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1、2021年广东省广州市华颖中学高二英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. He has got tired of _ stamps and become _ in sports. A. collected; interested B. collecting; interestingC. collected; interesting D. collecting; interested参考答案:D2. An investigation group _ five men and two women has been sent to the spot to look into the matter.A.

2、consists of B. is consisted of C. consisting of D. consisted of参考答案:C3. It is believed in some science fiction stories that the world may one day be _ by insects.A. broken in B. run over C. taken over D. filled in参考答案:C4. When I entered the room I found my father _ in the sofa and _ in a magazine.A.

3、 seated; absorbedB. sit; absorb C. sat; absorbedD. sitting; absorbing参考答案:A5. I make $2,000 a week, 60 surely wont make _ difference to me.A.that a big B.a that big C.big a that D.that big a参考答案:D6. When _ what made him a popular person, he said it was his personality. A. asking B. asked C. being as

4、ked D. ask参考答案:B略7. Would you please show me Room 202? By all means. ! A. Follow me B. No problem C. This way, please D. Go ahead参考答案:C8. Dont worry. Ive _ a car to pick up the guests at the station at 6 oclock.Alooked for Bprepared for Csearched for Darranged for参考答案:D9. Nowadays some parents regre

5、t not _ more time with their kids when they were young. A. to spend B. spending C. spend D. being spent参考答案:B10. I had _ supper at my friends last Sunday and _ food was very delicious.A. a; the B. /; / C. the; / D. /; the参考答案:D11. _ you fail in the contest, no one will blame you. A. were B would C W

6、ould D. should 参考答案:D略12. At the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the UN Secretary General points out that, _, the climate situation will get worse and worse.A. if not dealing with properlyB. unless dealing with properlyC. if properly dealt with D. unless properly dealt with参考答案:D13. My cou

7、sin never studied French; what he knows was while he was living in Paris.A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up参考答案:A14. Sorry, Im late. The car _ down on my way here.Awas breaking Bhas broken Chad broken Dbroke参考答案:D15. People all over the world are kept _ of what is happening immediately

8、by means of the Internet.A. reminded B. convincedC. approved D. informed参考答案:D略16. The medical research shows eating too much fat can _ heart disease and blood pressure, so you must be more careful with your diet. A.contribute to B. refer to C. attend to D. devote to参考答案:A二、 填空17. 阅读下面的句子,在空白处填入适当的内

9、容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。41. With so many eyes _ (fix) on him, he was very nervous.42. Careless spelling mistakes in a letter can create an unfavorable _. (impress)43. If you _ (tell) me about your trouble last week, I could have helped.44. _ I think counts most is that equal significance should be attach

10、ed to after-school activities.45. How long do you think it will be _ China sends another manned spaceship?46. When it comes to _ (speak) in public, he is second to none.47. The 1960s was a period _ greater opportunities were open to women.48. She found one excuse after _ to postpone going to the doc

11、tor.49. Its _ (consider) of her to buy souvenirs for her colleagues each time she goes on business.50. This is the first time they _ (make) it through to the final.参考答案:41. fixed 42. impression 43. had told 44. What 45. before 46. speaking 47. when 48. another 49. considerate 50. have made本题考查填入适当的单

12、词或用所给单词正确的形式填空,做题时需要从词性、时态、非谓语动词、虚拟语气、定语从句等语法方面考虑。【41题详解】考查非谓语动词。fix与eyes之间是动宾关系,应用过去分词作宾补。句意:这么多眼睛盯着他看,他非常紧张。故填fixed。【42题详解】考查名词。形容词unfavorable后用名词形式。句意:在信中粗心的拼写错误会给人留下不好的印象。故填impression。【43题详解】考查虚拟语气。根据句中时间状语last week可知,与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故从句用过去完成时。句意:如果你上周告诉我你的麻烦,我本来可以帮忙的。故填had told。【44题详解】考查名词性从句。句中I

13、think为插入语,主语从句中缺少主语,故用what引导。句意:我认为最重要的是应该重视平等的重要性。故填what。【45题详解】考查连词。it will be +(time) +before (sth.)的句型,意思是在某件事发生之前有多少时间。句意:你认为中国发射另外一艘人造飞船还会多长时间?故填before。【46题详解】考查非谓语动词。When it comes to当谈及到,to为介词。句意:说到公众场合讲话,他是首屈一指的。故填speaking。【47题详解】考查定语从句。句中先行词为period,在从句中作时间状语,故用关系副词when。句意:20 世纪60年代,女性有了更多的机

14、会。故填when。【48题详解】考查短语。短语one after another一个接一个地。句意:她找了一个又一个借口推迟去看医生。故填another。【49题详解】考查形容词。句型Its + adj. +of + sb. to do sth.。句意:她真的很体贴,她每次出差都为同事买纪念品。故填considerate。【50题详解】考查时态。It Thisisthefirsttimethat-结构中 that-从句通常用现在完成时。句意:这是他们第一次进入决赛。故填have made。【解析】三、 阅读理解18. A group of kids atMcIntyre Elementary School, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, have created a special bench to make sure their fellow cla



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