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1、2021年福建省宁德市福鼎龙安中学高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. He cares so little about his meals that _ will do so long as it can fill his stomach.A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing参考答案:C略2. If there were no exams and parents meetings, high school life _ much enjoyable.Awill be Bmust be Cwould be Dwould ha

2、ve been参考答案:C3. . I think you should complain _, of course, you are happy with the way things are. A. unless B. if C. although D. because参考答案:A略4. What made Bill so angry? _. His girl friend promised to come at 8:30, but she hasnt come yetA. Having kept waitingB. Being kept waitingC. Keeping waiting

3、D. kept waiting参考答案:B5. Rome has _ it will enter a bid to host the 2024 summer Olympic Games. As we know , Italy came close to winning a bid to host the 2004 Games but lost to Athens, Greece. A. concluded B. contributed C. confirmed D. competed 参考答案:C句意:罗马已证实它将参与申请2024年夏季奥运会的主办权。大家都知道,意大利在申办2004年奥运会

4、时以微弱弱势输给希腊。6. Research indicates that lung cancer _ smoking.Acontributes to Bresults from Cattends to Ddevotes to参考答案:B7. -The water was left running all night long -YesIt seemed that John _He was the last one to leave the lab Awas to be blamed Bwas to blame Chad been blamed Dshould be blamed参考答案:B略

5、4. This is the biggest lab _ we have ever built in our university. A. which B. what C. that D. where参考答案:C略9. - - I hear Kris had an accident as he was riding his bike to school yesterday- - _? He is always so careful when he is ridingAWhat for BHow come CWhy that DSo what参考答案:B10. -Why dont we choo

6、se that road to save time? -The bridge to it _ Ahas repaired Bis repaired Cis being repaired Dwill be repaired参考答案:C11. It was his _ he made at the conference that left me wondering about his real purpose.A. symbols B. signs C. remarks D. marks参考答案:C12. What wine shall we prepare for the dinner?Youd

7、 better think about it twice, because some guests are _ about their wine. A. special B. particular C. especial D. excited参考答案:B 解析:special意思是“特别的、专门的”; especial意思是“专门的,特别”; excited 意思是“激动的”; particular意思是“挑剔的”,符合句意。13. I have many friends , some are businessmen . Aof them Bfrom which Cwho of Dof who

8、m 参考答案:D 解析:此题考查了定语从句的用法。本题属于“of+关系代词+部分(指物用which;指人用whom)”引导定语从句。14. increasing the distance of your walks, you may lose more weight. ABy BFrom COn DFor参考答案:A略15. Doctors warn people that _ anger through unnatural methods is much more harmful to a persons health than the anger itself.A. controlled

9、B. to be controlled C. having controlled D. controlling参考答案:D16. Ten dollars, please! How terrible! I_ bringing my wallet with me.A.was forgetting B.forgot C.have forgotten D.am forgetting参考答案:B二、 填空17. One day, Mr. Dongguo drove a donkey carrying many books to the State of Zhongshan to seek an _61

10、_ (office)post. Suddenly, a wounded wolf rushed to him and _62_ _(beg),Sir, I am being pursued(追捕)_63_ a hunter. I was shot by _64_ _ arrow and almost lost my life. I beg you to hide me, and Ill reward you well in the future. Mr. Dongguo said, Ill surely try to save you. This is something I ought to

11、 do. Mr. Dongguo tied it up with rope, put it into his sack, and drove the donkey to the roadside to let the hunter pass by. A moment_65_ _(late), the hunter came up and found the wolf _66_ (miss). He asked Mr. Dongguo, Have you seen a wolf?Mr. Dongguo said, I havent seen any wolf. The hunter could

12、do nothing _67_believe this to be true. So he turned around and left. When the wolf heard the sound fade in the distance, it said in the sack:Sir, please let me out of the sack, _68 (tie) the rope and let me escape. The kind-hearted Mr. Dongguo, released the wolf. But_69_(expect), the wolf said to h

13、im,Please, sir, now I am so starved. Please let me eat you. Mr. Dongguo fought the wolf bare-handed and kept on _70_(shout),You ungrateful wolf! You ungrateful wolf!参考答案:61. official62. begged 63. by64. an 65. later 66. missing67. but 68. untie69. unexpectedly70. shouting【文章大意】本文讲述的是东郭先生和狼的故事,东郭先生救了狼,狼却恩将仇报,要吃掉东郭先生。61. official 考查形容词。形容词修饰名词,post为名词职位,所以前面应用形容词。故用official。62. begged 考查时态。and连接的两个动词在句中均为谓语动词,动作联系紧密,时态为一般过去时。故用begged。 63. by 考查介词。根据句意可知狼正被一个猎人追捕,表达被,使用介词by。 64. an 考



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