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1、2022年江苏省连云港市华侨双语学校高二英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Im sure you will do better in the test because you_ so hard this year.A. studied B. had studiedC. will study D. have been studying参考答案:D2. Steve Jobs success in digital field proved _ it took to be a best CEO.A. what B. which C. that D. how 参考答案:A3. Happy birthd

2、ay!Thank you! Its the best present I for. A. should have wished B. must have wished C. may have wished . D. could have wished参考答案:D略24. I didnt think Id like the movie, but actually it _ pretty good. A. has been B. was C. had been D. would be 参考答案:B略5. To their great relief, the missing child return

3、ed home, _.A. felt tired and sound B. tiring and sound C. feeling tired but soundly D. tired but sound参考答案:D6. Applicants _ first language is not English are required to achieve a satisfactory standard in University-approved Test in English.A. whoB. in whichC. whoseD. that参考答案:C7. The newly-elected

4、president came into the hall, _ by a group of top officials. Afollowing Bto be followed Cfollowed Dhaving followed参考答案:C8. The bell _ the end of the class rang, _ the heated discussion.A. indicating; interrupting B. indicated; interruptedC. indicating; interrupted D. indicated; interrupting参考答案:A9.

5、Nobody knows for sure what effect the global warming have _ our environment in the long term. A. of B. with C. for D. on 参考答案:D略10. Your birthday is drawing near. What present _ for you? A. you expect your mother has gotB. you expect has your mother got C. do you expect your mother has gotD. do you

6、expect has your mother got参考答案:C11. Now that weve discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions ?Ataking Btake Ctaken Dto take参考答案:C12. -Are you familiar with Hong Kong?-Yes. I _ there for ten years and it has been half a year since I returned to the mainland.A. had worked B. was workin

7、g C. worked D. work参考答案:C13. All of us burst into laughter _ we saw Mr. Beans funny appearance.A. on the instant B. for an instant C. the instant D. in an instant参考答案:C14. The idea of floating around in space really _ me, so Id like to choose astronomy as my major.A. leads to B. refers to C. respond

8、 to D. appeals to 参考答案:D15. _ what you have mentioned, what else do you want?A. In addition to B. Except for C. Except D. Beside 参考答案:A【考点】考察介词辨析in addition to除之外,(包括所说的内容在内);except for除之外(表示整体和与局部的关系);except除之外,(不包括在内);beside在旁边;句义:除了你已经提到了这些,你还想要什么?根据句义说明你所提到的这些是已经被包括在内的内容。故A正确。【举一反三】Everything wa

9、s perfect for the picnic the weather.A.in place of B.as well as C.except for D.in case of答案C考点本题考查介词短语的辨析。解析C项except for为肯定整体、除去瘕疵, 后跟名词。句意为:除了天气之外, 一切都适合野餐。16. Why not buy him _MP4 as_ birthday present since he likes music?A. an; the B. the; the C. an;a D. a; a参考答案:C略17. He was the first on the moo

10、n. A. land B. to land C. landing D. landed参考答案:B18. In order to test how strong the tank was, the experts purposefully let the pressure inside continue to _until it bursts A. come up B. rise up C. build up D. raise 参考答案:C二、 单词拼写61. Unfortunately, she _ (bleed) to death.62. _ (poison) smoke had got i

11、nto the water supply.63. They had faced one difficulty after another with _(brave).64. My eyes were so _ (swell) that I could hardly see.65. The company needs _ (apply) who have work experience.66. They are _ (appeal) to local companies for money.67. Police say theyre treating it as a case of _ (att

12、empt) murder.68. The picture is _ (典型的;有代表性的) of its kind.69. You have to learn to take care of your _.(财产).70. He has served the farm _ (faith) for 20 years.参考答案:61. bled 62. Poisonous 63. bravery 64. swollen 65. applicants 66. appealing 67. attempted 68. typical 69. possessions. 70. faithfully本题考查



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