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1、2022年福建省泉州市晋江市第二中学高二英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音。1. companion A. alone B. anecdote C. staff D. purchase2. breathe A. depth B. breath C. through D. motherland3. literature A. patient B. draft C. destination D. fortune4. cushion A. junior B. tutor C. judge D. pull5. annoyed A. condu

2、cted B. abolished C. scared D. barked参考答案:BDDDC2. Dont give up.But what can we do? I cant see there is a chance _ we will win. A .if B. which C. whether D. that参考答案:D3. -Why was Hugh out of breath when we met him?- He _ for three hours.A has jogged B was jogging C had been jogging D has been jogging

3、 参考答案:C4. The teacher just took down the names of the students _ during the exam.A. caught cheatingB. caught to cheatC. catching cheatingD. to catch cheating参考答案:A5. To our _ , Franks illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.A. anxiety B. relief C. view D. judgement参考答案:B6. The gentleman

4、 must be very rich.Dont be so sure. Its not _ to judge a man only by his looks.Aresponsible BcompleteCsocial Dreliable参考答案:D7. Here is your ticket for over speeding! You know you_ 16 km an hour, dont you?No, officer. I cant have been. This car doesnt do 120.Aare driving Bhave driven Cwere driving Dh

5、ad driven 参考答案:C8. time passed, however, the carnival period was extended. A. As B. When C. While D. Since参考答案:A9. The question _ he left the room is confusing. A. when B. where C. why D. that 参考答案:C10. Jane looked at _ damaged rainforest with _ disappointment.A. /;a B. the;/ C. /;/ D. the;a参考答案:B11

6、. There is a _to the amount of the pain we can bear. Thats to say,sometimes we cant stand some pain.Alimit Black Cneed Ddemand参考答案:A12. Why are you looking so worried? Is there anything I can do for you?The computer break down when I nearly finished my composition.Acan BshouldCmust Ddare参考答案:C考查情态动词

7、的用法。must在此是“偏偏”的含义。13. If uncontrolled, the shortage of live pigs would _ a new rise in meat prices.A. go off B. set off C. go through D. get through参考答案:B14. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that _ 17 syllables.A. consist of B. consisting of C. makes up D. Is made up of参考答案:D15. After a _ quarrel

8、, they both left in anger. A. strong B. violent C. hard D. spiritual 参考答案:B16. They had no choice but _ as their mother told them.A. do B. to do C. doing D. done参考答案:B试题分析:句意:他们别无选择只能按照母亲告诉他们的去做。have no choice but to do“除了做别无选择”,故选B.考点:考查固定结构。17. It was in the small house _ he was born in _ he ended

9、 his life. A. that; where B. that; that C. where; that D. that; which参考答案:B略18. I dont think this TV set is of good quality. Can you replace it with a new one? _. But I have to talk to my manager first.A. Im sorry B. No way C. No problem D. Thats a question 参考答案:A二、 单词拼写19. _(政治) leaders were not we

10、ll thought of in the USA in the 1960s.参考答案:Political三、 阅读理解20. The Arctic will soon be free from ice, experts say. The change is bound to take place, but the global warming and climate change are changing the earths landscape (地形) rapidly,causing panic worldwide.Experts say that the Arctic sea ice i

11、s melting (融化) quite faster than expected and it can affect not just the region, but Earth in general. A scientist even says that next year, or maybe the year after that, the Arctic will be free of ice. Peter Wadhams, a scientist, said that the melting trend led to his statement. “Most people expect

12、 this year will see a record low in the Arctics summer sea-ice cover. Next year or the year after that, I think it will be free of ice in summer and by that I mean the central Arctic will be ice-free,” Peter Wadhams, director of the Scott Polar Institute in Cambridge, said in an interview with the G

13、uardian. “You will be able to cross over the North Pole by ship,” Peter Wadhams added. He strongly believes that although some pieces of ice will remain, the Arctic basin may be free of sea ice in the next two years starting in the summer of 2017.Wadhams study says that melting sea ice will have a great influence on the planet since the sea ice is more capable of reflecting (反射) sunlight compared to water that can only reflect 10% of the sunlight. Once the sea ice melts, the water can only reflect a small amount of sunlight. This mea


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