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1、2021年河南省洛阳市英语学校高二英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Large quantities of meat _ sold in that store at the present time.A. is being B. are beingC. will be D. is参考答案:B试题分析:考查主谓一致和时态语态。当“large quantities of+可数名词复数/不可数名词”做主语的时候,谓语动词永远用复数形式,而且本句中主语和动词sell之间构成被动关系,根据at the present time可知本句使用现在进行时,综上所述,本句使用现在进行时的被动语态。句意:

2、现在那就商店里大量的肉正在被出售。故B正确。2. Why _ to go abroad to study when there are so many good universities at home?A. imagine B. bother C. consider D. prevent参考答案:B3. We were about to start out_ our friends called us up from Shanghai.Awhen Bwhile Cuntil Dbefore参考答案:A4. Judging from her expression,she the news th

3、at Charlie had returned from Britain.A.shouldnt have known B.cant have known C.mustnt have known D.neednt have known 参考答案:B5. He said that his car _ stolen and he _ have to telephone the police. A.was; would B. has been; will C. had been; will D. had been;would参考答案:D6. Is this TV set_ you wish to ha

4、ve_?A . the one; repaired B. which; it repaired C. the one; it repaired D which; repaired参考答案:A7. Chris, please _ an appointment with Mr. Du for me this evening who came back from Canada yesterday.A. manageB. organizeC. planD. arrange参考答案:D8. 4Dont lose heart. If you work hard, you will a successful

5、 electronic engineer.AturnBlearnChaveDmake参考答案:D略9. Mr. Smith thought of himself as _, and this accident had _ effect on his life.A. a failure; a B. failure; an C. a failure; an D. failure; the参考答案:C10. Had I known her name,I_.Awould invite her to lunchBwould have invited her to lunchCinvited her to

6、 lunchDcould invite her to lunch参考答案:B11. Having been painted red, the building _ among the rest and looks very attractive.A. stands outB. makes outC. sets outD. picks out参考答案:A【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:这座建筑被漆成红色,在其他建筑物中显得很突出,看起来很吸引人。A. stands out突出;B. makes out理解;C. sets out出发;D. picks out挑选出,根据题意,故选A。12. Th

7、e boy will never forget the days_they spent together in the school . A. during which B. when C. in which D. which 参考答案:D13. No matter where he is , he makes _ a rule to go for a walk before breakfast.A. him B. this C. that D. it参考答案:D14. It is _that he has been addicted to the drugs and has difficul

8、ty quitting it.A. obviously B. apparently C. possibly D. likely参考答案:D15. Stand over there _ youll be able to see the oil painting better.A. but B. till C. and D. or参考答案:C16. I bought a sweater for only 50 yuan yesterday; it was a real . A. trade B. exchange C. bargain D. business 参考答案:C略二、 填空17. 用所给

9、词组的适当形式完成句子1Are you _ the proposal he put forward yesterday?2The monthly magazine Youth _ young people.3We _ him _ a hero for his saving the child drowning in the river.4Why didnt you _ that book which lay on the ground?5After a few weeks,I _getting up early every morning.6As the baby was the first

10、child in the family,all _ it.7_ milk _ the mixture before heating it.8I expect we shall _ very well when she knows me better.9English doesnt _ one group of people.10The smell of the new paint will _ in about a week.参考答案:答案:1.in favour of 2.is popular with 3.refer to;as 4pick up 5.got used to 6.made

11、a fuss of 7.Add;to8get on 9.belong to 10.wear off三、 阅读理解18. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。6-Day Trek(艰苦跋涉)in the Highland National ParksDestinations: Saigon - Cat Tien National Park Buon Ma Thuot Lak Lake YokDon National ParkEstimated trekking time: Average 4-5 hoursdaySummary: This trip is ide

12、al for those who love trekking in natural forests. From the southern part of Vietnam up to the central highlands, you will cross through two national parks. There will be opportunities to see wildlife and challenge yourself physically at a moderate(中等的)level. Indulge yourself in the beauty of nature

13、, escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, rediscover yourself in the natural world and refresh both mind and body. Highlights: Private tourWalk through the forest to a fascinating and beautiful wetland area. If you are lucky, you may be able to see many different kinds of animals using only b

14、inoculars(双筒望远镜). Night time wildlife-spotting excursion(远足)Elephant ridingIncludes: Travel insurancePrivate transportationEnglish-speaking guideGuest house-twin shared roomMeals as indicated in the itinerary(旅行日程)ks5uElephantsCanoeMineral waterEntrance fees & all permitsExcludes: Surcharges for other guides in other languages, festival season and peak season surcharges, which wi


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