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1、2022-2023学年四川省巴中市龙岗中学高三英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. It is getting colder. I hope the sudden change of climate _ you.A. dont upset B. didnt upset C. hasnt upset D. wont upset参考答案:D2. the weather, the sports meeting will be held on time AIn favor of BRegardless of CApart from DDue to参考答案:24 B 考查介词短语辨析。语境说运动会按期举行

2、,因此这里表示“不顾”天气情况,用B表示“不管,不顾”。其他选项的含义:A赞成,C除了之外,D由于。【解析】略3. He was inspired to start again _ he had failed. A. where B. in which C. when D. what参考答案:A4. The old lady hurried to the station,only_Lei Feng had left. A.to tell B.to be told C.telling D.told参考答案:8 B考查非谓语动词的用法。表示only to do表意想不到、出乎意料的结果,tell此

3、处为及物动词,而且与逻辑主语the old lady之间存在动宾关系,故此处用动词不定式的被动形式略5. Towards _ evening after school, _ icy rain began to fall and the road became slippery. A. the; an B. /; an C. an; an D. an; the 参考答案:B 6. Advertising slogan for China Daily is “ You are _ you read.”Athat Bwhat Cwhen Dhow 参考答案:B 7. Dont worry. The

4、hard work that you do now _ later in life.A. will be repaid B. was being repaidC. has been repaid D. was repaid参考答案:A8. Have you heard of yesterdays gas explosion?Yes. Only two of the 35 miners at the scene _ to have made it out safely.A. have thought B. are thoughtC. had thought D. were thought参考答案

5、:B【详解】考查时态语态。句意:你听说昨天的瓦斯爆炸了吗?是的,在现场的35名矿工中,只有两名被认为安全获救。此处指现在只有2个人被认为安全获救,用一般现在时的被动语态,故选B.9. I thought you would join in my birthday party tomorrow I would if I _ to attend an important meeting Adont have Bdidnt have Cwill not have Dwould not have参考答案:B略10. Mary speaks with a strong southern accent s

6、o that she is taking classes to herself of it.A. support B. struggle C. rid D. equip参考答案:C11. Today, rapid transportation and communication, the whole world seems to be smaller. A. regardless of B. in spite of C. instead of D. because of参考答案:D12. Catherine bought a postcard of the place she was visi

7、ting, addressed _ to _ and then posted it at the nearby post office. A. it; her B. it; herselfC. herself; her D. herself; herself参考答案:B13. Schools need to take note of students who are _ to infections and to keep track of the students health condition.A. absentB. sensitiveC. fragileD. awkward参考答案:B略

8、14. -Why didnt you chat with that friendly foreigner just now?-Id like to,but the trouble was he said was hard for me to understandAwhat which Bwhat that Cthat that Dthat what参考答案:D15. The three-wheeled vehicle was very slow, small and low to the ground, making it look like a childrens toy _a proper

9、 vehicle for an adult. A. more than B. other than C. rather than D. less than参考答案:C16. We used to work in the same office and we _ have coffee together.A. should B. would C. could D. might参考答案:二、 填空17. Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be us

10、ed once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. countless B. exhaustedC. comparison D. essentialE. estimatesF. distinctiveG. ly H. clearedI. unfortunatelyJ. recycledK. restricts Rain forests, found in Earths temperate and tropical (热带的) zones, are some of the most biologically varied eco

11、systems on the planet. All rain forests share certain _41_ features, including a closed canopy, the dense vegetation of the top branches that forms a roof above the forest floor, a damp and warm climate, and _42_ constant temperatures throughout the year. Most of the forests insect and animal life g

12、rows well in the canopys leafy and sunlit environment. The forests groundcover, by comparison, is small. Less than 2 percent of the suns light makes its way through the canopy and the darkness below. This darkness, along with the poor quality of the soils, _43_ plant growth. Rain forests are a(n) _4

13、4_ part of Earths total ecology. Huge amounts of water are absorbed into tree roots and _45_ into the atmosphere from the tree leaves through a process called transpiration (蒸发). Tree roots also fix the soil in place and slow the runoff of rains into rivers and oceans. Through the process of photosynthesis (光合作用), rain forests absorb more carbon dioxide and give off more oxygen than any other ecosystem. The rain forests are _46_ shrinking at a rapid rate as a result of the profitable ventures of farming, logging, and mining. When t


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