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1、2021年河南省安阳市第二实验中学高三英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. The two companies are competing _ each other to get into the Indian market. A. to B. for C. in D. against参考答案:D略2. Tourists who to the Angkor Wat, Cambodia are all amazed at its marvelous beauty. A.have goneB.have beenC.had goneD.had been 参考答案:B3. Some people thi

2、nk it _ privilege to study abroad, but it doesnt make _ sense if you go when you even cannot look after yourself. A. a; / B. a; the C. the; / D. the; a参考答案:A考查冠词用法。privilege是可数名词,意为“特权,荣幸”,并且此处表示泛指,故应用不定冠词a修饰。make sense是固定短语“有意义,讲得通”,故答案选A。4. China had asked the United States to the deal, saying it

3、would damage U. S. -Chinese cooperation. A.call off B.set off C.go off D.pay off参考答案:A5. It is generally considered unwise to give a child_he or she wants.AhoweverBwhateverCwhicheverDwhenever参考答案:B略6. Only _as an English teacher_how important it is to teach students how to learn English A.when did I

4、 work; did I realize B.when did I work; I realized C.when I worked; did I realize D.when I worked; I realized参考答案:C7. As is known to all language learners, the newly learnt words will soon be forgotten unless used in everyday communication.Agradually Bloosely Cfrequently Dexactly参考答案:C29. It is _ th

5、at the Qing Tombs are influenced by the Ming Tombs, especially architecture and the way they are placed among the surrounding mountains and valleys.A. apparent B. fragile C. clumsy D. imperial参考答案:A略9. We have faith that the project, if _ according to the plan, will definitely work out well. A. carr

6、ying out B. being carried out C. carried out D. to be carried out 参考答案:C略10. A journal is not necessarily a reliable record of facts, for the writers impressions color1 the telling of eventsAshall Bmight Cshould Dmust参考答案:B【考点】考查情态动词的用法。句意:游记不必要是可以信赖的事实记录,因为作者的印象可能会给事件的叙述涂上色彩。Shall将要,用于第一人称;might可能;

7、should应该;must必须。根据题意选B。11. How much is too much for a schoolbag? Experts say students should carry_ more than 10 or 15 percent of their body weight.A. no B. not C. any D. far参考答案:A略12. You cant complain of being lonely you dont make any effort to meet people Auntil Bwhen Conce Dthough参考答案:B略13. She

8、is a quiet girl at school,but sometimes she _be very naughtyAshould Bwould Ccan Dwill参考答案:C14. During the debate, opinions were roughly _ into two groups. One was for the suggestion that more money should be budgeted for the poor while _ was against it. A. divided; the other B. separated; the other

9、C. clarified; other D. classified; other 参考答案:A15. The money will be paid to everyone _ whether they have children or not. A. in terms of B. regardless of C. in addition to D. far from 参考答案:B略16. In 1969, _ everyone had dreamed of happened the astronaut landed on the moon. A. that B. what C. which D

10、. as 参考答案:B 二、 填空17. In the long history of China, many things are more 41(advance) than the rest of the world and liquor(酒) is one of them. In China, liquor brewed (酿造) from cereal grain has always been in the dominant position and liquor brewed from fruits accounts 42 a small proportion only. Ther

11、efore, to explore the origin of liquor is 43 (main) to explore the origin of liquor brewed from cereal grain. The history of liquor 44 (date) back to the Shanggu period. In Shiji Yinbenji (Historical Records), there was some record about liquor:“King Zhou made a liquor pool and 45 (hang) meat like a

12、 forest, drinking all night long. ”In Shi Jing (The Book of Songs), there were some poems about liquor: “October is the time 46 ( harvest) the grain to make liquor and people use the liquor to celebrate the longevity of 47 senior”. Those records indicated that liquor had a history of at least five t

13、housand years. According to some archaeological evidence, there were dedicated liquor tools among the Neolithic(新石器时代) potteries unearthed in modern times, 48 showed that liquor brewing was rather popular in primitive society. After the Xia and Shang 49 (dynasty), there were more and more liquor-dri

14、nking vessels, 50 (indicate) that liquor drinking was prevalent at that time. 参考答案:41. advanced 42. for 43. mainly 44. dates 45. hung 46. to harvest47. the 48. which 49. dynasties 50. indicating三、 阅读理解18. NASA is moving ahead with plans to put a long-armed Lander on Mars icy North Pole to search for clues for water and possible signs of life.The $386 million Phoenix Mars is planned to touch down in the Martian arctic in 2008.



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