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1、2021-2022学年辽宁省营口市三十中学高二英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. My mother always tells me _ out alone at night.A. go B. not go C. not to go D. dont go参考答案:C2. The Smiths wrote to Mr. Wang to _ his warm reception during their visit to Beijing.A. demand B. consultC. acknowledgeD. confirm参考答案:C考查动词辨析。句意:史密斯一家写信给王先生感谢他在他们参观北京

2、期间的热情接待。demand要求;consult咨询;acknowledge感谢;confirm 证实。故选C。3. Chongqing doesnt _ me. It is so hot that I cant _ it indeed.A. agree on, come up with B. agree with, put up with C. agree to, end up with D. agree with, take up参考答案:B4. The participants were encouraged to _ others in the class to do the proj

3、ect, and the entire team would get credit.A. keep up withB. team up withC. come up withD. put up with参考答案:B5. _ be sent to work there? A. Who do you suggest that should B. Do you suggest who shouldC. Who do you suggest D. Do you suggest whom should参考答案:C6. The luggage(行李) is so heavy .Would you plea

4、se give me a hand? .A. Its a pleasure B. May be C. With pleasure D. Never mind参考答案:C7. As _ father you must believe that you make _ difference to the lives of your children.A. the;/ B. the; a C. a; / D. a; a参考答案:D【详解】考查冠词和固定用法。句意:作为一位父亲,你必须相信你会对你孩子的生活产生很大影响。题干中泛指“一位父亲”,第一个空用不定冠词a;make a difference有影

5、响,该短语是固定短语,故选D。8. by the thunder, the little girl dare not sleep in her bedroom. A. Frightened B. Frightening C. Having frightened D. Being frightened参考答案:A9. Although the city a good look in general, some of its heritage was destroyed in World War II.A. had preserves B. preservedC. preserves D. wil

6、l preserve参考答案:C考查动词的时态。尽管这座城市总体上保持着良好的外观,但它的一些遗产在二战中被毁了。这城市现在的状态,所以有一般现在时。had preserved 是过去的过去。Will preserve 表示将会保持良好的外观。preserved,表不过去保持良好的外观。从句意是现在保持着良好的外观。故要用C。10. _ the honor to speak on the graduation day is a great thrill for me.A. Being given B. Giving C. To give D. Give参考答案:A11. Its not lik

7、ely to happen, but if it , we need to be well prepared. Ashould Bwould Cmight Dcould参考答案:A12. -Did you enjoy your holiday in London,Betty?- .We couldnt have chosen a more pleasant place.A.Sounds great B.Not at all C.Never mind D.Absolutely参考答案:D28. The children went home form the grammar school, the

8、ir lessons _ for the day. A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. went finish参考答案:B略14. Mary fell over and broke her leg. _, she will have to be away from school for about one month. A. As a result of B. In a word C. As a result D. After all参考答案:C15. We really appreciate it when she_to help alth

9、ough we could manage it ourselves.Astuck BledCreferred Doffered参考答案:D16. It was the training _ he had as a young man _ made him such a good engineer. A. what ; that B. that ; what C. that ; which D. which; that参考答案:D二、 填空17. 句型转换1. The idea that they could finish all the work in two days was amazing

10、._ _ _that they could finish all the work in two days.2. China has the largest population in the world.Chinas population is _ _ _ _ _in the world.3. Rather than ride to the downtown, they preferred to go there on foot.They _ _ go there on foot _ ride to the downtown.4. The trees in Canada are extrem

11、ely tall, some measuring over 90 meters.The trees in Canada are extremely tall, _some _over 90 meters.5. His sister is a successful doctor, and she is good at dealing with patients.His sister has _ _ _ working with sick persons.参考答案:1 it was amazing 2. larger than any other country 3. would rather;

12、than 4. with; measuring 5.a gift for 略三、 阅读理解18. In our life,they are two different types of dreamer,一low-recall dreamers and high-recall dreamers. According to researchers at the Lyon Nero-science Research Center in France, high-recall dreamers reported they remembered their dreams almost every day

13、 while low-recall dreamers said they only remembered their dreams once or twice a month, reported Live Science.Perrine Ruby,a lead scientist at the research center in Lyon, studied 41 people (21 high-recall dreamers and 20 low-recall dreamers) and recorded their brain activity. She found that a part of the brain called the temporo-parietal junction ( 颞顶叶交界处)was more active in high-recall dreamers. This was true both when they were sleeping and awake. This area of the brain is resp



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