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1、广西贺州市平桂区2021-2022学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、听力匹配题1请根据所听到的5个句子,选出意思相符的图画选项。(每个句子读一遍) ABCDE. 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _二、听句子选答语2AIts black.BIts too old.CIts six dollars.3AScience.BElephants.CVegetables.4AYes, sure.BNo, you cant.CHere you are.5AAbout twice a week.BAbout two hours.CAbout two kilom

2、eters.6AI like it very much.BI will give it away.CThank you for your gift.三、听短对话选答案7How often should the woman take the medicine? AOnce a day.BTwice a day.CThree times a day.8What was Tom doing at 5: 00 p.m. yesterday? AHe was playing tennis.BHe was playing soccer.CHe was playing basketball.9Where a

3、re the two speakers? AIn a hotel.BIn a bank.COn the street.10What should the boy do? AForget about the matter.BHave a talk with his brother.CBuy a pair of new shoes.11Which story are Ben and Claudia talking about? AHansel and Gretel.BNu Wa Repairs the Sky.CJourney to the West.四、听长对话选答案听长对话,根据对话内容回答下

4、列小题。(对话读两遍)12What will Mary do on Volunteer Day?AHelp homeless people.BHand out food at a food bank.CCheer up sick kids in the hospital.13When will Mary have piano lessons?AIn the morning.BIn the afternoon.CIn the evening.听长对话,根据对话内容回答下列小题。(对话读两遍)14Where has Li Ming been?ADalian.BHainan.CQingdao.15W

5、hat did Li Ming do there?ALearned to swim.BEnjoyed the sunshine.CVisited the water park.16What does Li Ming advise Cindy to do?ATo take a map.BTo take an umbrella.CTo take sunglasses.五、听短文选答案听短文,根据短文内容,回答下列小题。(短文读两遍)17Why did Ted leave school when he was fourteen years old?ABecause his mother had an

6、 accident.BBecause his father was seriously ill.CBecause he didnt like the school life.18What did Ted do after he left school?AHe grew and sold pears.BHe grew and sold apples.CHe grew and sold strawberries.19How old was Ted when he became the richest farmer in his village?A24.B25.C26.20Who did Ted w

7、ant to help?AThe homeless people.BThe poor kids.CThe poor villagers.21How long did Teds friends spend visiting the farm on foot?AHalf a day.BOne day.CTwo days.六、听录音补全短文听短文,根据短文内容补全以下信息,每空填一词,请将单词写在相应的横线上。(短文读两遍)Amys family is going to have a yard sale this weekend. Her father is going to sell his T-

8、shirt. He has _22_ worn it! He also wants to sell his old _23_. He has had it for two years. Amys mother has taken out their bread maker. Her brother will sell his bike, although he doesnt want to sell it to _24_. The bike is too small for him, he will no longer _25_ it. Amy will give away her old c

9、rayons to our little cousin, because she thinks its _26_ to him. She wants to keep her toy bear because it brings back sweet memories.七、单项选择27Long long ago, there was _ emperor who loved clothes very much.AaBanCtheD28Have you finished reading the book, Peter?No. I still have a few _ to read.ApagesBc

10、opiesClettersDmarks29Li Lei, could you please take out the rubbish? Im making dinner. Sorry, mom. I _. Im busy doing my homework now.AcouldntBcantCshouldntDmustnt30Who came to your office today, Mrs. Li?A boy did. He hurt _ in P.E. class.AmyselfByourselfChimselfDherself31Did you know that China is o

11、ne of _ countries in the world?Yes, I did. Its much older than the U.S.AoldBolderColdestDthe oldest32Where were you at eight oclock last night?I _ a movie in Huaxia Cinema with my father.AwatchedBam watchingCwas watchingDhave watched33How long have you _ this toy bear?For about 10 years.AhaveBhadCbu

12、yDbought34Whats wrong with you, Li Lei?Something is wrong with my e-watch. Can you help me _?Afix it upBfix up itCput it upDput up it35_ is that mountain?Oh. Its about 2,800 meters.AHow farBHow oftenCHow muchDHow high36Ive never been to Huangyao Old Town. What about you?_ Lets go there after the exa

13、m, OK?AYes, I have.BNo, I havent.CMe, too.DMe neither.八、完形填空Here is a short story. Once upon a time, there was a deer. He has large _37_ antlers (鹿角). The antlers helped _38_ the deer from being hurt by other animals, so he was always safe.One day, the deer went to a _39_ to drink. The water was lik

14、e a mirror. When the deer looked _40_ his big antlers in the water, he smiled and said, “I look like a king, and the forest is my country.” Then he noticed _41_ else. “My legs are thin and my feet are small,” he said, “They look so weak, I hate them.” _42_ the deer was complaining (抱怨), a tiger was hiding near the river. When the deer saw the tiger, he ran to the trees. The tiger _43_ ran after him. The deer was a fast _


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