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1、2022年福建省莆田市第二十五中学高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Children can get close to _nature by taking part in _series of outdoor activities.Athe;/ Bthe;a C/;the D/;a参考答案:D试题分析:句意: 孩子们通过参与一系列的户外活动可以接近大自然。这里nature是抽象名词,不需要用冠词;a series of一系列,是固定搭配。故本题选D。2. Will you join us in playing cards?Thank you, but _ at the moment

2、AId like to not BIm afraid soCId rather not DId better not to参考答案:C3. Youd better go there by train. The train ticket is _ the airplane ticket.A. as cheap three times as B. as three times cheap as C. three times cheaper than D. cheaper three times than 参考答案:C26. _earth scientists understand how and

3、why earthquakes happen, forecasts are usually inaccurate.A. As B. While C. Because D. If参考答案:B5. He must have _ the funny story. I cant believe that its true. A. picked up B. showed up C. stepped up D. made up参考答案:D6. Youd better get all the people_ the work, or you cannot get it _ on time.A. do, do

4、ne B. doing, do C. to do, done D. done, done参考答案:C7. Mr Huang didnt go to the lecture this morning, did he? _ . Though he was not feeling very well.A. No, he didnt B. Yes; he did C. No, he did D. Yes, he didnt参考答案:B8. I was told that 10:15 flight would take us to Shanghai in time to reach Fudan Univ

5、ersity.A. the; / B. the; a C. a; the D. /; the参考答案:A9. Safety _, the Chinese in Libya could go to the embassy to_ help. A. permitted; seek B. permits; find C. permitting; seek D. permitted; search参考答案:C10. The boy refused to go to bed _ his mother told him a story.A. unless B. if not C. if D. even参考

6、答案:A11. _ to get a ticket for the concert, George has been standing in a queue for two days. A. DeterminingB. Being determined C. To determine D. Determined 参考答案:D略12. I found an ancient china in the market _ and bought it for only one hundred yuan the other day.Aon purpose Bby chanceCby turns Das a

7、 result参考答案:B考查介词短语辨析。句意:前几天我在市场上偶然发现了一件古代瓷器,仅仅花了100元就买下了。by chance“碰巧;凑巧;偶然,意外”,符合题意。on purpose 故意地;by turns 轮流;as a result结果。13. She refused to offer any help, which quite _ all the people present.A. upset B. settled C. ignored D. suffered参考答案:A14. an important decision more on emotion than on rea

8、son, you will regret it sooner or later.A.Based B.BasingC.BaseD.To base参考答案:B查非谓语动词。句意:把一个重 要的决定更多地建立在情感基础上,而不是以理性思考为基础,你迟早会后悔的。此处动词base与其逻辑主语you之间构成主动关系,所以用现在分词做状语,故选B项。15. We dont care about how Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize but _matters for us is _he will make his effort to bring a peaceful wor

9、ld to us. A. that; how B. which; whether C. it; that D. what ; whether参考答案:D16. Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes.A. lose B. will be lost C. are lost D. will lose参考答案:B17. The unemployment _ in this city has fallen from 16% to 8% in the past two years.A. speed B. rate C. welfare D. line参考答案:B

10、18. _the low level of trans fat consumption in the country, China will not ban trans fats in the near future.A. GivenB. GivingC. To giveD. Having given参考答案:A二、 单词拼写57. Students in the experimental class start early learning the literary _(经典作品)of China and Western countries.58. Although the new road

11、 is being used, it has not yet been_(正式地) opened.59. What a _(巧合) that I was in Paris at the same time as you.60. Hundreds of small companies have been s_up by these large ones in recent years.61. If the children feel u_with strangers, parents should encourage them to speak up.62. This increases the

12、ir air-resistance and reduces the shock of i_ when they hit the ground.63. So long as theres something to i_, we will give people their money back.64. One of the things that f_us most about cats is the popular belief that they have nine lives.65. They can be friendly and a_towards humans, but they l

13、ead mysterious lives of their own as well.66. The monks prefer winter to summer for they have more p_.参考答案:57. classics 58. officially 59. coincidence 60. swallowed 61. uncomfortable 62. impact 63. identify 64. fascinates 65. affectionate 66. privacy根据首字母或汉语完成句子。57. 句意:实验班的学生开始学习中国和西方国家的文学经典。根据句意可知答案为classics。58. 句意:尽管这条新公路正在被使用,但它尚未正式开放。副词修饰动词,故答案为officially。59. 句意:我和你同一时间在巴黎的时候,真是太巧了。可知答案为coincidence。60. 句意:近年来,数以百计的小公司被这些大公司吞并了。根据句意可知用现在完成时态的被动语态,故答案为swallowed。61. 句意:如果孩子们对陌生人感到不舒服,父母应该鼓励



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