事(但实际上未做)”,符合句意。句意:他们本该在午饭的时候到达,但是他们的航班延误了。A项为将来完成时;B项的can表推测,不能用于肯定句中;C项构成must have done结构,表示“一定做过某事”。15. _ makes this shop different is

8、that it offers more personal services.A. What B. WhoC. Whatever D. Whoever参考答案:A所选的词引导主语从句,又在从句中作主语,表示事物,因此用what。表示“这间商店与众不同的(事情)是”。16. I cant imagine Phelps smoking marijuana (大麻)._. A. Neither am I B. So do I C. Me, too D. Nor can I参考答案:D略二、 填空17. One night, Mrs Riley, _36_ elderly woman was walki

9、ng along a dark, London street. She was carrying her handbag in one hand and a plastic carrier bag in the other. There was nobody else in the street _37_two youths. They were standing in a dark shop doorway. One of _38_was very tall with fair hair while the other was short and fat with a beard.The y

10、ouths waited for a few moments, and then ran quickly and _39_ (quiet) towards Mrs Riley. The tall youth held her from behind while the other youth tried _40_(seize) her handbag.Suddenly, Mrs. Riley _41_(throw) the tall youth over her shoulder. She crashed into the other youth and they both landed on

11、 the ground. Without _42_(speak), Mrs. Riley struck both of them on the head with her handbag, and walked calmly away.The two _43_(surprise) youths were still sitting on the ground when Mrs. Riley crossed the street towards a door, above _44_there was a lighted sign. Mrs. Riley paused, turned round,

12、 smiled at the youths and walked _45_the South West London Judo(柔道) Club.参考答案:36. an 37. except/but 38. them 39. quietly 40. to seize 41. threw 42. speaking 43. surprised 44. which 45. into这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了一天晚上莱利太太独自走在伦敦大街上,她遇到两个青年抢劫她。结果她把那两个青年狠狠教训了一顿,因为莱利太太是西南伦敦柔道俱乐部的成员。36. 考查代词。句意:一天晚上,莱利太太,一位老太太正走在漆黑

13、的伦敦街头。这里表示“一位老太太”,故填an。37. 考查介词。句意:除了两个年轻人,街上没有别人。根据语境可知,此处表示“除了不包括”,填except/but。38. 考查代词。这里用them代指上一句提到的“youth”。其中一个one of +宾格代词,故填them。39. 考查副词。and连接的两个词性质一致,前面是副词quickly,后面也用副词,修饰动词run。故填quietly。40. 考查非谓语动词。try to do意为“努力做”,是固定短语。故填to seize。41. 考查动词时态。由上文可知,该句描述的是过去的情况,该句应用一般过去时态。故填threw。42. 考查非谓

14、语动词。介词后用动名词形式作宾语。故填speaking。43. 考查形容词。形容词修饰名词,表示“感到惊讶的”用-ed形式。故填surprised。44. 考查定语从句关系代词。先行词是door,在定语从句中做介词above的宾语,位于介词后指代物用which。故填which。45. 考查介词。句意:莱利太太停顿了一下,转过身来,对着年轻人微笑,走进了西南伦敦柔道俱乐部。walk into意为“走进”,故填into。【点睛】在第一段的第三句话中,很多同学往往分不清表示“除了”的几个介词。besides表示“除了之外(还有)”,表示的是一种累加关系:Besides his wife, his daughter also went to see him除了妻子之外,他的女儿也来看他。but或except表示除了之外(不再有),表示的是一种排除的关系:No



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