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1、2021年上海市浦东中学高二英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Mary really hard on his book and thinks hell have finished it by Friday.A. worked B. has been working C. had worked D. has worked参考答案:B2. If you_to her about it yesterday, you _ what to do now. A. should have spoken; would know B. spoke; would know C. had spoken; woul

2、d have known D. had spoken; would know参考答案:D3. You are working too hard .Youd better keep a between work and relaxation. A .promise B .lead C. balance D. diary参考答案:C4. The old man keeps a healthy life and I strongly believe he is sure _a long life.A. of living B. to live C. living D. lives参考答案:B5. R

3、emember the first time we met?Always in my mind! You _ A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns.A. recitedB. had recitedC. are recitingD. were reciting参考答案:D【详解】考查时态。句意:还记得我们第一次见面的情景么?一直记得,当时你正在背诵罗伯特彭斯的红红的玫瑰。表示过去某一时间点发生的动作用过去进行时,故D项正确。6. They had to return from the hiking in the desert, for their food almost

4、 _.A. ran out of B. used up C. was given out D. ran out 参考答案:D7. -Got your driving license?-No. I_ too busy to have enough practice, so I didnt take the driving test last week.A. was B. am C. have been D. had been参考答案:D8. Why she wants to go and live there alone is quite me.Aover Bout of C.beyond Du

5、p to参考答案:C9. -I _to go for a walk. -But I_ going shopping.A. would like; feel like B. feel like; feel like C. feel like; would like D would like; would like参考答案:A略10. Everything comes with _ price; there is no such _ thing as a free lunch in the world.A. a; a B. the; / C. the; a D. a; / 参考答案:D11. _

6、I ask you to do something, you always say youre too busy.A. At times B. Some time C. By the time D. Every time 参考答案:D12. With Mr. Frank_us, Im sure we will succeed. A. help B. helped C. to help D. helps 参考答案:C13. -May I ask a question after class, Sir? - _, but not during my lunch break.A. Im sorryB

7、. With pleasureC. CertainlyD. Go ahead参考答案:C14. _ with various research projects, that scientist cant even find time to visit his parents.A. Occupying B. Occupied C. To be occupied D. To occupy参考答案:B15. The girl looked at me with a _expression. Maybe the problem was quite _. A. puzzled; puzzling B.

8、puzzling; puzzled C. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzling; puzzling 参考答案:A16. Shall I help you carry the heavy box? - _.A. Im afraid not B. Thanks. I can manage it myself C. No, I can carry myself D. Thanks. I do myself参考答案:B二、 填空17. In many countries, 66 is not unusual for families of different backgrounds

9、 to live together in the shared space. 67 , in the United States, this idea may still be considered old.But this type of housing, 68 (call) co-housing, is gaining 69 (popular) in the United States, too. Co-housing complexes are popping up across the country. For many people, this way of life is a re

10、lief to the busy modern lifestyle. A co-housing community has 70 (private) owned houses and shared land. There is often a “common house” with a kitchen and dining room, meeting room, and maybe a workshop of library or music room. About 25 co-housing communities 71 (build) in recent years, and 150 mo

11、re are planned.A co-housing complex is a place 72 residents shop, cook, and eat together. Residents of a co-housing complex like its sense of shared community. Children have other kids to play 73 , 74 many families like. Other residents like the feeling of living in a “village”. Residents also say t

12、hat they can live in co-housing for 75 money than they would pay for nearby apartments.参考答案:66it67However78called69popularity70privately71have been built72where73with74which 75less66it it作形式主语。67However 上下句是转折关系。78called 本句已经有谓语动词“is gaining”,故这里应用过去分词短语作后置定语。69popularity 句意是这类住宅受到了欢迎。因此这里应用popular的

13、名词形式作gain的宾语。70privately own是动词,应用副词修饰。71have been built About 25 co-housing communities与动词build之间是被动关系,且in recent years常与现在完成时连用,因此答案应是现在完成时的被动语态。72where where引导定语从句,修饰先行词a place。73with 句意是“孩子们和其他孩子一起玩”。此题考查固定短语“play with”意思是“和一起玩”。74which which引导定语从句。75less 合住要比住在附近公寓花钱少,因此应是less。【备注】本文主要讲述了合住的一些好处。三、 阅读理解18. Best Travel Apps for Vacations and TripsSkyscannerFlights, hotels, rental cars Skyscanner has got you covered. The app searches for the most affordable and best options via its travel partners. Like Google Flights, you can see the cheapest dates to fly through a month-view calendar, a


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