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1、安徽省六安市淠联中学2021-2022学年高二英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. -Excuse me, but would you please turn the radio down a bit? -Sorry. I _ it bothered you. A. didnt realize B. havent realized C. dont realize D. hadnt realized参考答案:A2. He missed _ gold in the high jump, but will get _ second chance in the long jump.A. the,

2、the B. /, aC. the, a D. a, /参考答案:C3. If the machine is operating after it has run out of oil, it may _.A. broke up B. broke through C. broke into D. broke down参考答案:D4. I dont think he could have done well in the college Entrance Exam, ?No, he almost failed it .A.had he ,therefore B.do I, otherwiseC.

3、could he, anyway D.did he, actually参考答案:D5. The professor has written another book, _ of great importance to computer science. A. which I think it is B. I think it is C. which I think is D. I think is参考答案:C6. If the wound_ become infected, do not hesitate to call me.A. shall B. must C. should D. wou

4、ld参考答案:C7. . After going through a lot of things in my life, I decided to my feelings on paper.A. add up B. calm down C. set down D. pack up参考答案:C略8. They form a polar molecule, that is, _ with a slightly positive end and a slightly negative end.A. it B. that C. this D. one参考答案:D9. What difficulty d

5、o you think he has _ English? A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned参考答案:B10. We shall take the condition _youve attached to this project into careful consideration. Thanks a lot.A. whereB. whenC. whichD. what参考答案:C【详解】考查定语从句。句意:我们将仔细考虑你们附加在这个项目上的条件。分析句子结构可知,此处为定语从句,先行词为the condition,指物,关系词在从句中

6、作attached的宾语,故C项正确。11. Was it during the Spring Break_ you went on a trip to Suzhou?A. when B. that C. in which D. then参考答案:B略12. Recently, more than three thousand students guaranteed they would be far away from net bars in Zhangjiajie city, Hunan Province.Awhen Bwhat Cwhether Dthat参考答案:D13. After

7、the big job was finished, the builder _ the number of men working for him.A. cut off B. cut up C. cut back on D. cut in参考答案:C14. _ all his fortune gone, the playboy could do little to preserve the family fame.A. For B. Since C. Because D. With参考答案:D15. This is the second time that these Japanese _ S

8、hanghai.A. would visit B. have visited C. had visited D. visited参考答案:B16. Every possible means _, but it seems that nothing will prevent the situation from getting worse.A. has tried B. have tried C. has been tried D. have been tried参考答案:C17. We must figure out how to solve the problem as soon as po

9、ssible. So_, we havent got much time. A.arrive at the point B.have an idea C.get to the point D.come to an end参考答案:Cget to the point 表示切入正题,符合语境。18. He wants to do nothing but _ his homework.A. finishing B. finished C. to finish D. finish参考答案:D略二、 单词拼写19. We hope that women will have true e_(平等) of

10、opportunity with men.参考答案:equality 三、 阅读理解20. Success is often measured by the ability to overcome adversity(逆境). But it is often the belief of others that gives us the courage to try. J. K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter book series, began writing at age 6. Her good friend-Sean became the firs

11、t person to encourage her and help her build the confidence that one day she would be a very good writer. “He was the first person with whom I really discussed my serious ambition to be a writer. He was also the only person who thought I was bound to(注定)be a success at it, which meant much more to m

12、e than I ever told him at the time.”Though there were many difficulties, Rowling continued her writing, particularly fantasy stories. But it wasnt until l990 that she first came up with the idea about Harry Potter. As she recalls, it was on a long train journey from London to Manchester that “the id

13、ea of Harry Potter simply fell into my head. To my great disappointment, I didnt have a pen with me, and I was too shy to ask anybody if I could borrow one. I think, now, that this was probably a good thing, because I simply sat and thought, for four (delayed train) hours, and all the details came up in my brain, and this thin, black-haired, bespectacled(戴眼镜的)boy who didnt know he was a wizard became more and more real to me.” That same year, her mother died after a ten-year fight with serious diseases, which deeply affected her writing. She went on t



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