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1、2022年福建省泉州市三川中学高二英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Was it the building_ many reporters were interviewing the US official_ was attacked last week. A. where; that B. that; who C. which; that D. when; who 参考答案:A2. - I wonder how I can relieve the huge pressure.-_, you can go to” the room for heart to heart talk” to co

2、nsult Miss Wang.A. We are through B. If necessary C. Its up to you D. Im with you on that参考答案:B3. Standing on the top of the mountain, we can get wonderful _ of the villages.A.scenes B.views C.sights D.looks参考答案:B4. He did not feel the need to say compliments, since he believed one should be confide

3、nt within his heart.A. wishes B. complainsC. apologies D. praises参考答案:D考查名词。句意:他不觉得有必要说恭维话,因为他相信一个人应该在心里充满自信。A.愿望;B.抱怨;C.道歉;D.赞美。故选D.5. Young white collars in some big cities have to use _ they have to buy an apartment.A. what B. what that C. all what D. that参考答案:A略6. Last night MrCrook didnt come b

4、ack at the usual time_, he met some friends and stayed out until midnight.AInstead BHowever CMeanwhile DYet参考答案:A7. What lessons China can draw from_ financial crisis (金融危机) in the United States has become _ hot topic in Chongqing. A. the;a B. a;a C. 不填;the D. the;不填参考答案:A略8. Your suggestion is very

5、 good _ theory, but_ practice it will not work.A. in; in B. on; on C. in; on D. at; in参考答案:A【详解】考查介词。句意:你的建议在理论上可以,但不能付诸实现。in theory在理论上;in practice在实践中。故选A。9. After winning the singing competition, she thought herself _ in her neighborhoodAsomething Bnothing Canything Deverything 参考答案:A10. How do y

6、ou know he will lend us money?- _. Hes a generous person.A. Thats settled B. That depends C. Its my guess D. Its up to you.参考答案:C11. -How long have you _? -5 years.A. married B. got married C. married D. been married参考答案:D12. The author couldnt _it _, so I cant make out what the article says.A. get;

7、 across B. get; overC. give; away D. give; out参考答案:A句意:作者不能让它被理解,所以我不能弄明白文章说了什么。Get across使被理解;get over克服:give away放弃,分发;give out分发,发表。理解句意可知应选A。13. After quarelling with her best friends, Mary has got herself into a situation _ she is likely to turn to nobody for help.A. where B. which C. that D. w

8、hy参考答案:A14. I assisted him to check all the story books _ to the Hongshan Primary School next week.A. sent B. sending C. to be sent D. being sent 参考答案:C15. At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _, one of the ten largest cities in China.A. lies Chongqing B. Chongqing lies C.

9、 does lie Chongqing D. does Chongqing lie参考答案:A表示地点的介词短语位于句首,谓语动词come, go等表示位置移动的动词,且句子主语不是代词时,句子全部倒装,故A项正确。16. Every one of us must know:_we live can we save the earth.Aby changing the way onlyBonly by changing the wayCby only changing the wayDby changing only the way 参考答案:B略17. His suggestion made

10、 me angry, but_. A. making others happy B. to make others happyC. with others happy D. others happy参考答案:D略18. - Would you go swimming after class? - No, there is something wrong with my watch and I will have it _.A.to repair B. to be repaired C. repaired D. repairing参考答案:C试题分析:句意:-下课后你去游泳吗?-不,我的表坏了需

11、要去修。have sth done让某事被做,让别人做某事,故选A. 考点:考查固定搭配。【名师点睛】英语单选题解题技巧1、找准关键词语有时题干中带有对解题起着关键作用的词语,如果能迅速找准这些词语,再结合各选项的意义和特点,就能很快选出正确答案。2、分析句子结构有些试题的考点本来十分简单,但命题者却通过使用定语从句,或者将我们熟悉的固定词组有意拆分,重新组合,使我们在结构上产生错觉,出现迷惑。这时,我们只要保持清醒的头脑,仔细分析句子的结构就会拨开迷雾。3、适当转换句式有时将题干的句式转换成自己更熟悉的句式,就很容易选出正确答案。比如将疑问句、强调句、感叹句或倒装句改为陈述句,将被动句改为主

12、动句,无序句调整为正常句。口语中常常会使用一些省略句,做题时若将被省略的成分补充完整,答案就会一目了然。4、利用对称结构在做题过程中要善于利用and, but等并列连词。若前面是个句子,后面也必定是个句子,反之亦然;若连接的是几个动词,这几个动词也必定是同一时态或同一形式。5、注意标点符号标点有时对我们做题有提示作用,不同的标点可能导致不同的答案,做题时一定要小心。6、熟记固定搭配在平时的学习中注意积累一些常见的固定句式、动词与副词的搭配、名词与形容词的搭配等等,对做题十分有利。7、排除思维定式有些试题的题干,看上去好像就是固定搭配,我们完成后自以为十分有把握,结果却做错了。所以当我们越是遇到

13、十分熟悉的所谓固定搭配时,越要从句子结构上或者句子意义上仔细分析,以免步入命题人设计的陷阱。二、 单词拼写19. 单词拼写 (满分10分)76. As winter is a_, the winter is getting colder.77. The dove r_ peace, which is the most important thing for human beings.78. In a boarding school, students need to learn how to get on well with each other in their d_.79. There a

14、re v_ kinds of theme parks, with a different park for almost everything: food, culture, science, cartoons, movies or history.80. I am c_ of his honesty because I know him very well.81. With the help of the Internet, the writer became famous t_ the world.82. The f_ of the smile is to show happiness and put people



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