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1、最新资料推荐摘 要隨著科技的持續創新及市場國際化,企業的經營環境競爭日愈激烈,企業為達其永續經營的目的,必須運用有形之資本進行產品、製程、設備、技術、流程之創新、改造及更新,凡此皆需透過資本支出計計劃來完成。知識是21世紀企業最重要之資源,但亦需透過資本之投入,以轉化、應用、落實至企業之各項運作及流程,使知識透過行動,創造價值,以掌握競爭優勢,實現企業願景。中鋼公司屬重工業,其投資具金額龐大、投資期間長及技術要求高等特性,故如何應用知識管理,使投資計畫之進行與知識管理活動結合,讓知識資產幫助企業對有限資源作最適當的配置與運用,避免投資錯誤,發揮最高效益,已為企業刻不容緩之課題。本研究針對企業資


3、有助益的二個要素:仲介者、市場報酬。8.知識管理將成為企業投資之核心工作。關鍵字:知識管理、資本支出AbstractsAs the constant innovation of science and technology, and the continual internationalization of market, the environment of business operation has become increasingly competitive. An enterprise must make use of its own tangible capitals to co

4、nduct the innovation, revamping and renewal of products, processes, equipments, techniques and procedures. All of these activities should be achieved by means of capital expenditure project.Knowledge is the most important resource of business in 21th century. However, it must be conducted through ca

5、pital input to convert, utilize and implement the knowledge in the whole operation and process of a business. Through transforming knowledge to action, a business can create its core value and enable itself to grasp competitive edge, and realize corporate vision. China Steel Corporation is the subje

6、ct of this research. CSC is attributed to heavy industry with the characteristics of capital and technology intensive, and long-term investment. Its investment project is indeed a highly knowledge intensive process. Hence, it is an emergent issue for a business to integrate the practice of knowledge

7、 management and investment projects so that knowledge asset can assist a business to allocate and utilize its own limited resource adequately, avoid wrong investment, and develop its best performance. The goal of this research is to examine the theoretical application on practice focusing on the int

8、egration of capital expenditure and knowledge management, of a business, to pursue its optimal investment performance. We try to find out the nature and characteristics, activities of knowledge management, and the factors that enable knowledge management and their current status. Then investigate th

9、e practical status of a business utilizing knowledge to solve its problems in the process of capital expenditure planning and decision-making. Finally, we set the results of our interviews and investigations as the basis of our empirical analysis, and our conclusions as listed below:1. the core aspe

10、cts of investing in knowledge nature are the innovation of equipments, technology and materials, as well as the high platform assessment decision-making capability.2. knowledge creation capability is the competitive edge for CSCs investment projects.3. knowledge integration is the key mechanism for

11、a business to form its decision-making of investment.4. the emphasis on environmental discipline and security of IT system will constrain the activities of knowledge management.5. the accumulative structure differs in different divisions6. the efficiency of knowledge management will be reduced if th

12、e guiding integration mechanism is insignificant.7. the most helpful factors to knowledge market: mediator and market reward.8. knowledge management will be the core task of business investment.Key Word:Knowledge Management, Capital Expenditure目 錄 頁次摘 要1Abstracts2誌謝詞3目 錄4圖、表目錄5第一章 緒論6第一節 研究背景與動機6第二節

13、 研究目的8第三節 研究方法9第四節 研究架構14第二章 文獻探討17第一節 資本支出17第二節 知識的意義與內涵20第三節 知識的分類22第四節 知識管理的意義與架構24第五節 知識管理活動29第六節 知識管理促動因素41第三章 個案公司簡介47第一節 公司成立及沿革47第二節 建廠歷程與知識管理萌芽51第四章 資料分析54第一節 中鋼資本支出概況54第二節 資本支出之知識管理分析61第五章 結論與建議77第一節 研究結論77第二節 研究建議79參考文獻82附錄 訪談問卷85圖、表目錄 頁次表1-1 訪談問卷綱要11圖1-1 研究架構14圖2-1 知識的層次關係21表2-1 內隱知識與外顯知

14、識之比較22圖2-2 Knapp知識管理架構25圖2-3 IBM知識管理架構26圖2-4 勤業管理顧問公司的知識管理架構27圖2-5 微軟的知識管理架構28圖2-6 Earl的知識管理模式28圖2-7 技術取得來源/機制30圖2-8 知識創造的活動32圖2-9 知識的螺旋33圖2-10組織知識創造螺旋34圖2-11 知識建構及維持模式37表2-2 知識管理策略的分類及方向40圖2-12 知識策略與組織策略關係圖41圖2-13 組織之知識管理策略分類42圖3-1 中鋼組織圖49圖3-2 中鋼鋼品生產流程圖50表4-1 計劃型與非計劃型資本支出之比較60圖5-1 知識建構及維持模式78第一章 緒論

15、第一節 研究背景與動機彼得、杜拉克認為企業經營的二大目標乃在於追求生存及追求成長,企業經營者為追求目標的實現,必須作一系列的決策,並採取對應的行動,這些決策行為主要可分二大類:一為對現有營運活動有關的例常營運決策(decisions for regular operations),另一為與新產品產銷有關的投資決策(decisions for new investments)。企業經營者所作之例常營運決策雖佔其所有決策的百分之八十以上,但其所作的投資決策卻居於最重要的地位,因為:1.一件投資計劃所牽涉的金額通常十分龐大,使得企業可能必須向外界籌措資金;因此一項投資決策將改變企業的財務流動能力及資本結構,從而影響企業在金融市場的評等及其籌措資金的能力。2.一項投資決策本質上是一項資源分配決策,且涉及對企業所擁有的經濟資源所作之長期承諾,故一項決策常能決定



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