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1、2023年云南省曲靖市沾益县炎方乡第二中学高二英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. What is _ at all is _ well.A. worth doing ; worthy to be doneB. worthy doing ; worth to be doneC. worth being done ; worth of being doneD. worthy of being done ; worthy doing参考答案:A考查固定句式结构。句式:sth be worth doing 值得做某事;sth be worthy to be done/of being done某事值得

2、被做。本句第一空是主语从句,句意:值得做的事情就值得被做得很好。根据句子结构很早A正确。2. Our government is _ a new policy to stop pollution despite a lot of difficulties. A. push ahead with B. pushing ahead C. push with D. pushing ahead with参考答案:D3. Not until the driver was stopped by the traffic police that he shouldnt have drunk so much w

3、ine. A. he realized B. did he realize C. realized himself D. he did realize 参考答案:B4. Had it not been for the fact that about 30 pupils _ in the state of Connecticut a fortnight ago, their parents _ in deep sorrow now.A. had been killed, wouldnt be B. were killed, couldnt beC. would have been killed,

4、 mightnt be D. should be killed, wouldnt be参考答案:B5. -Have you got any idea for the winter vacation? -Yes. Im going to a peaceful place, especially _ suitable for relaxation.A. one B. the one C. that D. this参考答案:A6. “How was _ they discovered the entrance to the palace?” “Totally by chance.”A. it tha

5、tB. he thatC. it whenD. he which参考答案:A7. Thats the third time hes won the award in this field. Yes. He _ his maximum potential in the past decade.A. explored B. is exploringC. has been exploring D. has explored参考答案:C略8. He didnt get a satisfactory result. _, he failed.A. To start with B. Frankly spe

6、aking C. In other words D. In a word 参考答案:C略9. By the time _, Jim _ three hundred Chinese characters. A. he was five; had learnt B. he was five; has learnt C. at the age of five; learnt D. when he was five; has 参考答案:A10. Fitness is important in sports, but of at least _ importance are skills. A. fai

7、r B. reasonable C. equal D. proper参考答案:C11. if it were not for the fact that you_ ill, i would ask you to do this right now.A. were B. had been C. are D. should be参考答案:C12. Yesterday my mothers sleeve caught _ fire while she was cooking us a delicious meal in _ kitchen. A. a ; the B. a ; / C. the ;

8、a D. / ; the 参考答案:D13. The hotel wasnt particularly good. But I _ in many worse hotels.A. was staying B. stayed C. would stay D. had stayed.参考答案:D14. Little _ that he was seriously ill himself.A. the old man know B. did the old man knowC. the old man knew D. did the old man knew参考答案:B考查倒装句,句意:那位老人几乎

9、不知道自己病的很严重。Little表示几乎没有,为否定词,放在句首应部分倒装,选项时态不对;故选B.【名师点睛】如果将谓语的全部或一部分放在主语之前,这种语序被称为“倒装”。谓语全部放在主语之前,为全部倒装;只把助动词,连系动词或情态动词放在主语之前,为部分倒装。此题中是否定词放在句首所以部分倒装,因为谓语动词是实义动词故在主语的前面加个助动词,实义动词还放在主语的后面,但是保持原型。15. After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, _our astronauts desire to do is walk in space.A. whe

10、re B. what C. that D. which参考答案:B16. Johnson _for 5 years for political reasons when he was young. A. was put in prison B. was in the prison C. got out of prison D. was in prison 参考答案:D17. Though it rained hard, a lot of fans were waiting at the exit of the airport, _ to see their famous pop stars.

11、A. eager B. greedy C. nervous D. curious参考答案:A 18. The advertisement is likely to be just the name of a company, part of _ may be a general location.A. it B. which C. what D. that参考答案:B二、 单词拼写76. We _ (suppose) to check out of the hotel by 11 oclock. Lets pack our belongings.77. The terms of the agr

12、eement are _ (favor) to both sides.78. When she first arrived in China, she wondered what the future might have _ store for her.79. There is nothing that will ruin your day faster than being _ (stick) in a traffic jam all morning.80. “You cant judge a book by its cover,” _ the old saying goes.81. It

13、 seems difficult to tell “hurt” _ “injure” in meaning.82. Where did you meet her? It was on the farm _ we worked.83. Eugenes never willing to change any of his opinions. It is no use _ (argue) with him.84. Do you want the soup before the salad or _ versa?85. _ (surprise), she didnt feel nervous or regretful about her actions.参考答案:76. are supposed 77. favorable 78. in 79. stuck 80. as 81. from 82. where 83. arguing 84. vice 85. Surprisingly【76题详解】句意:


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