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1、2021年河南省濮阳市侯庙乡侯庙中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. With the rapid development of the Internet, _ communication is done by regular mail.A. less B. more C. little D. few参考答案:A略2. Unlike the earth, Mars is too cold and Venus is far too hot _ there to be any life. A. as B. so C. like D. for 参考答案:D略3. I was feelin

2、g left out in the new school _ Alice, an easygoing girl from Canada, came to stay with me. A. if B. once C. when D. unless参考答案:C4. 26The most practical gift for your mother is surely gold jewelry, because gold has value,_ speaking Afrankly Beconomically Csocially Dstrictly参考答案:B略5. I felt he was wro

3、ng, I didnt say so at the time. A.whileB.whenC.so D.although参考答案:D6. The teacher asked me _ I did last Sunday morning?A. no matter whatB. what everC. whateverD. whoever参考答案:B7. Mr. Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been .A. popular B. more popular C. most popular

4、 D. the most popular参考答案:B略8. Do you think there can be any funds _ to assist teachers who want to attend the conference? A. effective B. acceptable C. competent D. available 参考答案:D9. Are there any _ on how to take the medicine?Yes. They are on the bottle. A. explanations B. instructions C. descript

5、ions D. introductions参考答案:B10. We must to all kinds of lies. Lets calm down and settle the problem.Acome to an end Bbring it to an end Cput an end Dend 参考答案:C11. It was strange that you _ for Maggies address. I just got a letter from her-the first one since her family moved on August 31, 1999.A. sho

6、uld have asked B. would have asked C. shall ask D. might ask参考答案:A12. The town was surrounded by the enemy,but the people in town until help came a month later Atook off Bgave in Cgot up Dheld out参考答案:D13. Did you make it at last?Yes. But for your help, it _a serious loss. A. would cause B. must hav

7、e causedC. would have caused D. may cause参考答案:C试题分析:该题考查虚拟语气用法,是新课标必考内容。该题解题的关键是but for your help相当于虚拟条件句,意思是“如果没有你的帮助”与事实相反,要用虚拟语气;从第一句可只是过去,所以选C。注意; but for 常与虚拟语气连用。14. Why does she always ask you for help?There is no one else , is there? Awho to turn to Bshe can turn to Cfor whom to turn Dfor he

8、r to turn参考答案:B 解析:此题考查了定语从句的用法。由于定语从句所修饰的先行词是不定代词,关系代词应用that,而that在定语从句中又用作宾语,可以被省略。15. Would you like to meet John at the airport?_. He is the last person I want to see.A. Yes, Id like to B. Id like to, but I have no time C. Oh, no, not me D. With pleasure参考答案:C16. Yao Ming has been nominated for

9、the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, which probablyhim the first Chinese player to receive the honor.A.makesB.has madeC.will makeD.will have made参考答案:C考查时态。句意:姚明已经获得了奈史密斯篮球名人堂的提名资格,此举可能将会使他成为获此殊荣的中国第一人。根据句意可知,姚明只是获得提名资格,还没有进入名人堂,因此,用一般将来时。故答案选C项。二、 填空17. As it was said, one of the reasons

10、why they chose China to make the report is Chinas “bad human rights record at home.”If so, the voice at home should never _61_ (ignore). If you were to ask the millions of villagers living in remote mountains who for the first time in generations are not living in poverty, if you were to ask the mil

11、lions of rural workers who have moved to cities to enjoy a _62_ (color1 ) life, and if you were to ask the millions of people _63_disabilities who have started to live _64_ better life with government help, you would hear a different voice.Or, if you were to go to the plaza in front of the UK office

12、 in Geneva, which is just hundreds of meters away from _65_ the report was issued, you would meet a lot of happy and free-talking Chinese _66_ (tour) and they, too, will draw a different picture of China. Achievements that _67_ (make) in Chinas human rights during the past decades are big enough for

13、 almost everyone _68_ (see), except for those with their eyes deliberately closed.Perhaps labeling China as the “bad guy” of human rights will win HRW(人权观察组织) some favor from certain groups, _69_ it will do no good for _70_ (effect) promoting international human rights. 参考答案:61. be ignored 62. color

14、1 ful 63. with 64. a 65. where66. tourists 67. have been made 68. to see 69. but 70. effectively三、 阅读理解18. Statistics often sounds like a dry subject, but sometimes its necessary to take a statistics course to get the correct answer to this problem. Take the following case for example: a football scout (球探)hears of a player who has powered his team to a good win-loss record. His coaches think hes one of the most talented playe



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