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1、2022年广东省茂名市高州第四高级中学高三英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. There is _ interesting _ todays newspaper.A anything in B nothing. .in C something. .on D nothing. on参考答案:B2. Nowadays food safety is a big problem and nobody can guarantee all foods are safe to us, but food produced in the normal companies is_ better. A. stric

2、tly B. ly C. ly D. exactly 参考答案:C3. What do you think of the performance today? Great! But a musical genius could perform so successfully. A. All B. None C. Anybody D. Everybody 参考答案:B解析:本题考查代词的用法。根据句意“只有音乐天才才能表演得如此成功”可知,应用none but只有。4. I really dont know _ I put my wallet after I paid the bill A. w

3、here was it B. it was where that C. where was it that D. where it was that参考答案:D5. So Jack failed to be admitted by his dream university and is feeling quite depressed these days.It serves him right. I _ him more than once to take his study seriously.A. remindedB. have remindedC. have been remindedD

4、. had reminded参考答案:C6. _ earlier online survey shows that _ quantity of Chinese believe Yuan Longping deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to fighting world hunger. A. The; theB. The; aC. An; /D. An; the参考答案:B7. Helen looked at finished report with satisfactionAa;/ Bthe;/ Ca; the Dthe;

5、an参考答案:B8. He _ football regularly for many years when he was young.A. was playing B. has played C. played D. had played参考答案:C9. Recently our government policymakers are very _about the rapidly rising food costs Aupset Bconfused Cconcerned Dconscious参考答案:C10. -Why was Mr. Li so happy this morning?-B

6、ecause he was with an award for excellence in teaching.A. given B. admired C. honoured D. rewarded 参考答案:C11. She was caught _ makeup from the supermarket and was handed over to the police()AliftingBpromotingCraisingDarranging参考答案:A她在超级市场偷窃化妆品时被捉住后被送交警方本题考查动词词义辨析A举起,偷窃; B晋升; 促进;促销;C提高;举起;D安排;整理;布置根据句

7、意,她偷化妆品时被抓住,所以答案选择A项,其它选项不符合逻辑12. Eco-travel is a form of travel _ combines normal tourism with learning, _ a way to find out what can be done to help animals, plants and people.A. what; as well as B. that, as well C. which; as well as D. which; as well参考答案:C13. Our government has taken some measure

8、s to overcome the lack of electricity, but it may take some time _ we have enough power AsinceBafter Cunless Dbefore参考答案:D14. With the word “PM2.5” _ appearing in media reports, people pay greater attention to it and seek health tips for smoggy days.A. constantly B. consequently C. permanently D. im

9、mediately参考答案:6、【答案】Aconstantly连续地;consequently因此;permanently已久地;immediately立即。句意:PM2.5这个词频繁地出现在媒体报道里,人们更多的关注它并寻求雾霾天的健康建议。【解析】15. I called the airline to _ my flight reservation a week before I left for Canada.A. obtain B. admit C. confirm D. appoint参考答案:C 16. The expert points out the phenomenon th

10、at cream goes bad faster than butter_ its structure rather than its chemical composition.A. lives up toB. gets down toC. comes down toD. stands up to参考答案:C【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:专家指出,奶油变质的速度快于黄油的这种现象,归根结底是因为它的结构,而不是它的化学成分。A. lives up to符合;B. gets down to着手;C. comes down to归根结底;D. stands up to反抗,根据题意,故选C。17

11、. It is believed that high achievers are ambitious, hard working, and work toward personal standards of excellence _ material rewardsAother than Bor rather Crather than Dor else参考答案:C18. We can hardly believe that an intelligent person like Daniel_ be asking such a silly questionA. shouldB. might C.

12、 mustD. could参考答案:A二、 单词拼写19. The happy (笑声) called up memories of his childhood参考答案:laughter三、 阅读理解20. Wanted, Someone for a Kiss Were looking for producers to join us in the second of London 100FM. Youll work on the stations music programmes. Music production experience in radio is necessary, alon

13、g with rich knowledge of modern dance music. Please apply in writing to Producer Vacancies, Kiss 100. Father Christmas Were looking for a very special person preferably over 40, to fill our Father Christmas suit. Working days:Every Saturday from November 24 to December 15 and every day from December 17 to December 24 except Sunday,10:3016:00. Excellent pay. Please contact the Enterprise Shopping Center,Station Parade, Eastbourne. Accountants Assistant When you join in our Reve



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