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1、【小升初专题】小升初英语复习题(含详细解析)(二十一)单项选择1. The news _ be true. I know everything about it.A.CantB.mustntC. needntD. may not2. You dont know how to do it, you may come and ask me _.A.help B.to helpC.for helpD. for helping3. Mary is _ to answer the question correctly.A. too cleverB. so cleverC.clever enoughD.

2、enough clever4. _ the boy is to learn to talk!A. How slowB.How slowly C.What a slowD.What slowly5. Is the museum _ they visited last month?A. that B. where C.which D.the one6. For the sake of her daughts health, she decided to move to a warm _-A. weather B.temperature C. season D.climate7. Why dont

3、we take a little break?-Didnt we just have _?A. it B. that C.oneD.this二、阅读理解 Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful (有害的). Fire can make water hot and house warm, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things, too. It can make trees, houses, animals and other things

4、catch fire (起火). If some people cant run away from fire, it can kill them. This happens in every country. Sometimes big fire can burn forests and destroy many tall buildings. Nobody knows clearly when people began to make fire, but there are many interesting stories about the first time a man or a w

5、oman started a fire. One story from Australia tells about a man starting a fire a long time ago. He went up to the sun and brought fire down. Today people know how to make a fire with matches (火柴). Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. The match can burn a pie

6、ce of paper and then it can burn a house. A small fire can become a big fire. Fire kills many people every year. So you must be careful with fire. 1. The text tellls us_ . A. how to find fireB. where people make fire C. how to make a fireD. why fire is dangerous 2. The word “destroy ” in the text me

7、ans_ in Chinese . A. 破灭 B. 炸毁 C. 毁坏 D. 粉碎3. Matches can be dangerous because _ . A. they always burn a house B. they can make things catch fire C. they can burn a piece of paper D. they kill many animals every year 4. Now people know fire can be _ . A. harmfulB. usefulC. brightD. both A and B 5. Whi

8、ch of the following is NOT right? A. Fire can make house warm and cook food. B. People should use fire carefully. C. Fire can burn a house and kill pepole. D. We know when man began to make a fire.答案及详细解析一、单项选择1. A 解析:在表推测的情态动词中can常用于否定句中,cant表示不可能。Mustnt表禁止,neednt表不必,may not表可能性很低的不可能。2. C 解析:ask s

9、b for help表示向某人求助。3. C 解析:enough与形容词连用时,形容词应该至置于enough前,表示足够-,但如果是名词,那名词就应该置于enough后。4. A 解析:本题考查感叹句。解题技巧,把主谓去掉后,剩名词用what,剩形容词或副词用how。本题该用how.本题的slow应该是在be动词后的所以用形容词,不用副词。可以这么理解,把本句还原后是The boy is slow to learn to talk.所以不能用B。5. D 解析:本题中宾语,还原成陈述句应该是the museum is the one they visited last month. they

10、visit是省略关系词的定从修饰the one.6. D 解析:weather天气,temperature温度,season季节,climate气候。7. C 解析:本题考查代词用法,本题中的one是泛指的break.二、阅读理解1. D 解析:从第一行就可以看出,文章主要讲火可能是有害的。2. C3. B 解析:本题从倒数第三行可得到答案4D 解析:从第一句即可得到答案。5.D 解析:从第六行可以得到答案。良好的学习态度能够更好的提高学习能力。良好的学习态度应该包括:1、 主动维持学习的兴趣,不断提升学习能力。2、合理安排学习的时间。3、诚挚尊重学习的对象,整合知识点。4、信任自己的学习能力,制定学习复习计划。5、做题的时候要学会反思、归类、整理出对应的解题思路。因此,良好的学习态度的养成,应该从养成良好的学习习惯开始。无论是初学者,还是学有所成者,都应该有一个良好的学习态度,都应该有一个良好的学习习惯。


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