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1、四川省遂宁市蓬溪县大石桥中学2022年高三英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Much to the disappointment of the neighboring countries, the Japanese government refuses to admit _ crime they committed in _ World War II. A. the; the B. /;the C. /; / D. the; /参考答案:D2. He _ full marks, but he was so careless as to make a spelling mistake.A. m

2、ust have gainedB. can have gainedC. could have gained D. must gain参考答案:C略3. 22In the weeks before the Academy Awards ceremony, movie reviewers make predictions about which movies and actors Ahave awarded Bwill award Care awarded Dwill be awarded参考答案:D略4. It sounds like something is wrong with the ca

3、rs tyre. , wed better take it to the garage immediately.A. Otherwise B. If not C. But for that D. If so参考答案:D略5. There are 52 students in Class Two, _ failed in the physics test. A. all of which B. all of them C. none of whom D. none of them参考答案:C6. Did you have a wonderful time at the ball last nig

4、ht? _ ! Ive never had a more wonderful time all my life.A. You betB. No problem C. Dont mention itD. Not really参考答案:A7. Yesterday, my father was so lost in his thoughts that he didnt realize he _ the red lights.A. ranB. was runningC. runsD. has run参考答案:B8. Bungee jumping is an adventurous sport, pop

5、ular with young adults, _ courage matters more than strength.A. where B. that C. of which D. whose参考答案:A.9. The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people, many of _ left their village homes for a better life in the city. A. whom B. which C. them D. these参考答案:A10. Susan wanted to be independent of he

6、r parents. She tried _ alone, but she didnt like it and moved back home.A. living B. to live C. to be living D. having lived参考答案:A解析:本题考查时态。try doing sth,表示试着做某事。 B项try to do sth表示将要尝试做某事,也就是说还没开始做,这与后分句的时态不符。C,D两项也不符合题意。11. Only in youto go on living 一 just one day in the year, softly, quietly, as

7、I have always lived near you.A. do I wishB.I wishC.have I wished D. I have wished参考答案:A12. I like in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. A. this B. that C. it D. one参考答案:C考查代词的用法。此处it作形式宾语, 指代“when the weather is clear and bright”。13. Emails are efficient and convenient, but the best wa

8、y to _ a message is still to talk it out in person.Aattend to Bbreak through Cresult from Dget cross参考答案:D14. Do you think it will snow?_A. I hope not. B. I dont hope so. C. Id love to. D. Why ask me?参考答案:A略15. If there hadnt been so much smog in Beijing, we_ the beautiful scenery across the Tiananm

9、en Square.A. enjoyed B. would have enjoyed C. had enjoyed D.would enjoy参考答案:B16. Darling, what about accompanying me to see a movie tonight? _ . Actually, do I have another choice?A. Thats all right B. All right C. Im all right D. Thats right参考答案:B17. Mom came to see me from hometown, _ me a lot of

10、local products. A. bringing B. to bring C. brought D. had brought参考答案:A18. It has been discovered that the traffic accident _ the drivers careless driving.Aresulted in Bresulted fromCled to Dcontributed to参考答案:Bresult from“由引起;起因于”,后接表示原因的名词。result in“导致;造成”;lead to“导致”;contribute to“导致;为做贡献/撰稿”。二、

11、单词拼写19. Farmers are reporting a very big _(收成) this year.参考答案:harvest三、 阅读理解20. 阅读下列材料,61 65题中提到的人都是某个环境保护组织的成员。选项A F列举了他们日常所做的保护环境的事项。请将每组人员和他们所遵循的基本守则配对。有一组守则不用选,因为它不是针对任何特定人员的。_ 61. Mrs. Anderson is a housewife with three children. She has to stay at home, busy caring for her family every day. Si

12、nce she has joined the group, she begins to set some rules for the whole family to obey. They are _ 62. The Morgans are an old couple who have been retired for over five years. Mr. Morgan is fond of fishing while Mrs. Morgan likes playing the piano. They are often found by the neighbors enjoying the

13、mselves separately. Luckily for them, they have one common interest gardening. You may find the rules for them while doing gardening, as both of them are the members of the environmental group. _ 63. Mr. Scottis a taxi driver. He is very warm-hearted and often helps people in this district. Being on

14、e of the organizers of the environmental group, he has some tips for others who use cars frequently. _ 64. Mr. Smiley is a boss of an advertising company. He acts as a member of several social organizations, including this environmental group. He says it is of great importance to do something to protect the environment. So he has some rules



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