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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑at,the,zoo教学设计(共11篇) Unit 3 At the zoo Part B lets learn, lets do 教学设计 教学内容 Unit 3 At the zoo Part B Lets learn , Lets do . 教学目标: 知识目标:能听、说、认读big, small, long, short, 四个形容词,并能在适当的情景中运用。 能力目标:能听清形容词,听懂Make your eyes big.的指令,并能依照指令做出相应的动作。 情感目标:通过语言的交际活动,学生对英语学习充满兴趣,学生形成对英语学习的积极态度,为终

2、生学习打下基础。 教学重难点: 本课的教学重点是让学生能够把握big, small, long, short, 四个形容词。教学难点是学生能灵活运用 big / small / long/ short 将这几个形容词运用到简单的英语句子中表达。让学生在听、说、做、动的过程中,把握知识,并灵活地运用。 教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up / revision 1.Greetings.(问候) T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Mr li. 设计意图:练习日常口语,提高对知识的再现率,并且为接下来学习形容词作铺垫,让学生的注意力

3、迅速集中到课堂中来。 2.Play a game.(Gue the animals.) Touch your nose. Touch your eye. Touch your ear. Touch your mouth. Touch your tail. T: Oh, sorry.We have no tails. But the animals have tails 引出动物的话题,并学习单词tail.T : Listen to me, children .Gue what it is . It has a long nose .It has big ears and a short tai

4、l .( Do the actions to translate these sentences .) P : Its an elephant . T : Yes , it is .Step 2: Presentation 1.Show them a picture.Let them look it carefully.learn word big ,small T : Look at elephants ears . Is it big or small? ( Write “big on the blackboard .) P : look at the elephant,it has bi

5、g ears. T : look at the mouse .It has small ears .( Write “small on the blackboard .) Then teach them “big ,small.Lead in the word “big,small from “a big ears and a small ears. 2.Show them a piece of picture of “big pig .And write “pig on the blackboard . T : The pig is big .( Write “big on the blac

6、kboard .) Then teach them “big .Lead in the word “big from “a big pig . pare the tails of monkey with rabbits .Teach students “long, short.( Write “long, short on the blackboard .) Teach the words in sentences .For example , “Monkey has a long tail . “Rabbit has a short tail . . Practise the pronoun

7、ce of “long , short .Pay attention to the pronounce of “o 【】and “or 【:】 . 4.Students point to the words in “ Lets learn and read follow the tape-recorder . 设计意图: Ball 与small ,big 与pig, 在读音上有相像之处,可以让学生更简单把握。通过以旧带新的方法学习生词,可以使学生尽快把握拼读规矩,从而把握正确的学习和记忆单词的方法,同时也提高了他们的学习兴趣。 Step 3 practice 1.Game . T : Now

8、, Lets play a game .How to play ? Listen to me , please . I say long, you say short.I say tall, you say short .Understand? P : Yes . Pay attention to the pronounce of these words .设计意图:游戏的参与,使课堂充满趣味性,且集体游戏可以提高学生的积极参与性。 2.Lets do .Students do actions follow teacher and read the sentences after the ta

9、pe .Practise for two times . 3.T :Please do actions furrow my orders . Big , big , big ! Make your eyes big ! ( Student do action .) Small , small , small ! Make your eyes small !(Student do action .) Tall , tall , tall ! Make yourself tall ! ( Student do action .) 4.Consolidation(稳定) . T : Can you

10、draw ? Now Lets play a game .I say , you draw .Please take out a piece of paper .Draw follow my orders . 设计意图:通过趣味练习来稳定和运用所学的四个形容词。把所学的形容词运用到实践中去。 5T : Can you describe your favourite animals? Please introduce it to us .Students practice for some minutes .T : Who want introduce your favourite animal

11、s to us ? 设计意图:让学生观测身边的事物来谈谈。既提高了学生的学习兴趣,也稳定了单词的应用。 Step 4 Homework Describe your favourite animals to your parents using the words we learned today . Unit 6 At the zoo Part A Lets learn 教学设计 一、教学目标 1、能够听、说、认读表示长短大小的单词:long ,short ,big, small。 2、能够听懂、会说句型:it has. 3、能结合单词和句型简单的描述动物的外貌特征,增加对动物的爱好之情。 4

12、、能进一步感受学习英语的乐趣,把所学的语言与生活紧凑结合起来,积极参与交际活动。 二、教学内容 1、单词:small,big,long,short。 2、句型:It has a long 三、教学材料 1、导入材料:兔子玩偶 2、透露材料:电子课件以及其中的动物图片 3、检测材料:电子课件中的选择填空题和课后口语练习作业 四、课时安排: 1课时 五、教学过程 Step 1 Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls! S: Good morning! 导入: Step2: Preview T:“小朋友们,我们先来个热身活动吧! T:Touch your

13、nose(mouth,eye,ear) S: (Act) T: Touch your tail S: . 探究: Step3: Presentation (1) T:(拿出兔子道具进入本课的正题)Well,we have no tails,but animals have the tail, there is a lovely rabbit , can you describe it in English?你能用英语描述它长什么样吗? Ss: .T: OK, lets learn something new.Today we will learn Unit 6 At the zoo。 (2)

14、用一张有兔子和猴子的图片引出short和long,通过课件里直观的形象,带领学生大声读单词。以同样的方式引出big和small。 (3) 为进一步熟悉单词后,指导学生边做动作边读歌谣: big big eyes.Small, small, small, a small small nose.Long, long, long, a long long ear.Short, short, short, a short short tail. 稳定: Step4: Practice (1)竞猜游戏:待学生学完所有的单词后,教师出示不完整的动物图片,图片上有描述性的句型it has.让学生推测动物。

15、(2)用课件展示选择填空的练习题,练习有关大小长短的单词,且练习题中包含it has.的句型。 (3)展示动物图片,让学生在小组探讨后运用新单词和新句型来描述动物特征。 运用: Step5:Homework (1)将所学的歌谣唱给家长或好朋友 (2)挑拣一个小动物来描述它的特征 关于表彰2022年度关爱留守儿童工作先进单位和先进个人的决定 教育202219号 各工程学校: 2022年,全区教体系统认真贯彻落实中央和省、市、区关于加强留守儿童关爱工作的指示精神,广泛深入开展各种关爱留守儿童活动,建成58个校内留守儿童之家,关爱留守儿童工作取得了明显成效,涌现出一批关爱留守儿童工作先进集体、先进个人和优秀留守儿童。 为进一步推进关爱留守儿童工作,



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