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1、2022-2023学年湖北省荆州市监利县大垸高级中学高二英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. The government officials made a quick reaction _ the news of the earthquake.A. having heard B. heard C. being heard D. on hearing参考答案:D2. The murderer found his feet _ together. A. tied B. to tie C. tying D. tie参考答案:A3. A famous politician will _ us on t

2、he subject of war and peace this afternoon.A. reward B. address C. spread D. deliver参考答案:B4. The government has_ to make many needed reforms to lower the house price.A. get downB. set out C. set aboutD. set up参考答案:B5. Not until the press reported the pollution _ why the water supply had been cut off

3、.A. people knew B. people had knownC. did people know D. had people known参考答案:C6. You must _ a wide vocabulary if you want to learn a language well. A. build up B. put on C. settle down D. set up参考答案:A7. Time is precious, but most people treat their time _ it had hardly any value at all. A. as long

4、asB. even thoughC. as soon as D. as though参考答案:D8. 31Jane is a good dancer.When _ on stage,she is always so proud of herself.Astands Bstanding Cis standing Dstood参考答案:B略9. -Do you know London at all?-No, this is the first time that I_ hereAwas Bcame Chave been Dhad been参考答案:C略10. The island country,

5、 _ more than 50 separate islands, is one of the top attractions for tourists around the world. A. making up B. consisting of C. forming D. building up 参考答案:B11. Some experts are warning that the step the US government has taken to deal with the current crisis between China and Japan is _ of much ris

6、k. A. that B. those C. one D. ones参考答案:C12. It is human activity has caused this global warming.A. which B. that C. what D. why参考答案:B13. It takes about an hour to get there, _ possible traffic delays. A. allowed for B. allowing for C. allowing D. allowed参考答案:B14. He studied hard, _ the exam.A. aim a

7、t B. aiming at passing C. aiming passing D. aiming to passing参考答案:B15. I admit that there are problems, _I dont agree that they cannot be solved.A. while B. if C. in case D. before 参考答案:A略16. Wow, what a large crowd!Yes, And they_ in the cold wind for hours. You know, Premiere Wen Jiabao is coming h

8、ere. A. will be waiting B. have waited C. are waiting D. have been waiting参考答案:D17. The natural resources, such as mine, forest, and hydropower (水电) in that area have been _. A.developed B.exploited C.improved D.expanded参考答案:B18. John is the tallest boy in the class, _ according to himself.Afive fee

9、t high as tall as Bas tall as five feet highCas five feet high tall as Das tall five feet high as参考答案:B【详解】考查固定表达。句意:John是班里最高的男生,他自称高达五英尺。as tall as表示“高达”作状语修饰five feet high“五英尺高”,故B项正确。二、 单词拼写19. The experiment made no improvement and ended in f_.参考答案:failure三、 阅读理解20. For decades, common wisdom h

10、eld that how much we eat and exercise determines our weight. As researchers learned more about the human body, they discovered that what people eat plays an important role in weight gain and loss. This led to a wide range of dietary recommendations (饮食建议). Dont eat fats. Avoid sugars. Eat protein at

11、 every meal.Now researchers are discovering another factor that influences health and weight gain-when we eat. A growing body of evidence finds that the time of day when we consume calories affects weight gain and overall health.The most recent study to support this idea was published this summer in

12、 the “Journal of Nutrition”. Data from the study came from broad questionnaires that explore the links between lifestyle, diet and disease.Researchers found that participants who ate three meals a day and snacked between meals tended to gain weight over time, while those who ate one or two meals a d

13、ay tended to lose weight. Whats more, participants who made breakfast their largest meal were less likely to be overweight compared to those who ate their largest meal at lunch or dinner. Those who ate breakfast were more likely to be a healthy weight compared to those who skipped breakfast.The evid

14、ence on the benefits of having a big breakfast is strong enough that the American Heart Association has announced a statement that planning and timing meals and snacks is a healthier way of eating, and likely reduces the risk factors for heart disease. The statement stressed that eating breakfast is helpful in preventing diabetes (糖



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