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1、招聘类作文讲评招聘类作文讲评TitleTelphoneTitleTitleBasic requirements假如你使李华,是校英语报学生负责人。你报计划假如你使李华,是校英语报学生负责人。你报计划开辟新栏目开辟新栏目Healty Eating,现需招聘两名编辑。请现需招聘两名编辑。请写一份英文招聘广告。写一份英文招聘广告。内容包含:内容包含:1.栏目介绍栏目介绍 2.主要任务主要任务 3.应聘条件应聘条件 全面审题全面审题 应用文是人们在生活、学应用文是人们在生活、学习、工作中为处理实际事物习、工作中为处理实际事物而写作,有着而写作,有着实用性实用性特点,特点,并形成惯用格式的文章并形成惯用

2、格式的文章 应用文包括个人简历、应用文包括个人简历、调查报告、实习报告、思调查报告、实习报告、思想汇报、工作总结、求职想汇报、工作总结、求职演讲、合同样本、申请书演讲、合同样本、申请书、招聘等、招聘等开头(开头(beginning):展开(展开(elaborate details):结尾(结尾(ending):1.写作时往往使用被动语态和第三人称使文章显写作时往往使用被动语态和第三人称使文章显得客观、公平。得客观、公平。2.招聘类文章语言要简洁明了,过渡语不可过多招聘类文章语言要简洁明了,过渡语不可过多过滥,一般不用称呼。过滥,一般不用称呼。3.无论招聘广告还是应聘信无论招聘广告还是应聘信,都

3、涉及到对应聘者的都涉及到对应聘者的要求要求,因此考生要多因此考生要多掌握表示技能技巧的短语句子掌握表示技能技巧的短语句子,写作过程中才能显示出语言的多样性写作过程中才能显示出语言的多样性,避免过分单避免过分单调。调。招聘条招聘条件要求件要求标题标题An English Editor Wanted招聘英语编辑招聘英语编辑An English advisor Wanted招聘英语学习顾问招聘英语学习顾问Drama Lovers Wanted戏剧社纳新戏剧社纳新简洁简洁针对性针对性 目的性目的性The Column on Healthy Eating is _two editors.in need

4、of 由于校英语报开辟新栏目由于校英语报开辟新栏目Healthy Eating,现需现需招聘两名编辑。招聘两名编辑。开头开头谁招聘谁招聘招聘什么岗位招聘什么岗位This column aims to raise awareness on the importance of healthy eating and offer some advice on this theme.招聘的原因招聘的原因展开:招聘编辑条件包括Basic requirements are as follows.过渡句:are supposed toAdditionally,it is important to organi

5、ze some regular activities,such as preparing interviews and knowledge competition.1.所有合适的和感兴趣的同学都欢迎参与。所有合适的和感兴趣的同学都欢迎参与。All the students _ and _ arewelcome to _.2.希望大家能抓住这个机会加入我们。希望大家能抓住这个机会加入我们。It is hoped that everyone can seize the chance tojoin us.qualified for the job interested participate/tak

6、e part3.If you have a strong desire for keeping healthy and willing to improve yourselves,please dont hesitate to _.4.Those who meet with our approval please get in touch结尾:呼吁大家参加结尾:呼吁大家参加apply for themcontact us and sign up for the activityappeal to sb.to do结尾:写明招聘的联系方式We are looking forward to you

7、r joining.You can email us at 范文赏析 An English Editors wantedThe Column on Healthy Eating is in the end of two editors.This column aims to raise awareness on the importance of healthy eating and offer some advice on this theme.Basic requirements are as follows.The applicants are supposed to not only

8、find and collect related materials,but also to write short articles for the column.Additionally,it is important to organize some regular activities,such as preparing interviews and knowledge competition.范文赏析 If you are interested and have some good ideas on keeping healthy,please join us.Those who have editing experiences are preferred.Were looking forward to your joining.You can email us at .School English Newspaper



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