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1、2021年安徽省黄山市潭渡中学高三英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. The little boy was so careless with his spelling that he often letters from words. Aleft off Bleft behind Cleft out Dlet alone参考答案:C2. To read Tolstoy and _ to the nineteenth century Russian literature are two excellent reasons for taking Professor Morels course.A.

2、to introduce B. introduce C. being introduced D. to be introduced参考答案:D3. The big snow lasted nearly half a week. What was worse, they were trapped in the mountain and badly _ food.A. in search of B. in the habit ofC. in want of D. in charge of 参考答案:C4. Studying alone, you are free to choose what to

3、 learn and when, _ you dont need others agreement.A. while B. if C. though D. as参考答案:D5. Im sorry to hear that some villagers got disabled in the earthquake. Thats too bad, but _.A. all is well that ends well B. the darkest hour is nearest the dawn C. where there is life, there is hope D. it is good

4、 to have friends in trouble参考答案:C6. Where was it _ the earthquake broke out yesterday ?In an Italian city.Awhere Bwhich Chow Dthat参考答案:D7. Once harm _ to the environment, it takes years to have the ecosystem recovered.A. does B. is done C. will be done D. be done 参考答案:B8. In _ Chinese culture, marri

5、age decisions were often made by parents for their children.A. traditionalB. historic C. remote D. initial参考答案:A9. Some of our history were glorious, others best left in our historical records, never _.A.to repeatB. to be repeatedC. being repeatedD. having been repeated参考答案:B10. I value my friend To

6、ms friendship very much, but _ I dislike his selfishness.A. in addition B. as well C. on the other hand D. in other words参考答案:C11. Most of the students went to the party yesterday. It is a pity you were absent.I wish I . But I was terribly busy.A. did B. had C. were D. would参考答案:B略12. What worried t

7、he child most was_ to visit his mother in the hospital.A. his not being allowed B, his not allowingC. his being not allowed D. having not been allowed参考答案:A13. - Thank you so much, but could you do me another favor, please? - _ , Madam. What is it then?A. My pleasureB. Never mindC. Just a minuteD. A

8、t your service参考答案:D14. Our teachers always tell us to believe in _ we do and who we are if we want to succeed.A. why B. how C. which D. what 参考答案:D15. He had ever climbed this mountain several months before, but _ he couldnt find the way this time. A. anyhow B. somehow C. somewhat D. sometime参考答案:B

9、16. He stood up and looked forward to _ what had happened and there was a terrible accident that a bus _ with 15 people dropped down into the river.A. seeing; loaded B. see, loadedC. seeing; loading D. see; loading参考答案:B【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他站起身来,向前看所发生的事情。这发生了一起一辆满载15人的公共汽车掉进了河里的可怕事故。这里looked forward是“向前

10、看”,to在此是不定式符号,表示目的,故第一空用动词原形;that之后的从句为同位语从句,从句为一般过去时,bus与load在逻辑上是被动关系,所以用过去分词短语作后置定语。故B选项正确。二、 填空17. Everyone has periods in their lives when everything seems very hard, when theres nobody to talk to and the mood is just getting worse and worse. But why sit and think how pathetic (可怜的) you are? Th

11、ere are some things that may help you lift up your mood. If it fails you, at least while doing these things you wont have time to think of your problems. You win anyway!The first thing you should try is socializing and thinking positively. Its very hard, because usually when we feel depressed we loc

12、k ourselves at home and try to think about all the bad character issues we have. But if you try to force yourself and call a friend for a cup of coffee, the chances for changing your mood into better are very good. Just try to avoid bad thoughts. Instead, try to think only about the bright side of y

13、our life. Dont forget: We are what we think we are.You should also try doing something only for yourself, something totally selfish. This could be something you wanted for a long time: maybe a short trip, a coat, a ring or anything that could lift up your mood. This doesnt have to be costly. The poi

14、nt of all this is being good to yourself. Besides giving presents to yourself, buying things to others may be a perfect way to feel happy. Think of your friends, family, s or even local charities, choose one person and give him a gift. Making another person feel happy will make you feel good in your heart


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